Sir Alexander William Younger KCMG (sündinud 4. juulil 1963 Westminsteris) on Briti luureteenistuse Secret Intelligence Service'i (MI6) ohvitser[1], kes teenis Sir John Sawersi pensionile jäämisel MI6 juhina 2014. aasta 1. novembrist kuni 2020. aasta 30. septembrini. 2019. aasta aprillis pikendas valitsus Youngeri lepingut, et säilitada stabiilsus Brexiti läbirääkimiste ajal, mis tegi temast 50 aasta jooksul kõige kauem ametis olnud MI6 juhi.
- ↑ Yaroslav Lukov (31. august 2022, 09:40). "Kherson: 'Heavy fighting' as Ukraine seeks to retake Russian-held region" (inglise). Vaadatud 31. augustil 2022.
"The long-term trend is the gradual weakening of the Russian military capability and the gradual strengthening of the Ukrainian capability with Western help," said Sir Alex Younger, a former head of Britain's MI6 Secret Intelligence Service.
- "James Bond is both a blessing and curse, says spy chief Alex Younger" - video The Guardian, 8. detsember 2016
- MI6 chief Alex Younger: Enemies in 'perpetual confrontation' Sky News detsember 2018
- "UK is in technological arms race with its foes, warns MI6 chief Alex Younger" - video, Nick Hopkins, The Guardian, 3. detsember 2018
- The Irish Times | Alex Younger
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