Alan Moore
Watchmen (DC)
Mike Baron
Nexus (First Comics)
Paul Chadwick
Concrete (Dark Horse)
Matt Wagner
Grendel (Comico)
Alan Moore
Batman: The Killing Joke (DC)
Mike Baron
Nexus (First Comics)
William Messner-Loebs
Jonny Quest (Comico)
Grant Morrison
Animal Man (DC)
Ann Nocenti
Daredevil (Marvel)
There was no Eisner Award ceremony, or awards distributed, in 1990, due to widespread balloting mix-ups.[3]
Neil Gaiman
The Sandman (DC)
Steve Gerber
Gilbert Hernandez
Love and Rockets (Fantagraphics)
Scott McCloud
Zot! (Kitchen Sink)
Frank Miller
Alan Moore
Miracleman (Eclipse)
Grant Morrison
Dave Sim
Cerebus (Aardvark-Vanaheim)
James Vance
Kate Worley
Omaha the Cat Dancer (Kitchen Sink)
Neil Gaiman
The Sandman (DC), Books of Magic (DC), Miracleman (Eclipse)
Peter Bagge
Hate (Fantagraphics)
Sarah Byam
Billi 99 (Dark Horse)
Alan Moore
From Hell (Spiderbaby Grafix/Tundra), Lost Girls (Spiderbaby Grafix/Tundra)
Grant Morrison
Doom Patrol (DC)
Harvey Pekar
American Splendor (Tundra)
Dave Sim
Cerebus (Aardvark-Vanaheim)
Neil Gaiman
Miracleman (Eclipse), The Sandman (DC)
Peter Bagge
Hate (Fantagraphics)
Dennis Eichhorn
Real Stuff (Fantagraphics)
Garth Ennis
Hellblazer (DC)
Roberta Gregory
Naughty Bits (Fantagraphics)
Frank Miller
"Sin City," Dark Horse Presents (Dark Horse)
Alan Moore
"From Hell" and "Lost Girls," Taboo (Spiderbaby Grafix/Tundra)
Dave Sim
Cerebus (Aardvark-Vanaheim)
Neil Gaiman
The Sandman (DC/Vertigo), Death: The High Cost of Living (DC/Vertigo)
Peter David
The Incredible Hulk (Marvel), The Incredible Hulk: Future Imperfect (Marvel)
Garth Ennis
Hellblazer (DC/Vertigo)
Alan Moore
1963 (Image), Spawn #8 (Image), A Small Killing (VG Graphics/Dark Horse)
Dave Sim
Cerebus (Aardvark-Vanaheim), Spawn #10 (Image)
Alan Moore
From Hell (Kitchen Sink)
Dwayne McDuffie
Icon (Milestone)
Harvey Pekar
American Splendor: A Step Out of the Nest (Dark Horse), Our Cancer Year (with Joyce Brabner) (Four Walls Eight Windows)
James Robinson
Starman (DC)
Matt Wagner/Steven Seagle
Sandman Mystery Theatre (DC/Vertigo)
Alan Moore
From Hell (Kitchen Sink)
Kurt Busiek
Kurt Busiek's Astro City (Jukebox Productions/Image)
Garth Ennis
Preacher (DC/Vertigo), Goddess (DC/Vertigo)
Neil Gaiman
The Sandman (DC/Vertigo)
Grant Morrison
The Invisibles (DC/Vertigo)
Alan Moore
From Hell (Kitchen Sink), Supreme (Maximum Press)
Kurt Busiek
Kurt Busiek's Astro City (Jukebox Productions/Homage), Untold Tales of Spider-Man (Marvel)
Neil Gaiman
The Sandman (DC/Vertigo), Death: The Time of Your Life (DC/Vertigo)
John Ostrander
The Spectre (DC)
James Robinson
Starman (DC), Leave It to Chance (Homage)
Mark Waid
The Flash (DC), Impulse (DC), Kingdom Come (DC), Captain America (Marvel)
Garth Ennis
Hitman (DC), Preacher (DC/Vertigo), Unknown Soldier (DC/Vertigo), Bloody Mary: Lady Liberty (DC/Helix)
Kurt Busiek
Kurt Busiek's Astro City (Jukebox Productions/Homage), The Wizard's Tale (Jukebox Productions/Homage)
Scott McCloud
Superman Adventures (DC)
John Ostrander
The Spectre (DC), The Kents (DC), Tangent Comics: Nightwing (DC)
James Robinson
Starman (DC), The Shade (DC), Tangent Comics: Green Lantern (DC), Leave It to Chance (Homage)
Kurt Busiek
Kurt Busiek's Astro City (Homage/WildStorm/Image), The Avengers (Marvel)
Jeph Loeb
Superman for All Seasons (DC)
Greg Rucka
Whiteout (Oni Press)
