Nancy Cartwright (sündinud 24. jaanuaril 1944 Pennsylvanias) on ameerika teadusfilosoof.
Nancy Cartwright valiti 2004. aastal Ameerika Filosoofiaseltsi liikmeks.
- Do the Laws of Physics State the Facts? – Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, 1980, kd 61, nr 1–2, lk 75–84.
- How the Laws of Physics Lie, Oxford University Press 1983. ISBN 978-0-19-824704-3
- Tõlgitud hiina keelde.
- Nature's Capacities and Their Measurement, Oxford University Press 1989. ISBN 0-19-824477-0
- XII—Fundamentalism vs. the Patchwork of Laws. – Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 1994, kd 94, nr 1, lk 279–292.
- The Dappled World: A Study of the Boundaries of Science, Cambridge University Press 1999, ISBN 0-521-64411-9.
- What Is Wrong With Bayes Nets? – Monist, 2001, kd 84, nr 2, lk 242–264.
- Causation: One Word, Many Things. – Philosophy of Science, 2004, kd 71, nr 5, lk 805–820. Veebiversioon.
- Hunting Causes and Using Them: Approaches in Philosophy and Economics, Cambridge University Press 2007, ISBN 0-521-86081-4. **Tõlgitud hiina keelde.
- A philosopher's view of the long road from RCTs to effectiveness. – The Lancet, 2011, kd 377, lk 1400–1401.
- koos Jeremy Hardiega. Evidence Based Policy: A Practical Guide to Doing It Better, Oxford University Press 2012
- koos John Pembertoniga. Aristotelian Powers: Without Them, What Would Modern Science Do? – Ruth Groff, John Greco (toim). Powers and Capacities in Philosophy: The New Aristotelianism, Routledge 2013, lk 93–112.
- koos Eleonora Montuschiga. Philosophy of Social Science: A New Introduction, Oxford University Press 2014
- koos E. Munro, J. Hardie ja Eleonora Montuschiga. Improving Child Safety: deliberation, judgement and empirical research 2017
- Nature, the Artful Modeler: Lectures on Laws, Science, How Nature Arranges the World and How We Can Arrange It Better (The Paul Carus Lectures), Open Court (2019
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