Please mark each ship with one of the following;
- Created [[HMS Teatime (1812)]] if you have started a new article
- Listed in [[HMS Teatime]] if there is not enough material for a new article but you have added a new entry to a list of ships of a given name
- Updated [[HMS Teatime (1812)]] if you have improved an existing article.
- Checked [[HMS Teatime (1812)]] - nothing to add if our existing article already contains all the information in the NMM records and all of it is already reliably sourced
- Duplicate of (vesselID) [[HMS Teatime (1812)]] if it turns out that the NMM's record is a duplicate of another NMM record number
- HMY Anne - created
- HMS Dragon - done.
- HMS Drake (1779) - nothing to add
- HMS Drake (1804) - updated
- HMS Dromedary (1806) is actually HMS Howe (1805)
- HMS Duc de Charters (1781) - nothing to add
- HMS Duc de la Vauginon (1779) - nothing to add
- HMS Duchess of Cumberland (1781) - not in NMM database
- HM hired armed cutter Duchess of York - nothing to add
- HMS Duchess of York (1801) - not in the NMM database
- HMS Dunira - updated; this is the same vessel as HMS Immortalite (1814)
- English ship Dreadnought (1573) - improved
- HM Hired armed cutter Duke of Clarence - nothing to add; NMM has wrong locus for loss
- HMS Eagle (1794) - nothing to add
- HMS Eagle (1803) - nothing to add
- HMS Eagle (1814) - one of five American gunboats captured at the Battle of Lake Borgne; not in database
- HM Hired armed cutter Earl Spencer - nothing to add; the NMM database conflates three different vessels.
- HMS Eclair (1795) - updated
- HMS Eclair (1801) - updated
- HMS Eclipse (1807) - nothing to add
- HMS Egeria (1807) - updated
- HMS Egyptienne (1801) - nothing to add
- HMS Electra (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Electra (1808) - updated
- HMS Eling (1798) - nothing to add
- HM Hired armed tender Elizabeth or hired armed ship Elizabeth - updated
- HMS Elizabeth (1805) - nothing to add
- HMS Elizabeth (1806) - nothing to add; NMM database has incorrect year of capture; NMM conflates with Elizabeth of 1805
- HMS Elk (1804) - updated
- HMS Emilien - nothing to add
- HMS Ems (1809) - updated
- HMS Emulous (1812) - nothing to add
- HMS Enchantress (1804) - updated
- HMS Entreprenante (1798) - nothing to add
- HMS Epervier (1797) - nothing to add
- HMS Epervier (1803) - updated
- HMS Epervier (1812) - nothing to add
- HMS Erebus (1807) -nothing to add
- HMS Esperance (1795) - nothing to add
- HMS Espion (1782) - updated; the NMM database entry #366398 includes information pertaining to other vessels, especially Espion, #366400, and some is simply incorrect.
- HMS Espion (1793) - nothing to add; the NMM database entry #366400 includes information pertaining to other vessels, especially Espion, #3663980.
- HMS Espoir (1797) - nothing to add
- HMS Espoir (1804) - nothing to add; some of the information in Espion #366400 actually applies to this Espoir
- HMS Essex (1814) - updated
- HMS Euphrosyne (1796) - updated; the NMM database lists her under the name "Euphroysene"
- HMS Euryalus (1803) - updated
- HMS Euryalus (1853) - updated
- HMS Experiment (1794) - nothing to add
- HMS Express (1800) - nothing to add
- HMS Express (1815) - updated
- HMS Fairy (1812) - updated
- HMS Falcon (1802) - updated
- HMS Fama (1808) - nothing to add
- HMS Fantome (1810) - updated
- HMS Favourite (1794) - updated
- HMS Fawn (1805) - nothing to add
- HMS Fawn (1807) - nothing to add
- HMS Ferret (1784) - updated
- HMS Ferret (1794) - nothing to add
- HMS Ferret (1806) - updated
- HMS Ferret (ex-HMS Nova Scotia (1812) - updated
- HMS Finch (1813) - updated
- HMS Firebrand (1804) - The brig commissioned and lost in 1804. Nothing to add
- HMS Firebrand (1804b) - Nothing to add. The NMM database conflates this Firebrand with her predecessor
- HMS Firebrand (1814) - one of five American gunboats captured at the Battle of Lake Borgne; not in database
- HMS Firm (1794) - nothing to add
- HMS Firm (1804) - nothing to add
- HMS Fleche (1794) - nothing to add
- HMS Fleur de la Mer (1807) - nothing to add
- HMS Flirt (1782) - updated
- HMS Florentina (1800) - nothing to add
- HMS Lively (1803) - nothing to add
- HMS Flying Fish (1803) - nothing to add. The NMM database confuses this Flying Fish with the one that became HMS Lively, and another Flying Fish in the West Indies, HMS Flying Fish (1806)
- HMS Flying Fish (1806) - updated
- HMS Flora (1761) - updated
- HMS Florida (1814) - nothing to add
- HMS Fort Diamond - nothing to add
- HMS Forester (1806) - updated
- HMS Foudre (1799) and (1800) - NMM database has the second capture under the name Foudei.
- HMS Foxhound (1806) - updated
- HMS Foxhound (1809) - nothing to add
- HMS Frederickstein (1807) - nothing to add; NMM database gives Francis Beaufort's name as "Francis Beanford"
- HMS Frolic (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Fulminante (1798) - nothing to add; NMM database has two entries for the same vessel. Unfortunately, neither entry has information on her second capture.