Steven Seagle
"Drive By," Oni Double Feature (Oni Press), Sandman Mystery Theatre (DC/Vertigo)
Matt Wagner
Grendel: Black, White, and Red (Dark Horse)
Alan Moore
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (ABC), Promethea (ABC), Tom Strong (ABC), Tomorrow Stories (ABC), Top Ten (ABC)
Ed Brubaker
Scene of the Crime (DC/Vertigo)
Warren Ellis
The Authority (DC/WildStorm), Planetary, (DC/WildStorm), Transmetropolitan (DC/Vertigo)
Mark Millar
Superman Adventures (DC)
Greg Rucka
Whiteout: Melt (Oni Press)
Alan Moore
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (ABC), Promethea (ABC), Tom Strong (ABC), Tomorrow Stories (ABC), Top Ten (ABC)
Brian Michael Bendis
Powers (Image), Fortune and Glory (Oni Press), Ultimate Spider-Man (Marvel)
Mike Carey
Lucifer (DC/Vertigo)
Garth Ennis
Preacher (DC/Vertigo)
Mark Millar
The Authority (WildStorm), Ultimate X-Men (Marvel)
Brian Michael Bendis
Powers (Image), Alias (Marvel), Daredevil (Marvel), Ultimate Spider-Man (Marvel)
Brian Azzarello
100 Bullets (DC/Vertigo), Hellblazer (DC/Vertigo)
Grant Morrison
Fantastic Four: 1234 (Marvel), New X-Men (Marvel)
Greg Rucka
Queen & Country (Oni Press), Detective Comics (DC)
Mark Waid
Ruse (CrossGen)
Brian Michael Bendis
Powers (Image), Alias (Marvel), Daredevil (Marvel), Ultimate Spider-Man (Marvel)
Ed Brubaker
Catwoman (DC), Detective Comics (DC), Gotham Central (DC)
Bruce Jones
Incredible Hulk (Marvel)
Greg Rucka
Queen & Country (Oni Press), Gotham Central (DC), Wonder Woman: The Hiketeia (DC)
Bill Willingham
Fables (DC/Vertigo)
Alan Moore
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (ABC), Promethea (ABC), Smax (ABC), Tom Strong (ABC), Tom Strong's Terrific Tales (ABC)
Brian Azzarello
100 Bullets (DC/Vertigo), Sgt. Rock: Between Hell and Hard Place (DC/Vertigo), Batman (DC)
Brian Michael Bendis
Alias (Marvel), Daredevil (Marvel), Ultimate Spider-Man (Marvel), Ultimate X-Men (Marvel), Powers (Image)
Ed Brubaker
Catwoman (DC), Detective Comics (DC), Gotham Central (DC), Sleeper (DC/WildStorm)
Warren Ellis
Orbiter (DC/Vertigo), Global Frequency, (DC/WildStorm), Red, (DC/WildStorm), Planetary, (DC/WildStorm), Planetary/Batman: Night on Earth, (DC/WildStorm)
Greg Rucka
Queen & Country (Oni Press), Gotham Central (DC), Wonder Woman (DC), Wolverine (Marvel)
Brian K. Vaughan
Y: The Last Man (DC/Vertigo), Ex Machina (DC/WildStorm), Runaways (Marvel)
Steve Niles
30 Days of Night: Return to Barrow (IDW), 30 Days of Night: Bloodsucker Tales (IDW), Aleister Arcane (IDW), Freaks of the Heartland (Dark Horse), Last Train to Deadsville (Dark Horse)
Greg Rucka
Queen & Country (Oni Press), Gotham Central (DC)
Joss Whedon
Astonishing X-Men (Marvel)
Bill Willingham
Fables (DC/Vertigo)
Alan Moore
Promethea (ABC), Top 10: The Forty-Niners (ABC)
Warren Ellis
Fell (Image), Down (Top Cow/Image), Desolation Jones (DC/WildStorm), Ocean (DC/WildStorm), Planetary, (DC/WildStorm)
Allan Heinberg
Young Avengers (Marvel)
Grant Morrison
Seven Soldiers (DC), All Star Superman (DC)
Brian K. Vaughan
Ex Machina (DC/WildStorm), Y: The Last Man (DC/Vertigo), Runaways (Marvel)
Ed Brubaker
Captain America (Marvel), Daredevil (Marvel), Criminal (Marvel/Icon)
Bob Burden
Gumby (Wildcard Ink)
Ian Edginton
Scarlet Traces: The Great Game (Dark Horse)
Grant Morrison
All Star Superman (DC), Batman (DC), 52 (DC), Seven Soldiers (DC)
