Text Appearing Before Image: the Chelsea Road leadsinto the heart of a country which is rightly known as theCanadian Adirondacks. Leaving the neighbouring cityof Hull behind, the road rises gradually in a series of splendidsweeps, until the foot of the Chelsea Hills is reached, where asplendid view is obtained of the surrounding mountains andof Ottawa in the distance, with its spires, and the gracefulmasses of its Parliament Buildings, standing out boldlyagainst the southern sky. A drive as far as Chelsea willprobably be found as much as the average person cares forsome ten miles out, and as many back again; but by takingthe morning train, one may run up through the delight-fully varied scenery of the Gatineau Valley, through the well-named County of Ten Thousand Lakes, through the heartof the mysterious Laurentians, past rapids and waterfalls inbewildering succession, (for the railway clings closely to thebanks of the Gatineau), and so on, up as far as Maniwaki.skirting the shores of the beautiful Blue Sea Lake. Text Appearing After Image: OTTAWA, CANADA.—A Section of Driveway and Britannia Park These Figures are up-to-date. Most visitors who have only a short time to sojourn withus like to have A few facts and figures to use when tellingthe folks about the trip. Thats the only excuse for in-cluding the following, which we trust will prove enlightening. They were revised to late in 1911 hut Ottawa to-day issuch a rapidly growing city that it would be necessary toadd materially to most of these if you wish to be absolutelycorrect. Two hundred and thirty seven acres of Playground andPark lands within the city limits and about 2,000 acres ofnatural parks lands immediately adjacent to the city. Ottawa is the largest individual manufacture of Lumberin the world—the district output of 1911 aggregating 359,-000,000 feet, board measure, with a monetary value ap-proximately of S10,052,000.00. Ottawa has a daily school attendance of 26,700 pupils. Ottawa has the largest individual factories in the worldproducing Paper, Cardbo
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