- HMS Gaiete (1797) - updated
- HMS Galatea (1794) - updated
- HMS Galgo (1742) - nothing to add
- HMS Galgo (1743) - nothing to add
- HMS Galgo (1799) - nothing to add
- HMS Galgo (1801) - nothing to add
- HMS Garland (1798) - nothing to add
- HMS Garland (1800) - updated
- HMS Garland (1807) - nothing to add
- HM hired cutter George (1798) - nothing to add
- Hired armed cutter Georgiana - nothing to add
- HM armed ship Germaine - nothing to add
- HMS Germaine (1781) - not in NMM database
- HMS Gibraltar's Prize - updated
- HMS Glatton (1795) - nothing to add
- HMS Glitter - updated, but NMM gives a different beam to Colledge 2010. Have listed both in infobox.
- HMS Gloire (1814) - nothing to add; same vessel as HMS Pallas
- HMS Gloucester (1654) - updated, nominated for GA
- HMS Gorgon (1785) - nothing to add
- HMS Gozo (1800) - see HMS Malta (1800 schooner); nothing to add
- HMS Grace (1794) - nothing to add
- HMS Grampus (1795) - nothing to add
- HMS Grasshopper (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Grasshopper (1813) - nothing to add
- HMS Grecian (1814) - nothing to add
- HMS Grenada (1804) - updated
- HMS Greyhound (1780) - nothing to add
- Hired armed cutter Griffin - updated
- HMS Grinder - not in NMM database
- HMS Grouper (1804) - nothing to add
- HMS Guachapin (1801) - nothing to add
- HMS Guadaloupe (1809) (or Guadeloupe) - nothing to add
- HMS Haddock (1805) - not in NMM database
- HMS Halcyon (1813) - nothing to add
- HMS Halstarr (1807) - nothing to add
- HMS Hannibal (1786) - updated
- HMS Happy Return (1654) - udated
- HMS Hardi (1797) - not in NMM database
- HMS Hardi (1800) - updated
- HM Hired armed ship Harlequin - nothing to add
- HMS Harlequin (1814) - nothing to add; captured and put into service 1814 but bought 1815
- HMS Harpy (1796) - nothing to add
- HMS Harrier (1804) - nothing to add
- HMS Havannah (1811) - updated
- HMS Havick - NMM database mistakenly refers to her as Havock; nothing to add
- HMS Hawk (1803) - updated
- HMS Hawke (1794) - nothing to add
- HMS Hazard (1794) - updated
- Heart of Oak (1777) (armed ship) - updated
- HMS Herald (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Hermes (1811) - nothing to add; NMM database has a mistaken speculation as to her origins
- HMS Hermione (1782) - updated
- HMS Herring (1804) - updated
- HMS Hecate (1809) - nothing to add
- HMS Hecla (1815) - updated
- HM Hired armed cutter Hero - #368500 & #368492 - nothing to add
- HMS Hesper (1807) - updated; Hesper appears to have been launched in 1809, not 1807.
- HMS Heureux (1800) - nothing to add
- HMS Heureux (1807) - nothing to add
- HMS High Flyer - nothing to add
- HMS Hinchinbrooke (1778) - nothing to add
- HMS Hindostan (1795) - nothing to add
- HMS Hippomenes (1803) - updated
- HM Hired armed cutter Hirondelle - nothing to add
- HMS Hirondelle (1804) - nothing to add
- HMS Holstein (1801) - NMM #368641. Same vessel as HMS Nassau (1805), NMM #371915. - nothing to add
- HMS Hornet (1794) - nothing to add
- HMS Hornet (1794 gunvessel) - nothing to add
- HMS Hound (1796) - nothing to add
- HMS Howe (1805) - updated
- HMS Hyaena (1778) - updated; the NMM database gives her name as "Hayena"
- HMS Hydra (1838) - updated
- HM Hired armed cutter Idas - nothing to add
- HMS Imogen (1800) - not in NMM database
- HMS Immortalite (1814) - updated; this is the same vessel as HMS Dunira
- HM hired armed cutter Industry - updated
- HMS Insolent; ex Arrogant(e) - nothing to add
- HMS Investigator (1801) - nothing to add
- HMS Jackal (1801) - nothing to add
- HMS Jackdaw (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Jahde (1809) - not in the NMM database
- HMS Jalouse (1797) - nothing to add
- HMS Jalouse (1809) - nothing to add
- HMS Jamaica (1796) - nothing to add
- HMS Janissary - nothing to add
- HMS Janus (1796) - updated
- HMS Jaseur (1807) - nothing to add
- HMS Java (1811) - nothing to add
- Hired armed cutter John Bull - nothing to add
- HMS Julia (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Juste - updated
- HMS Kangaroo (1795) - nothing to add
- HMY Katherine (1674) - created
- Hired armed cutter King George - updated; NMM database confounds two, possibly three vessels.
- HMS Kingfisher (1804) - nothing to add
- HMY Kitchen - created
- HM Hired armed ship Kitty - not in NMM database
- HMS Lacedemonian (1796) - nothing to add
- HM Hired armed schooner Lady Charlotte - nothing to add
- HM hired armed ship Lady Warren - nothing to add
- HMS Landpail (actually Landrail) - nothing to add; NMM ID 369860 and ID 369857 are the same vessel
- HM Hired armed lugger Lark - nothing to add
- HMS Lark (1794) - nothing to add. NMM incorrectly has Jeremiah Coghlan on Lark in 1806. Same database correctly has him on Renard at that time.
