Tania Singer (sündinud 8. detsembril 1969 Münchenis) on saksa neuroteadlane ja psühholoog.
Ta on 2010. aastast Leipzigi Tunnetus- ja Neuroteaduste Max Plancki Instituudi direktor.
Ta uurib inimese sotsiaalse käitumise aluseks olevaid neuronaalseid ja hormonaalseid mehhanisme[1], täpsemalt sotsiaalse tunnetuse ja sotsiaalsete emotsioonide (näiteks empaatia, kaastunne ja õiglustunne) aluseid ning sotsiaalset otsustamist ja kommunikatsiooni, samuti koostöö ja altruistliku käitumise aluseid ning nende lakkamist teatud tingimustes. Tema lähenemine eeldab neuroteaduste, psühholoogia, biopsühholoogia, bioloogia, majandusteaduse, filosoofia ja antropoloogia interdistsiplinaarset koostööd.
Ajakirjas Science ilmus 2004. aastal artikkel, milles Tania Singer esimesena näitas, et ajupiirkonnad, mis on aluseks inimese enda valutöötlemisele, aktiveeruvad ka siis, kui katsealused näevad oma partneri valu.[2] Kaks tema uurimust näitavad, et empaatiaga seotud ajupiirkondade aktiveerumist mõjutab see, kas katsealune peab teist inimest oma rühma kuuluvaks ja kas ta peab teda õiglaselt käituvaks.[3]
- 2000 Otto Hahni medal
- 2011 Zürichi Ülikooli sotsiaalsete ja neuronaalsete süsteemide uurimise labori auliige
- 2011 Berliini Humboldti Ülikooli auprofessor
- Singer, T. & Ricard, M. (2015). Mitgefühl in der Wirtschaft: Ein bahnbrechender Forschungsbericht. Albrecht Knaus Verlag. ISBN 978-3813506570.
- Steinbeis, N. & Singer, T. (2013). The effects of social comparison on social emotions and -behaviour during childhood: The ontogeny of envy and Schadenfreude predicts developmental changes in equity-related decisions. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.
- Singer, T. & Bolz, M. (2013). Mitgefühl in Alltag und Forschung. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft. ISBN 978-3-9815612-1-0. E-Book unter compassion-training.org.
- Engen, H. G., & Singer, T. (2012). Empathy Circuits. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. DOI:10.1016/j.conb.2012.11.003.
- Smallwood, J., Ruby, F. J. M., & Singer, T. (2012). Letting go of the present: Task unrelated thought is associated with reduced delay discounting. Consciousness and Cognition, 22 (1), 1-7.
- Przyrembel, M., Smallwood, J., Pauen, M., & Singer, T. (2012). Illuminating the dark matter of social neuroscience: Considering the problem of social interaction from philosophical, psychological, and neuroscientific perspectives. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 6(190).
- Bernhardt, B. C., & Singer, T. (2012). The neural basis of empathy. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 35, 1-23.
- Klimecki, O. M., Leiberg, S., Lamm, C., & Singer, T. (2012). Functional neural plasticity and associated changes in positive affect after compassion training. Cerebral Cortex. Advanced Online Publication. DOI:10.1093/cercor/bhs142.
- McCall, C., & Singer, T. (2012). The animal and human neuroendocrinology of social cognition, motivation and behavior. Nature Neuroscience. Review, 15(5), 681–688.
- Singer, T. (2012). The past, present and future of social neuroscience: A European perspective. NeuroImage.
- Steinbeis, N., Bernhardt, B. C., & Singer, T. (2012). Impulse control and underlying functions of the left DLPFC mediate age-related and age-independent individual differences in strategic social behavior. Neuron, 73(5), 1040-1051.
- Hein, G., Lamm, C., Brodbeck, C., & Singer, T. (2011). Skin conductance response to the pain of others predicts later costly helping. PLoS One, 6(8).
- Leiberg, S., Klimecki, O., & Singer, T. (2011). Short-term compassion training increases prosocial behavior in a newly developed prosocial game. PLoS One, 6 (3), e17798.
- Lamm, C., Decety, J., & Singer, T. (2011). Meta-analytic evidence for common and distinct neural networks associated with directly experienced pain and empathy for pain. NeuroImage, 54 (3), 2492–2502.
- Bird, G., Silani, G., Brindley, R., White, S., Frith, U., & Singer, T. (2010). Empathic brain responses in insula are modulated by levels of alexithymia but not autism. Brain, 133 (5), 1515–1525.
- Hein, G., Silani, G., Preuschoff, K., Batson, C. D., & Singer, T. (2010). Neural responses to the suffering of ingroup and outgroup members' suffering predict individual differences in costly helping. Neuron, 68 (1), 149–160.
- Singer, T., & Lamm, C. (2009). The social neuroscience of empathy. The Year in Cognitive Neuroscience 2009: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1156 , 81–96.
- Singer, T., Critchley, H. D., & Preuschoff, K. (2009). A common role of insula in feelings, empathy and uncertainty. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 13 (8), 334–340.
- Singer, T., & Steinbeis, N. (2009). Differential roles of fairness- and compassion-based motivations for cooperation, defection, and punishment. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1167 (1), 41–50.
- Singer, T. (2006). The neuronal basis and ontogeny of empathy and mind reading: Review of literature and implications for future research. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 30 (6), 855–863.
- de Vignemont, F., & Singer, T. (2006). The empathic brain: How, when and why? Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 10 (10), 435–441.
- Singer, T., Seymour, B., O'Doherty, J. P., Stephan, K. E., Dolan, R. J., & Frith, C. D. (2006). Empathic neural responses are modulated by the perceived fairness of others. Nature, 439, 466–469.
- Singer, T., Seymour, B., O'Doherty, J., Kaube, H., Dolan, R. J., & Frith, C. D. (2004). Empathy for pain involves the affective but not sensory components of pain. Science, 303 (5661), 1157–1162.
- Singer, T., Kiebel, S. J., Winston, J. S., Dolan, R. J., & Frith, C. D. (2004). Brain responses to the acquired moral status of faces. Neuron, 41 (4), 653–662.
- Singer, T., Verhaeghen, P., Ghisletta, P., Lindenberger, U., & Baltes, P. B. (2003). The fate of cognition in very old age: Six-year longitudinal in the Berlin Aging Study (BASE). Psychology and Aging, 18(2), 318–331.
Ta on neurofüsioloog Wolf Singeri tütar.
- ↑ Max-Planck-Institut für Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften, Soziale Neurowissenschaft, Tania Singer.
- ↑ Daniel Kane. How your brain handles love and pain. – msnbc.msn.com, 2004, msnbc.com.
- ↑ Revenge more satisfying for men, BBC News, 2006.
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