Michael Ruse (21. juuni 1940 Birmingham – 1. november 2024) oli inglise päritolu teadusfilosoof, kes on spetsialiseerunud bioloogiafilosoofiale. Ta on kirjutanud muu hulgas teaduse ja religiooni vahekorrast, kreatsionismist ja demarkatsiooniprobleemist.
Ta õpetas 1965–2000 Guelphi Ülikoolis ning õpetas 2000. aastast Florida Osariigi Ülikoolis.
Ta asutas ajakirja Biology and Philosophy.
- 1986 Kanada Kuningliku Seltsi liige
- 1990 Bergeni Ülikooli audoktor
- 2003 McMasteri Ülikooli audoktor
- 2007 New Brunswicki Ülikooli audoktor
- The Darwinian revolution (1979) ISBN 0-226-73164-2
- Is science sexist? and other problems in the biomedical sciences (1981) ISBN 90-277-1250-6
- Darwinism defended, a guide to the evolution controversies (1982) ISBN 0-201-06273-9
- Sociobiology, sense or nonsense? (1st ed. 1979, 2nd ed. 1985) ISBN 90-277-1798-2
- Taking Darwin seriously: a naturalistic approach to philosophy (1986) ISBN 0-631-13542-1
- But is it science? the philosophical question in the creation/evolution controversy (1988) (ed.) ISBN 0-87975-439-7
- Homosexuality: A Philosophical Inquiry (1988) ISBN 0-631-17553-9
- The Philosophy of biology today (1988) ISBN 0-88706-911-8
- The Darwinian paradigm: essays on its history, philosophy and religious implications (1989) ISBN 0-415-08951-4
- Evolutionary naturalism: selected essays (1995) ISBN 0-415-08997-2
- Monad to man: the concept of progress in evolutionary biology (1996) ISBN 0-674-58220-9
- Mystery of mysteries: is evolution a social construction? (1999) ISBN 0-674-00543-0
- Biology and the foundation of ethics (1999) ISBN 0-521-55923-5
- Can a Darwinian be a Christian? the relationship between science and religion (2001) ISBN 0-521-63716-3
- The evolution wars: a guide to the debates (2003) ISBN 1-57607-185-5
- Darwin and Design: Does evolution have a purpose? (2003) ISBN 0-674-01631-9
- The Evolution-Creation Struggle (2005) ISBN 0-674-01687-4
- Darwinism and its Discontents (2006) ISBN 0-521-82947-X
- Philosophy after Darwin (2009) ISBN 0-691-13553-3
- Defining Darwin: Essays on the History and Philosophy of Evolutionary Biology (2009) ISBN 1-59102-725-X
- Science and Spirituality: Making room for faith in the age of science (2010) ISBN 0-521-75594-8
- The Philosophy of Human Evolution (2012) ISBN 0-521-11793-3
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