- HMS Laura (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Leander (1780) - updated
- HMS Leda (1800) - nothing to add
- HMS Legere (1796) - nothing to add
- HMS Legere (1798) - updated
- HMS Leveret (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Liberty (1768) - updated
- HMS Lightning (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Lily (1804) - nothing to add
- HMS Lily (1800) - updated
- HMS Lion (1794) - nothing to add
- HM Hired armed cutter Lion - NMM#370188; updated; two small possible errors in the NMM database.
- HMS Little Belt (1807) - updated
- HMS Little Belt (1812) - nothing to add
- HMS Lively (1756) - updated
- HMS Lively (1794) - nothing to add
- HMS Liverpool (1814) - updated
- HMS Linnet (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Linnet (1813) - nothing to add
- HM Hired armed ship London Packet - updated
- HM Hired armed ship Lord Eldon - updated
- HM Hired armed brig Louisa - nothing to add; NMM database mistakenly adds Lt. Joseph Hoy to her list of commanders
- Hired tender Louisa - nothing to add
- HMS Loup Cervier (1813) - updated
- HMS Loyalist (1779) - updated
- HM Hired armed cutter Lurcher - nothing to add
- HMS Lynx (1794) - nothing to add
- HMS Mackerel (1804) - updated
- HMS Maeander (1840) - nothing to add
- HMS Magnet (1807) - nothing to add
- HMS Magnet (1812) - nothing to add
- HMS Magpie (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Maida (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Malabar (1795) - nothing to add
- HMS Malabar (1804) - updated
- HMS Makassar (or Macassa) (1806): same vessel as HMS Celebes (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Malacca (1809) - nothing to add; the NMM database has a referral entry under the name HMS Penang, and a longer entry under the name HMS Malaoca.
- HMS Malta (1800 schooner); nothing to add
- HMS Mandarin (1810) - nothing to add
- HMS Manly (1804) - nothing to add
- HMS Manly (1812) - updated
- HMS Maria (1805) (ex-La Constance) - nothing to add
- HMS Maria (1808) - nothing to add
- HMS Marie Rose (1799) - nothing to add
- HMS Marie Antoinette (1793) (ex-Convention Nationale) - nothing to add
- HMS Mars (1781) - nothing to add
- HM Hired armed cutter Marshall de Cobourg - updated; AKA Marshall Cobourg, Marquis Cobourg, Cobourg, and Saxe Cobourg; hired 1794-1801, not in 1800 as NMM database suggests
- HMS Marsouin - nothing to add
- HMS Martin (1790) - nothing to add
- HMS Mary (1677) updated, new name requested
- HMS Mediator (1804) - nothing to add
- HMS Meleager (1785) - added dimensions
- HMS Melville (1805) - nothing to add; NMM database has incorrect info on commanders
- HMS Mercury (1779) - nothing to add
- HMS Merlin (1796) - nothing to add
- HMS Merlin (1803) - nothing to add
- HMS Mermaid (1784) - nothing to add
- HMS Mermaid (1798) - nothing to add
- HMS Merope (1808) - nothing to add
- HMS Meteor (1803) - nothing to add
- HMS Meteor (1805) = nothing to add; this is the renamed (in 1812) HMS Starr (1805)
- HMS Mignonne (1794) - nothing to add
- HMS Mignonne (1803) - nothing to add
- HMS Mignonne (1806) - not in NMM Database; see HMS Musette (1807)
- HMS Milbrook (1798) - nothing to add; the NMM database has duplicate records: #371445 and #371446
- HMS Minerva (1780) - updated
- HMS Minorca (1779) - updated
- HMS Minorca (1799) - updated, but there is some uncertainty around the added info.
