This page is a summary of recent changes. It is sometimes too cumbersome to keep up with thousands of edits every day. Please list the significant contributions of you and others, specifically:
- edits that you do not want to bury in the long "recent changes" list
- an article which has been edited/expanded a lot in the same day
- a group of articles which have been organized in some manner (i.e. with new templates, or disambiguation resolved, redirections, etc.)
There is not yet a specific policy for listing; policies are being discussed at Wikipedia talk:Recentchanges summary.
November 2, 2003
- About 20 or 30 articles are imported from OpenHistory. About one third of the entire collection was done so far. -- Taku
- Bush regime, Bush family conspiracy theory, Bush dynasty all listed on Wikipedia:Votes for Deletion as community tries to finally sort out what is appropriate for Wikipedia. -- Fuzheado
November 1, 2003
- I reorganized Bernoulli numbers, adding what I think is an explanation of why they are interesting, and cleaning up a lot of minor matters. I also merged in the (very short) article Bernoulli polynomials. --Dominus
- Snowboarding and Snowboard have been greatly expanded, with significant info about bindings added. Step-in binding and Strap-in binding also added as redirects to snowboard. --Fuzheado
October 31, 2003
- Exercise for updating Hong Kong media organizations finished, following pages either newly created or greatly expanded: ATV, East Touch, East Week, Easy Finder, Far Eastern Economic Review, Hong Kong Economic Journal, Hong Kong Economic Times, Media in Hong Kong, Metropolis Daily, Ming Pao, Next Magazine, Oriental Daily, Phoenix Television, RTHK, Sing Pao, Sing Tao Daily, Sun Daily, TVB Pearl, Ta Kung Pao, The Standard, Wen Wei Po, Yazhou Zhoukan --Fuzheado
October 30, 2003
- Morwen and myself have created a standard table template for British local government units. In the process of being rolled out across the London Boroughs. Secretlondon 09:45, Oct 31, 2003 (UTC)
October 29, 2003
- List of socialists is created. Let me know if there is a POV issue. -- Taku
- Several articles are imported from OpenHistory. More to come. -- Taku
October 27, 2003
- Got back to my project of adding content by creating articles for missing New England cities -- St. Johnsbury, Vermont, Rutland City, Vermont, Rutland, Vermont, and West Rutland, Vermont -- and history to Rambot's creations -- Proctor, Vermont. Definitely more rewarding that VfD :-) BCorr ¤ Брайен
October 26, 2003
- Koro and Penis-melting Zionist robot combs (don't ask) are merged into penis panic by —Eloquence.
October 24, 2003
- Kansai-ben is merged into a new article Dialects of Japanese language.
- Several old provinces of Japan are added such as Kozuke. Raw data came from Japanese wikipedia.
October 22, 2003
- Megalopolis and Metropolitan area, Conurbation and megacity are merged into Metropolitan area.
- Articles about the numbers 21-29 will be developed at Twenty until they are large enough for their own article, ... articles about the numbers 91-99 will be developed at Ninety. See List of numbers.
October 18, 2003
- A number of joke articles (such as blonde joke) are integrated into joke.
- Stopped redirecting terrorist to terrorism. (This edit reverted/merged on 23 October)
- A dozen Japanese authors are added. Raw data came from Aozora bunko.
October 17, 2003
- Tokyo is merged into Tokyo prefecture as planned.
- List of cities by country is merged into List of city listings by country.
- Portion of Dirty War is moved from Jorge Rafael Videla to its own page.
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