Bill Willingham
Fables (DC/Vertigo), Jack of Fables (DC/Vertigo), Fables: 1001 Nights of Snowfall (DC/Vertigo)
Ed Brubaker
Captain America (Marvel), Criminal (Marvel/Icon), Daredevil (Marvel), The Immortal Iron Fist (Marvel)
James Sturm
Satchel Paige: Striking Out Jim Crow (Center for Cartoon Studies/Hyperion Books)
Brian K. Vaughan
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Dark Horse), Ex Machina (DC/WildStorm), Y: The Last Man (DC/Vertigo)
Joss Whedon
Astonishing X-Men (Marvel), Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Dark Horse)
Brian Wood
DMZ (DC/Vertigo), Northlanders (DC/Vertigo), Local (Oni Press)
Bill Willingham
Fables (DC/Vertigo), House of Mystery (DC/Vertigo)
Joe Hill
Locke & Key (IDW)
J. Michael Straczynski
Thor (Marvel), The Twelve (Marvel)
Mariko Tamaki
Skim (Groundwood Books)
Matt Wagner
Zorro (Dynamite), Madame Xanadu (DC/Vertigo)
Ed Brubaker
Captain America (Marvel), Daredevil (Marvel), The Marvels Project (Marvel), Criminal (Marvel/Icon), Incognito (Marvel/Icon)
Geoff Johns
Adventure Comics (DC), Blackest Night (DC), The Flash: Rebirth (DC), Superman: Secret Origin (DC)
James Robinson
Justice League: Cry for Justice (DC)
Mark Waid
Irredeemable (Boom!), The Incredibles (Boom!)
Bill Willingham
Fables (DC/Vertigo)
Joe Hill
Locke & Key (IDW)
Ian Boothby
Comic Book Guy: The Comic Book (Bongo), Futurama Comics #47-50 (Bongo), Simpsons Comics #162, 168 (Bongo), Simpsons Super Spectacular #11-12 (Bongo)
John Layman
Chew (Image)
Jim McCann
Return of the Dapper Men (Archaia)
Nick Spencer
Morning Glories (Image), Shuddertown (Image), Forgetless (Image), Existence 3.0 (Image),
Mark Waid
Irredeemable (Boom!) Incorruptible (Boom!), Daredevil (Marvel)
Cullen Bunn
The Sixth Gun (Oni)
Mike Carey
The Unwritten (DC/Vertigo)
Jeff Jensen
Green River Killer: A True Detective Story (Dark Horse)
Jeff Lemire
Animal Man (DC), Flashpoint: Frankenstein and the Creatures of the Unknown (DC), Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.A.D.E. (DC), Sweet Tooth (DC/Vertigo)
Brian K. Vaughan
Saga (Image)
Ed Brubaker
Fatale (Image)
Matt Fraction
Hawkeye (Marvel), Casanova: Avaritia (Marvel/Icon)
Brandon Graham
Multiple Warheads (Image), Prophet (Image)
Jonathan Hickman
The Manhattan Projects (Image)
Frank M. Young
The Carter Family: Don't Forget This Song (Abrams ComicArts)
Brian K. Vaughan
Saga (Image)
Kelly Sue DeConnick
Pretty Deadly (Image), Captain Marvel (Marvel)
Matt Fraction
Sex Criminals (Image), Hawkeye (Marvel), Fantastic Four (Marvel), FF (Marvel)
Jonathan Hickman
East of West (Image), The Manhattan Projects (Image), Avengers (Marvel), Infinity (Marvel)
Eric Stephenson
Nowhere Men (Image)
Gene Luen Yang
Avatar: The Last Airbender (Dark Horse), The Shadow Hero (First Second)
Jason Aaron
Original Sin (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Men of Wrath (Marvel/Icon), Southern Bastards (Image)
Kelly Sue DeConnick
Captain Marvel (Marvel), Pretty Deadly (Image)
Grant Morrison
The Multiversity (DC), Annihilator (Legendary Comics)
Brian K. Vaughan
Saga (Image), The Private Eye (Panel Syndicate)
G. Willow Wilson
Ms. Marvel (Marvel)
Jason Aaron
Southern Bastards (Image), Men of Wrath (Marvel/Icon), Doctor Strange (Marvel), Star Wars (Marvel), Thor (Marvel)
John Allison
Giant Days (Boom!)