- HMS Minorca (1805) - nothing to add
- HMS Mohawk (1783) - nothing to add
- HMS Mohawk (1813) - nothing to add
- HMS Mongoose (1799) - nothing to add
- HMS Monmouth (1796) - updated
- HMS Monsieur (1780) - updated
- HMS Morgiana (1800) - nothing to add
- HMS Mosambique (1804) - nothing to add
- HMS Mosquidobit (1813) - not in NMM database
- HMS Moselle (1804) - nothing to add
- HMS Moucheron (1802) - nothing to add
- HMS Mullet (1793) - nothing to add
- HMS Mullet (1807) - nothing to add
- HMS Musette (1807) - updated
- HMS Musquito (1794) - improved Musquito class floating battery and listed in HMS Mosquito
- HMS Naiad (1797) - nothing to add
- HMS Musquito (1794) - nothing to add
- HMS Musquito (1799) - not in NMM database
- HMS Musquito (1804) - nothing to add
- HMS Mutine (1779) - nothing to add
- HMS Muzette (1796) - updated
- HMS Nancy (1794) - nothing to add
- HMS Nancy (1814) - nothing to add
- HMS Nijaden (1807), aka Nayaden or Nyaden - nothing to add
- HMS Nassau (1805) - NMM #371915. Same vessel as HMS Holstein (1801), NMM #368641 - nothing to add
- HMS Nearque - nothing to add
- HMS Negresse (1799) - updated
- HMS Netley (1798) - updated, though NMM database has some incorrect information and mixes in commanders of HMS Netley (1807)
- HMS Netley (1807) ex privateer Déterminée - NMM database combines information on this Netley with Netley (1798); nothing to add
- HMS New Betsey (1794) - nothing to add
- HMS Newcastle (1704) - updated
- HMS Nightingale (1805) - nothing to add
- HM hired armed cutter Nile - nothing to add
- HM hired armed lugger Nile - nothing to add
- HMS Nile (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Nimrod (1799) - nothing to add
- HM hired armed cutter Nimrod (8) - nothing to add
- HM hired armed cutter Nimrod (6) - nothing to add; the NMM database (#372158) treats this vessel as also including the service period of what it calls Nimbord (#372161); also nothing to add
- HMS Nimrod (1812) - nothing to add
- HMS Nova Scotia (1812) - nothing to add
- Hired armed cutter Nox - nothing to add
- HMS Nymphe (1780) - updated
- HMS Oberon (1805) - nothing to add
- HMS Observateur (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Olympia (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Oronoque (1781) - nothing to add; the NMM database spells her name as ORNONOQUE
- HMS Orestes (1805) - nothing to add
- HMS Oronooko (1805) - nothing to add
- HMS Oronooko - nothing to add
- HMS Ortenzia (1808) - nothing to add
- HMS Otter (1805) - nothing to add
- HMS Owen Glendower (1808) - updated
- HMS Pactolus (1813) - nothing to add
- HMS Pallas - same vessel as HMS Gloire (1814); nothing to add
- HMS Pallas - same vessel as HMS Minerva (1780); nothing to add
- HMS Pandora (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Pandour (1795) - nothing to add
- HMS Pandour (1798) - nothing to add
- HMS Pandour (1799) -nothing to add
- HMS Papilion (1803) - nothing to add; ID#372883 and ID#372884 are the same vessel, as the NMM database surmises.
- HM hired armed brig (or cutter) Pasley - updated; there are two vessels with this name, and the records are spread over the names Admiral Pasley, Pasley, and Sir Thomas Pasley
- HMS Patriot (1808) - updated
- HMS Paulina (1805) - nothing to add
- HMS Paz (1807) - nothing to add
- HMS Peacock (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Peacock (1812/1813) - updated
- HMS Pelican (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Pelorus (1808) - updated; NMM info re capture of Mars and re F.A. Collier probably incorrect.
- Hired vessel Penelope (c.1797) - nothing to add
- HMS Penguin (1798) - nothing to add
- HMS Penguin (1813) - nothing to add
- HMS Perdrix (1795) - nothing to add
- HMS Persian (1809) - updated
- HMS Pert (1804) - nothing to add
- HMS Peruvian (1808) - nothing to add
- HMS Peterel (1794) - nothing to add
- HMS Petite Victoire (1793) - nothing to add; NMM database has her name as Petite Victoira.
- HMS Phoebe (1795) - nothing to add; the NMM has Phoebe sharing with Revolutionnaire in the capture of the Bourdelais and the Grand Perhaideu. There is no other evidence for either claim. Revolutionnaire did capture the Bordelais and Phoebe did capture the Grand Ferailleur, both privateers with the requisite number of guns, but there is no evidence to suggest that they shared either prize.
- HMS Phoenix (1783) - nothing to add
- HMS Pickle (renamed from HMS Eclair (1801)) - updated
- HMS Pickle - NMM splits this vessel between two records, #373319 & #373323, and has some mistakes.
- HMS Pictou (1813) - nothing to add
- HMS Pictou (1814) - not in NMM database
- HMS Piercer (1804) - created; not yet in the data base.
- HMS Pigeon (1805) - nothing to add; ID#373346 and ID#373347 are probably duplicates
- HMS Pigeon (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Pigmy (1798) - see HMS Mutine (1779)
- HM galley Pigot - nothing to add. There appear to have been two vessels by this name, both acquired and lost in 1778.
- HMS Pike (1804) - updated; the NMM database mixes information on this Pike with information about the temporarily renamed HMS Fleur de la Mer.
- HMS Pilchard (1805) - nothing to add
- HMS Pilote (1779) - nothing to add
- HMS Placentia (1790) - wrong launch year; nothing to add
- HMS Plumper (1804) - nothing to add
- HMS Plumper (1807) - nothing to add. The NMM database spreads the records of this brig over two records, #373474 and #373477.
- HMS Podargus (1808) - nothing to add. NMM#373491 is Podargus, but name is missing from record and is out of alpha sequence.
- HMS Polecat (1782) - nothing to add
- HMS Pomone (1805) - nothing to add
- HMS Porcupine (1807) - nothing to add
- HMS Porcupine (G93) - 373573 and 373574 are in fact the same ship - a single ship which was split into two shore establishment hulks.
- HMS Porgey (1807) - nothing to add
- HMS Porpoise (1799) - nothing to add
- HMS Porpoise (1804) - nothing to add; there are several errors in the NMM's record.
- HMS Port d'Espagne (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Port Royal (1779) - nothing to add. NMM database confounds several vessels.
- HMS Port Royal (1796) - nothing to add. NMM database confounds several vessels.
