The contest is now closed. Thank you to everybody who contributed and together produced a whopping 2890 articles, covering every country of the world. We far exceeded our original target of 2000 and broke records for output in a month. Feel proud! Congratulations! The prize winners have been announced below. If you enjoyed contributing to this you might consider joining in the continent/regional challenges long term in Template:The 100,000 Challenge, with the aim to bring about 100,000 world creations and improvements, articles done for this contest can be put up on those challenges as well. Great job everybody!
Värsked postitused
- Real võitis penaltitel Madridi derbi, Dortmund tuli kaotusseisust välja
- Kiili EM-i korraldamisest: iga päevaga arvan, et meil on paremad võimalused
- PILTUUDIS: venelased said Kurski oblastis kätte USA tanki Abrams
- VIDEO: Putin käis Kurski oblasti sõjatsoonis, oli sõjaväevormis
- Anekdoot: ämm hakkas meie maja oma reeglite järgi ümber seadma
Most Used Categories
- Arhiiv (7,623)
- Muu (2,863)
- Uudiseid (862)
- Huumor (648)
- Kultuur (257)
- (87)
- Tervis (55)
- Anekdoodid (41)
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