I, the copyright holder of this work, release this work into the public domain. This applies worldwide. In some countries this may not be legally possible; if so: I grant anyone the right to use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.
Other versions
new enhanced png Version
1 Rentenpfennig 1923
2 Reichspfennig 1924
5 Reichspfennig 1938
10 Pfennig 1900
10 Pfennig 191x with zinkpest / zinc pest
10 Pfennig 1921
50 Pfennig 1920
50 Reichspfennig 1942
Legal disclaimer This image shows (or resembles) a symbol that was used by the National Socialist (NSDAP/Nazi) government of Germany or an organization closely associated to it, or another party which has been banned by the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany.
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