- HMS Poulette (1793) - nothing to add
- HMS Poulette (1799) - updated
- HM hired armed ship Pretty Lass - nothing to add; the NMM incorrectly has her name as Pretti Lass.
- HMS Prevost (1803) - nothing to add
- HMS Prevoyante - nothing to add
- HMS Primrose (1807) - updated
- HMS Prince Frederick (1807) - not in NMM database. See HMS Princess Augusta (1816).
- HM Hired armed ship Prince William - NMM #373768 and #373787 are the same vessel. Updated
- HMS Princess Augusta (1816) - nothing to add; the NMM database contains erroneous information concerning her acquisition
- HM Hired armed cutter Princess Augusta - nothing to add
- HM Hired armed schooner Princess Charlotte - NMM database lists her as Princess Charolotte; updated
- HMS Procris (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Proselyte (1796) - nothing to add
- HMS Proselyte (1804) - updated
- HMS Psyche (1805) - updated
- HMS Puissant (1793) - nothing to add
- HMS Pultusk (1807) - nothing to add. The NMM daatabase has a launch year of 1795, which is highly improbable
- HMS Queen Charlotte (1812) - nothing to add
- HM Hired armed cutter Queen Charlotte - updated; this vessel (NMM ID 374058) is probably the same vessel as NMM ID 374053
- HMS Quail (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Racehorse (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Racoon (1795) - nothing to add
- HMS Ranger (1787) - nothing to add
- HMS Rapid (1804) - nothing to add
- HMS Raposa (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Raven (1782) - nothing to add
- HMS Raven (1799) - nothing to add
- HMS Raven (1804) - nothing to add
- HMS Recovery (1797) -nothing to add
- HMS Redbridge (1798) - nothing to add
- HMS Redwing (1806) - updated
- Regent - Updated; the former Grace Dieu, launched in 1488 at Chatham and renamed Regent in 1489. Listed in HMS Regent
- HMS Regent (1816) - nothing to add
- HMS Regent (N41) - nothing to add
- HMS Reindeer (1804) - updated
- HMS Renard (1797) - nothing to add
- HMS Renard (1803) - nothing to add
- HMS Republican (1795) - not in the NMM database
- HMS Repulse (1794) - not in NMM database
- HMS Resolue (1798) - updated
- HMS Retribution (1799) - nothing to add
- HM hired armed cutter Rhoda - updated
- HMS Rifleman (1804) - nothing to add
- HMS Rifleman (1809) - nothing to add
- HMS Ringdove (1806) - updated
- HMS Rolla (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Roman (1808) - updated
- HMS Rook (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Rosario (1797) - updated
- HMS Rosario (1800) - updated
- HMS Rosario (1808) - updated
- HMS Rover (1796) - nothing to add
- HMS Rover (1808) - nothing to add
- HMY Royal Escape - updated
- HMS Ruby Prize (1694) - nothing to add
- HMS Sabrina (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Safety - updated
- HMS Salamine - not in NMM database
- HMS Salamander (1778) - updated
- HMS Saldanha (1796) - not in NMM database
- HMS Saldanha (1809) - not in NMM database
- HMS Salorman (1808) does not appear to be in the database under her name or common variants
- HMS Salsette (1805) - This vessel was launched as HMS Pitt and renamed to HMS Salsette. NMM database has confused this vessel with HMS Pitt, the ex mercantile Salsette, renamed to HMS Doris. The NMM also has this vessel confused with HMS Howe (1805), the ex-Kaikusroo.
- San Firmin - nothing to add
- HMS Sandfly (1794) - nothing to add. Some data in the NMM database appears incorrect.
- HM Hired armed cutter Sandwich - nothing to add
- HMS Sandwich (1805) - nothing to add; same vessel as HM hired armed cutter Sandwich
- Hired armed lugger Sandwich - nothing to add; record numbers #375437 and #375438 refer to the same vessel
- HMS Sandwich (1807) - nothing to add
- HMS Saracen (1804) - nothing to add
- HMS Saracen (1812) - nothing to add
- HMS Sardine (1796) - nothing to add
- HMS Sarpen (1807) - nothing to add
- HMS Sartine (1778) - NMM database has incorrect date for last captain (vessel foundered 1780); nothing to add
- HMS Satellite (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Savage (1805) - nothing to add
- HMS Scarborough (1739) - not in NMM database
- HMS Scipio (1807) - nothing to add
- HMS Scipion (1793) - nothing to add
- HMS Scipion (1805) - nothing to add
- HMS Scorpion (1794) - nothing to add
- HMS Scourge (1796) - nothing to add
- HMS Scourge (1803) - nothing to add
- HMS Scout (1800) - ex-Vengeance, renamed to Venus before capture; nothing to add
- HMS Scout (1801) - ex-Premier Consul - nothing to add
- HMS Scout (1804) - updated
- HMS Scylla (1809) - updated
- HMS Seaforth (1805) - nothing to add
- HMS Seagull (1796) - captured at Demerara; not in NMM database
- HMS Seagull (1805) - nothing to add
- HMS Seagull (1808) - nothing to add
- HMS Sealark (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Sealark (1811) - updated; some small errors in NMM database
- HMS Seine (1798) - updated
- HMS Selby (1798) - nothing to add
- HMS Sensible (1798) - nothing to add
- HMS Serapis (1779) - nothing to add
- HMS Serpent (1771) - nothing to add
- HMS Serpent (1793) - updated
- HMS Serpent (1794) - nothing to add
- HMS Severn (1813) - updated
- HMS Shark (1776) - nothing to add
- HMS Shark (1794) - nothing to add
- HMS Shelanagig (1780) - nothing to add; mistakenly listed as Shelanagio
- HMS Shelburne (1813) - nothing to add
- HMS Sherborne (1763) - nothing to add
- HMS Sir Edward Hughes - updated
- HM Hired armed schooner Sir Sidney Smith - nothing to add
- HM Hired armed vessel Sir Thomas Pasley - updated; there are two vessels with this name, and the records are spread over the names Admiral Pasley, Pasley, and Sir Thomas Pasley
- Siren (1814) - nothing to add; never commissioned so not technically "HMS"
- Sir Andrew Mitchell - updated; this is probably same vessel as the hired armed cutter Admiral Mitchell
- HMS Siren (1745) - created
- HMS Sirius (1797) - updated
- HMS Skipjack (1806) - nothing to add; the NMM database combines data from this Skipjack with Skipjack (1808).
