This is a list of candidates for the 1858 New South Wales colonial election. The election was held from 13 January to 12 February 1858.

There was no recognisable party structure at this election.

Retiring Members

Legislative Assembly

Sitting members are shown in bold text. Successful candidates are highlighted.

Electorates are arranged chronologically from the day the poll was held. Because of the sequence of polling, some sitting members who were defeated in their constituencies were then able to contest other constituencies later in the polling period. On the second occasion, these members are shown in italic text.

Electorate Successful candidates Unsuccessful candidates
Wednesday 13 January 1858
Sydney Hamlets John Campbell
Daniel Cooper
Robert Tooth
Friday 15 January 1858
Sydney City Robert Campbell
Charles Cowper
George Thornton
Robert Tooth
William Allen
William Dalley
Frank Fowler
James Wilshire
Tuesday 19 January 1858
Parramatta James Byrnes
George Oakes
James Pye
Thursday 21 January 1858
West Camden James Macarthur
William Wild
John Oxley
Friday 22 January 1858
Cumberland Boroughs William Dalley William Bowman
William Redman
East Camden John Marks
Robert Owen
George Alley
Henry Osborne
Saturday 23 January 1858
Argyle Daniel Deniehy
Monday 25 January 1858
Bathurst County William Suttor
Tuesday 26 January 1858
North Eastern Boroughs Richard Bowker
St Vincent Andrew Aldcorn
Wednesday 27 January 1858
Cook and Westmoreland Robert Jamison
James Martin
Thursday 28 January 1858
Cumberland (North Riding) Henry Parkes
Thomas Smith
Richard Hill
Northumberland Boroughs James Dickson
Elias Weekes
Southern Boroughs Terence Murray John Hardy
Western Boroughs Henry Rotton Arthur Holroyd
Saturday 30 January 1858
Cumberland (South Riding) Stuart Donaldson
Edward Flood
Thomas Holt
George Smith
Northumberland and Hunter William Piddington
Alexander Scott
George White
Clark Irving
Monday 1 February 1858
Stanley Boroughs Benjamin Cribb
John Richardson
Edward Browne
Tuesday 2 February 1858
Roxburgh William Lee
Friday 5 February 1858
Durham William Arnold
Samuel Gordon
Richard Jones
Edward Hargraves
Maneroo Daniel Egan George Hebden
Murray William Forster N S Powell
Wellington County George Cox
Monday 8 February 1858
King and Georgiana Peter Faucett
Stanley County Henry Buckley
Tuesday 9 February 1858
Murrumbidgee John Hay
George Macleay
Eugene Owen
Wednesday 10 February 1858
Gloucester and Macquarie James Williamson Thomas Barker
Liverpool Plains and Gwydir Richard Jenkins
Edward Lloyd
William Pennington
Wellington and Bligh George Lord
Thursday 11 February 1858
Lachlan and Lower Darling William Macleay
John Paterson
Edward Flood
John Piper Egan
New England and Macleay Abram Moriarty
William Taylor
Thomas Rusden
Phillip, Brisbane and Bligh John Robertson
Friday 12 February 1858
Clarence and Darling Downs Arthur Hodgson
Moreton, Wide Bay, Burnett and Maranoa William Tooth Arthur Macalister

See also


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