KirjeldusAndrew Lindsay onboard JOSEPH CONRAD (8088368867).jpg
English: The iron-hulled sailing ship JOSEPH CONRAD was originally launched as GEORGE STAGE in Copenhagen in 1882 as a training ship for young sailors. In 1934 GEORGE STAGE was about to be broken up when Australian author and sailor Andrew Villiers bought the vessel, renaming it after his favourite author. Villiers sailed JOSEPH CONRAD around the world with a crew of mostly young sailors, visiting Australian shores in late 1935. The vessel is now a part of the collection at the Mystic Seaport museum in Connecticut.
Andrew Lindsay was washed overboard while sailing along the Australian coastline, however was promptly rescued. Flickr user Beachcomberaustralia provided the useful link to this SMH article mentioning the incident:
This photo is part of the Australian National Maritime Museum’s William Hall collection. The Hall collection combines photographs from both William J Hall and his father William Frederick Hall. The images provide an important pictorial record of recreational boating in Sydney Harbour, from the 1890s to the 1930s – from large racing and cruising yachts, to the many and varied skiffs jostling on the harbour, to the new phenomenon of motor boating in the early twentieth century. The collection also includes studio portraits and images of the many spectators and crowds who followed the sailing races.
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Australian National Maritime Museum on The Commons postitas selle pildi algselt saidile Flickr. Robot FlickreviewR vaatas selle pildi üle ja kinnitas, et see oli saadaval litsentsi No known copyright restrictions all. Vaadatud: 8. august 2015
8. august 2015
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objektil on roll: fotograaf
autori nimi (sõne): Australian National Maritime Museum on The Commons
== {{int:filedesc}} == {{subst:chc}} {{information |description={{en|1=The iron-hulled sailing ship JOSEPH CONRAD was originally launched as GEORGE STAGE in Copenhagen in 1882 as a training ship for young sailors. In 1934 GEORGE STAGE was about to be b...
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