This page is a summary of recent changes. It is sometimes too cumbersome to keep up with thousands of edits every day. Please list the significant contributions of you and others, specifically:

  • edits that you do not want to bury in the long "recent changes" list
  • an article which has been edited/expanded a lot in the same day
  • a group of articles which have been organized in some manner (i.e. with new templates, or disambiguation resolved, redirections, etc.)

There is not yet a specific policy for listing; policies are being discussed at Wikipedia talk:Recentchanges summary.

November 2, 2003

November 1, 2003

October 31, 2003

October 30, 2003

  • Morwen and myself have created a standard table template for British local government units. In the process of being rolled out across the London Boroughs. Secretlondon 09:45, Oct 31, 2003 (UTC)

October 29, 2003

October 27, 2003

October 26, 2003

October 24, 2003

October 22, 2003

October 18, 2003

  • A number of joke articles (such as blonde joke) are integrated into joke.
  • Stopped redirecting terrorist to terrorism. (This edit reverted/merged on 23 October)
  • A dozen Japanese authors are added. Raw data came from Aozora bunko.

October 17, 2003

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