English: Text with image: "Fully 20 years ago, residents of Middletown and Portland were dreaming of the day when the two towns would be connected by a bridge without a draw span, and were conjecturing how long the old bridge could carry the rapidly increasing burden of motor cars, motor trucks, and motor buses. Drivers from all over the state and from other states were grumbling at the traffic delays in crossing the bridge on Sundays and holidays."
circa 1938
date QS:P,+1938-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1480,Q5727902
Commemorative booklet entitled The Middletown-Portland Bridge, dated August 6, 1938, which honored the completion of the Arrigoni Bridge
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Text with image: "Fully 20 years ago, residents of Middletown and Portland were dreaming of the day when the two towns would be connected by a bridge without a draw span, and were conjecturing how long the old bridge could carry the rapidly increasing bur
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