- HMS Skipjack (1808) - nothing to add; the NMM database combines data from this Skipjack with Skipjack (1806).
- HMS Skylark (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Snap (1808) - nothing to add
- HMS Saint Christopher (1806) - nothing to add; NMM database has incorrect information re commanders
- HMS St Lawrence (1813) - nothing to add
- HMS St Lucia (1780) - not in NMM database
- HMS Saint Lucia (1803), aka St Lucie or Santa Lucia - nothing to add. NMM info re capture of Recompence is incorrect. HMS Cyane (1796) captured Recompence in 1804.
- HMS Snapper (1805) - updated
- HMS Sophie (1798) - nothing to add; the NMM database incorrectly identifies HMS Sophie as the French privateer Premier Consul
- HMS Sophie (1809) - nothing to add
- HM Hired armed lugger Speedwell - nothing to add
- HMS Speedwell (1780) - nothing to add; the NMM database spreads the record for this vessel over two records, #376129 for the cutter, and #3756131 after her conversion to a brig. It also attributes to the brig some of the prizes that the hired armed lugger Speedwell captured.
- HMS Speedwell (1815) - nothing to add
- HMS Spencer (1795) - updated
- HMS Spencer (1800) - updated
- HMS Spider - created article with 8 ships
- Hired armed lugger Spider - nothing to add; NMM database misnames her commander. Should be Lt. James Oswald, not Lt. James Orwell
- HMS Spider (1782) - updated.
- HMS Spitfire (1782) - nothing to add
- HMS Spitfire (1793) - nothing to add
- HMS Squirrel (1582) - done.
- HMS Squirrel (1904) - done.
- HMS Squirrel (J301) - done.
- HMS Star (1805) - nothing to add; NMM database appears to have some extraneous and incorrect info re commanders
- HMS Staunch (1797) - nothing to add
- HMS Staunch (1804) - nothing to add
- HMS Steady (1797) - nothing to add
- HMS Subtle (1806) - nothing to add; same vessel as HMS Vigilant (1806) below
- HMS Subtle (1807) - nothing to add
- HMS Success (1781) - updated.
- HMS Suffisante (1795) - nothing to add.
- HMS Sultana (1768) - nothing to add
- HMS Sultana (1780) - updated
- HMS Superieure (1803) - nothing to add
- HMS Surinam (1799) - updated
- HMS Surinam (1804) - nothing to add
- HMS Surinam (1805) - updated
- HMS Surprise (1774) - done
- HMS Surprize - nothing to add
- HMS Swaggerer (1809) - nothing to add
- HMS Swallow (1795) - nothing to add
- HMS Swallow (1805) - nothing to add
- HMS Sylvia (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Tang (1807) - nothing to add
- HMS Tapageur (1779) - updated
- HMS Tarleton (1782) - nothing to add
- HMS Tartar (1801) - nothing to add
- HMS Tay (1813) - updated
- HMS Teazer (1798) (or Teaser) - nothing to add
- Telegraph (hired brig) - nothing to add
- HMS Telegraph (1813) - nothing to add
- HMS Thetis (1796) - captured at Demerara; nothing to add
- HMS Thrush (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Tickler (1798) - nothing to add
- HMS Tiger (1794) - nothing to add
- HMS Tigress (1808) - nothing to add; was the former Numa and Pierre Czar, and was renamed Algerine in 1814, not 1810 or 1811.
- HMS Tobago (1805) - nothing to add; the NMM database splits the history between records №377473 and №377475
- HMS Topaze (1793) - updated; this is not the French frigate Topaze (1805), which the British captured in 1809, commissioned as HMS Jewel, and later renamed HMS Alcmene.
- HMS Topaze (1814) - nothing to add
- HMS Torch (1805) - nothing to add
- HMS Torride - updated
- HMS Tortoise (1807) - updated. See: HMS Sir Edward Hughes
- HMS Towzer (1798) (or Towser) - nothing to add
- HMS Transfer (1797) - nothing to add
- HMS Trave (1813) - nothing to add
- HMS Trepassey (1779) - nothing to add
- HMS Trepassey (1789) - nothing to add
- HMS Trimmer (1782) - in NMM database as Trinmber; nothing to add. Some errors in NMM database.