Ed Brubaker
The Fade Out (Image), Velvet (Image), Criminal Special Edition (Image)
Marjorie Liu
Monstress (Image)
G. Willow Wilson
Ms. Marvel (Marvel)
Brian K. Vaughan
Paper Girls (Image), Saga (Image), We Stand On Guard (Image)
Ed Brubaker
Criminal 10th Anniversary Special (Image), Kill or Be Killed (Image), Velvet (Image)
Kurt Busiek
Astro City (DC/Vertigo)
Chelsea Cain
Mockingbird (Marvel)
Max Landis
Green Valley (Image/Skybound), Superman: American Alien (DC)
Jeff Lemire
Black Hammer (Dark Horse), Descender (Image), Plutona (Image), Bloodshot Reborn (Valiant)
Tom King [note 1]
Batman (DC), Batman Annual #2 (DC), Batman/Elmer Fudd Special #1 (DC), Mister Miracle (DC)
Marjorie Liu [note 1]
Monstress (Image)
Matt Kindt
Grass Kings (Boom!), Ether (Dark Horse), Eternity (Valiant), X-O Manowar (Valiant)
Jeff Lemire
Black Hammer (Dark Horse), Descender (Image)
Mark Russell
The Flintstones (DC)
Tom King
Batman (DC), Mister Miracle (DC), Heroes in Crisis (DC), Swamp Thing Winter Special (DC)
Alex de Campi
Bad Girls (Gallery 13), Twisted Romance (Image)
Jeff Lemire
Black Hammer: Age of Doom (Dark Horse), Doctor Star & the Kingdom of Lost Tomorrows (Dark Horse), Quantum Age (Dark Horse), Descender (Image), Gideon Falls (Image), Royal City (Image)
Mark Russell
Exit, Stage Left!: The Snagglepuss Chronicles (DC), Green Lantern/Huckleberry Hound (DC), Lex Luthor/Porky Pig (DC), Lone Ranger (Dynamite)
Kelly Thompson
Nancy Drew (Dynamite), Hawkeye (Marvel), Jessica Jones (Marvel), Mr. & Mrs. X (Marvel), Rogue & Gambit (Marvel), Uncanny X-Men (Marvel), West Coast Avengers (Marvel)
Chip Zdarsky
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (Marvel), Marvel Two-in-One (Marvel)
Mariko Tamaki
Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass (DC), Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me (First Second/Macmillan), Archie (Archie)
Bobby Curnow
Ghost Tree (IDW)
MK Reed and Greg Means
Penny Nichols (Top Shelf)
Lewis Trondheim
Stay (Magnetic Press), Maggy Garrisson (SelfMadeHero)
G. Willow Wilson
Invisible Kingdom (Berger Books/Dark Horse), Ms. Marvel (Marvel)
Chip Zdarsky
The White Trees (Image), Daredevil (Marvel), Spider-Man: Life Story (Marvel), Afterlift (comiXology Originals)
James Tynion IV
Something Is Killing the Children (Boom!), Wynd (Boom!), Batman (DC), The Department of Truth (Image), Razorblades (Tiny Onion)
Ed Brubaker
Pulp (Image), Reckless (Image), Friday (Panel Syndicate)
Matt Fraction
Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen (DC), Adventureman (Image), November vols. 2–3 (Image), Sex Criminals (Image)
Jonathan Hickman
Decorum (Image), Giant-Size X-Men (Marvel), X-Men (Marvel)
Jeff Lemire
Barbalien: Red Planet (Dark Horse), Black Hammer (Dark Horse), Colonel Weird: Cosmagog (Dark Horse), The Question: The Deaths of Vic Sage (DC), Family Tree (Image), Gideon Falls (Image)
Chip Zdarsky
Stillwater (Image/Skybound), Daredevil (Marvel), Fantastic Four/X-Men (Marvel)
James Tynion IV
House of Slaughter (Boom!), Something Is Killing the Children (Boom!), Wynd (Boom!), The Nice House on the Lake (DC), The Joker (DC), Batman (DC), DC Pride (DC), The Department of Truth (Image), Blue Book (Tiny Onion Studios), Razorblades (Tiny Onion Studios)
Ed Brubaker
Destroy All Monsters (Image), Friend of the Devil (Image)
Kelly Sue DeConnick
Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons (DC)
Filipe Melo
Ballad for Sophie (Top Shelf)
Ram V
The Many Deaths of Laila Starr (Boom!), The Swamp Thing (DC), Carnage: Black, White & Blood (Marvel), Venom (Marvel)
James Tynion IV
House of Slaughter (Boom!), Something Is Killing the Children (Boom!), Wynd (Boom!), The Nice House on the Lake (DC), The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country (DC), The Closet (Image)The Department of Truth (Image)
Grace Ellis
Flung Out Of Space (Abrams Comicsart)
Tom King
Batman: Killing Time (DC), Batman: One Bad Day (DC), Gotham City: Year One (DC), The Human Target (DC), Supergirl: The Woman of Tomorrow (DC), Love Everlasting (Image)
Mark Russell
Traveling To Mars (Ablaze), One-Star Squadron (DC), Superman: Space Age (DC), The Incal: Psychoverse (Humanoids)
Chip Zdarsky
Stillwater (Image Skybound), Daredevil (Marvel)
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