Text Appearing Before Image: ed, and having taken concerted actionto check any move which might unwit-tingly be made by the Food Administra-tor toward further jeopardizing the wildgame, it is reasonable to assume thatnothing further will come of the matter. NEW^ YORK CONSERVATION COMMISSION The New York State Conservation Com-mission, now so successfully presided overby one of the Life Members of this Asso-ciation, Mr. George D. Pratt, has inaugu-rated during the present administrationmany helpful movements that have hadmuch to do with keeping New York in thevery forefront of the various state game-warden systems. Last January the Commission began the publication of a monthly magazine calledThe Conservationist. It is carefully edited,beautifully illustrated, and is, perhaps,the most attractive publication issued byany State Game Department in the Union.The subscription price is 50 cents peryear, and it is issued from Albany. It isworthy of a place on the library-table ofevery bird-lover and sportsman in thestate. Text Appearing After Image: t/:>5;j/- i^-ier/. <^- ■*s^. 1. CLIFF SWALLOW, Adult2 CLIFF SWALLOW, Young 3. VIOLET-GREEN SWALLOW, Adult 4. TREE SWALLOW, Adult (About one-half natural size) 5. TREE SWALLOW, Young 6. ROUGH-WINGED SWALLOW 7. BANK SWALLOW 2^irb=1Lore A BI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE STUDY AND PROTECTION OF BIRDS Official Organ op The Audubon Societies Vol. XIX November—December, 1917 No. 6 Winter Visitors to City Park, Denver, Col5 By J. D. FIGGINS With photographs by the Author PRIOR to the completion of improvements at the eastern end of CityPark, Denver, that area was locally famous for the variety and numberof birds that wintered there. With the gradual extension of lawns andthe consequent elimination of all seed-bearing weeds, birds were greatly reducedin numbers until many species are now rare, or have ceased visiting the parkaltogether, except for short periods. During the fall of 1916, efforts were made to attract birds by feeding, butwith indifferent success, owing to the abunda
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