- HMS Trincomalee (1799) - nothing to add
- HMS Trincomalee (1801) - nothing to add
- HMS Tromp (1796) - nothing to add; NMM database lists it as "Vantrump (Vantromp)"
- HM hired armed ship Troubridge - updated
- HMS Turbulent (1805) - nothing to add
- HMS Tuscan (1808) - nothing to add
- HMS Undaunted (ex-HMS Arethuse and French Aréthuse) - updated
- HMS Unicorn (1794) - nothing to add; the NMM database entry contains several small errors.
- HMS Unique (1804) - nothing to add
- HMS Unique (1807) - updated. This is actually HMS Netley (1798) (#372032), after her recapture.
- HM Hired armed tender United Brothers - nothing to add
- HMS Urchin (1797) - nothing to add
- HMS Urchin (1800) - not in NMM database
- HMS Urgent - updated, but Warlow claims that the ship was originally known as Assaye, not Assate.
- HMS Utile (1796) - nothing to add
- HMS Valeur (1759) - updated. Actual year of capture appears to be 1759 not 1758.
- HM Hired armed lugger Valiant - nothing to add
- HMS Vanneau (1793) - updated
- HMS Vengeance (1793) - nothing to add
- HMS Vengeance (1800) - updated
- HMS Venom (1794) - updated
- HM Hired armed lugger Venus - not in the NMM database
- HMS Vesta (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Vesuve (1795) - nothing to add
- HMS Vigilant (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Vigilante - nothing to add; This vessel appears to be the same as #378480.
- HMS Vincejo (1799) - nothing to add
- HMS Violet (1806) - updated
- HMS Viper (1781) - nothing to add
- HMS Viper (1794) - nothing to add
- HMS Viper (1777) - nothing to add
- HMS Vivid (P77) - updated
- HMS Volage (1807) - nothing to add
- HMS Vulcan (1849) - updated
- HMS Wagtail (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Wanderer (D74) - created
- HMS Warwick (1733) - updated
- HMS Wasp (1800) - nothing to add
- HMS Wellesley (1815) - does not appear to be in the NMM database
- HMS Wellington (1810) - never commissioned and appears not to be in the NMM database
- HMS Weymouth (1804) - not in NM database
- HMS Widgeon (1806) - not in NMM database
- HMS Whiting (1711) - not in the NMM database
- HMS Whiting (1805) - not in the NMM database
- HMS Whiting (1812) - not in the NMM database
- HMS Whiting (1856) - not in the NMM database
- HMS Whiting (1889) - not in the NMM database
- HMS Whiting (1896) - not in the NMM database
- HMS Wilhelmina (1798) - not in NMM database
- HMS Wolverine (1798) - nothing to add
- HMS Wolverine (1805) - nothing to add
- HMS Woodcock (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Woolwich (1785) - updated
- HMS Xenophon (1798) - nothing to add
- HMS York (1796) - nothing to add
- Zarefah (NMM ID: 379109) - this may be the Spanish slaver Segunda Theresa, which HMS Pelorus (1808) captured and which was eventually sold and became the yacht Xariffa
- HMS Zebra (1780) - updated
- HMS Zebra (1815) - updated
- HMS Zenobia (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Zenobia (1807) - updated
- HMS Abeille (1796) - nothing to add
- HMS Abergavenny (1795) - nothing to add
- HMS L'Abondance (1781) or Abondance - updated. NMM database 1782 as year of capture; should read 1781.
- HMS Acheron (1803) - nothing to add
- HMS Actif (1794) - nothing to add
- HMS Active (1799) - updated; the NMM database attributes to this vessel the capture of the transport Jeune Isabelle. The actual captor was the Hired armed cutter Active.
- Hired armed cutter Active - #379335 updated; #379336 updated; #379337 - nothing to add
- Hired armed cutter Admiral Mitchell - updated
- HM hired armed brig (or cutter) Admiral Pasley - updated; there are two vessels with this name, and the records are spread over the names Admiral Pasley, Pasley, and Sir Thomas Pasley
- HMS Admiral Rainier (1800) - nothing to add
- HMS Adonis (1806) - updated
- HM hired armed cutter Adrian - updated
- HMS Aetna (1796) - nothing to add; see HMS Cormorant (1796)
- HMS Adventure (1771) - updated
- HMS Advice (1779) - updated
- HMS Advice (1800) - nothing to add
- HMS Aglaia - nothing to add
- HM Hired armed lugger Agnes - nothing to add
- HMS Alaart - nothing to add
- HMS Alacrity (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Alban (1806) - updated; NMM database confuses two similar actions and so has wrong date for her capture by the Danes.
- HMS Alarm (1810) - updated
- HMS Albanaise (1800) - nothing to add
- HMS Albemarle (1779) - nothing to add
- HM Hired armed cutter Albion - updated
- HMS Alert - nothing to add
- HMS Alerte (1793) - nothing to add; this seems to be the same vessel as #371507.
- HMS Alexander (1796) - nothing to add
- HMS Alexandria (#379731; 1801 tender) - nothing to add. See HMS Alexander (1796), above.
- HMS Alexandria (1801) - nothing to add
- HMS Algerine (1810) - nothing to add; some of the material on HMS Algerine (1808) more properly belongs under this Algerine, which is also not the former Pierre Czar or Tigress.
