Zapadnaya (Bilylivka) is an impact crater in Ukraine near the village of Bilylivka in the southeasternmost edge of Zhytomyr Oblast and near the border of Vinnytsia Oblast. It is situated in the northwestern part of the Ukrainian crystalline shield.

It is 3.2 kilometres (2.0 mi) in diameter and the age is estimated to be 165 ± 5 million years, placing it in the Middle Jurassic. The crater is not exposed at the surface.[1]


Further reading

  • Gurov E.P., Gurova E.P., Sokur T.M., Geology and Petrography of the Zapadnaya impact crater in the Ukrainian shield, 2000
  • Gurov, E. P., Gurova, E.P. and Rakitskaya,R.B., Impact diamonds of the Zapadnaya crater: Phase composition and some properties (abstract). Meteoritics & Planetary Science, v. 31, p. A56. 1996
  • Gurov, E. P., Gurova, E.P. and Rakitskaya,R.B., Impact diamonds in the craters of the Ukrainian shield (abstract). Meteoritics, v. 30, pp. 515–516. 1995
  • Gurov, E. P., The characteristics of the geological structure of the eroded astrobleme in the western part of the Ukrainian Shield (in Russian). Dipovidi Adademii Nauk Ukrainskoi Rodyanskoi Sotsialistychnoi Respubliky, Seriya "B", pp. 8-11. 1985
  • Sokur, T. M., Shock Metamorphism of Quartz of the Zapadnaya Crater, LPSC XXIX, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, TX, (CD-ROM). 1998
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