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English: Baekdu Mountain—Baitoushan volcano (Paektu-san), in the Changbai Mountains along the border of China and North Korea in Northeast Asia.
  • One of the largest known eruptions of the modern geologic period (the Holocene) occurred at Baitoushan Volcano (also known as Changbaishan in China and P'aektu-san in Korea) about 1000 CE, with erupted material deposited as far away as northern Japan—a distance of approximately 1,200 kilometers. The eruption also created the 4.5-kilometer-diameter, 850-meter-deep summit caldera of the volcano, which is now filled with the waters of Lake Tianchi (Sky Lake).
  • This oblique astronaut photograph was taken during the winter season, and snow highlights frozen Lake Tianchi and lava flow lobes along the southern face of the volcano (April 2003). Baitoushan last erupted in 1702, and geologists consider it to be dormant. Gas emissions were reported from the summit and nearby hot springs in 1994, but no evidence of renewed activity of the volcano was observed.
  • The Chinese-Korean border runs directly through the center of the summit caldera, and the mountain is considered sacred by the predominantly Korean population living near the volcano.
  • Lake Tianchi is a popular resort destination in the Changbai / Baekdu region, for its natural beauty (and alleged sightings of unidentified creatures living in its depths — similar to the legendary Loch Ness Monster in Scotland).
Autor NASA
This image or video was catalogued by Johnson Space Center of the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) under Photo ID: ISS006-E-43366.

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Public domain See fail on avalikus omandis, sest selle autori NASA autoriõiguspõhimõtte järgi ei ole ilma vastava märketa NASA materjalid autoriõigusega kaitstud. (NASA autoriõiguspõhimõtted või JPL-i piltide kasutuspõhimõtted).
  • NASA logode, ametlike märkide ja embleemide kasutamine on piiratud Ameerika Ühendriikide seadusega 14 CFR 1221.
  • NASA võrgukohas on üleval hulganisti Nõukogude/Vene kosmoseagentuuri ja muude mitte-Ameerika kosmoseagentuuride pilte, mis ei pruugi avalikus omandis olla.
  • Hubble'i teleskoobi materjalid võivad autoriõigusega kaitstud olla, kui nad ei pärine sõnaselgelt STScI-st. [1]
  • Automaatjaamaga SOHO tehtud materjalid on autoriõigusega kaitstud ja vajavad äriliseks mittehariduslikuks kasutuseks luba. [2]
  • Võrgulehel APOD kujutatud pildid võivad autoriõigusega kaitstud olla. [3]


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määramismeetod: work of the federal government of the United States inglise

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kataloog: Media catalogue of the Johnson Space Center inglise

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