- HMS Allegiance (1779) - nothing to add
- HMS Alligator (1780) - not in NMM database
- HMS Alligator (1787) - not in NMM database
- HMS Alligator (1821) - not in NMM database
- HMS Alphea (1806) - nothing to add. The info on Lt. Jones in the NMM database is incorrect - he was dismissed; he did not die.
- HMS Alonzo (1801) - nothing to add
- HMS Amaranthe (1796) - nothing to add
- HMS Amaranthe (1804) - nothing to add; file includes some info from prior Amaranthe.
- HMS Amboyna (1796) - nothing to add
- HMS Ambuscade (1798) - updated
- HMS Ambush (1815) - one of five American gunboats captured at the Battle of Lake Borgne; nothing to add
- HMS Amethyst (1799) - nothing to add
- HMS Amphitrite (1778) - updated, but NMM material added appears possibly to be in error.
- HMS Anacreon (1799) - nothing to add
- HMS Anaconda (1813) - nothing to add
- HMS Anna Maria - not in NMM database
- HMS Antigua (1779) - updated
- HMS Antigua (1804) - nothing to add
- HMS Apelles (1808) - nothing to add
- HMS Apollo (1805) - updated
- HMS Arab (1795) - not in NMM database
- HMS Arab (1797) - nothing to add
- HMS Arab (1798) - nothing to add
- HM galley Arbuthnot (1780) - nothing to add
- HMS Argo (1781) - updated
- HMS Armada (1810) - updated
- HMS Armide (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Arrow (1796) - updated
- HMS Asp (1808) - updated
- HMS Astraea (1781) - updated
- HMS Atalanta (1814) - nothing to add
- HMS Attentive (1804) - nothing to add
- HMS Attentive (1812) - nothing to add; renamed Attentive, from '"Magnet, c. 1814
- HMS Auguste (1705) - updated
- HMS Augustus (1796) - updated
- Aurora (1809) - NMM describes Aurora as an Indian sloop. Actually she belonged to the Bombay Marine of the British East India Company
- HMS Avenger (1803) - not in NMM database
- HMS Aventurier (1798) - NMM database has her capture but she herself is not there as Aventurier, Adventurier or Adventurer
- HMS Avon (1805) - updated
- HMS Babet (1794) - nothing to add; NMM info re capture of Scipion is almost surely incorrect
- HMS Bacchante (1803) - nothing to add
- HMS Bacchus (1806) - nothing to add; the 1808 data in the NMM database is incorrect.
- HMS Bacchus (1808) - nothing to add
- HMS Bacchus (1813) - nothing to add
- HMS Badger (1794) - nothing to add
- HMS Baleine - created with 2 ships.
- HMS Ballahoo (1804) - nothing to add
- HMS Baltic (1808) - nothing to add
- HMS Barbara (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Barbuda (1780) - nothing to add
- HMS Barracouta (1804) - nothing to add
- HMS Basilisk (1801) - nothing to add
- HMS Beagle (1804) - nothing to add
- HMS Bedford (1775) - does not appear to be in the NMM database
- HMS Belette (1806) - updated; in NMM database as Bellette, with some data belonging to a later Belette; the speculation in the NMM database that the vessel was salvaged is incorrect.
- HMS Belette (1814) - nothing to add; the NMM speculation that this is the same vessel as the 1806 Bellette is incorrect.
- HMS Berbice (1793) - updated
- HMS Berbice (1804) - nothing to add
- His Majesty's Hired armed lugger Black Joke - nothing to add
- HMS Black Joke (1827) - nothing to add
- HMS Bold (1801) - nothing to add; the NMM record conflates this Bold with HMS Bold (1812) and has numerous mistakes in the spelling of names of individuals and vessels, and in some dates, including that of the loss of the second Bold.
- HMS Bold (1812) - nothing to add and NMM record has incorrect (1813) launch year.
- HMS Bold (ex-HMS Manly (1804)) - nothing to add
- HMS Bombay (1805) - NMM has no record
- HMS Boreas (1757) - nothing to add
- HMS Boreas (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Boxer (1812) - minor update. NMM has the year of construction wrong (they give it as 1804 rather than 1812), and as a result, some of the data in this record actually belongs in the record for HMS Boxer (1797).
- HMS Braak (1795) - nothing to add
- Hired armed cutter Brave - nothing to add; the NMM database confuses her slightly with HMS Bravo (1794); Philippe d'Auvergne was captain of Bravo, not Brave
- HMS Brazen (1798) - nothing to add; NMM has the date of capture as 1799, which is incorrect.
- HMS Brazen (1808) - nothing to add
- HMS Bream (1807) - updated
- HMS Brev Drageren (1807) - nothing to add
- HMS Bravo (1794) - nothing to add
- HMS Buffalo (1797) - updated
- HMS Buffalo (1813) - updated
- HMS Calcutta (1795) - nothing to add
- HMS Calpe (1800) - nothing to add
- HMS Calypso (1805) - nothing to add
- HMS Cambrian (1797) - updated
- HMS Cameleon (1795) - updated
- HMS Camilla (1776) - updated
- HMS Camphaan - nothing to add
- HMS Capelin (1804) - updated
- HMS Carlotta (1810) - nothing to add
- HMS Carlotta (1812) - nothing to add
- HMS Carmen (1800) - nothing to add
- HMS Carnation (1807) - nothing to add
- His Majesty's hired armed brig Caroline (1803) - updated
- HMS Carhere - nothing to add
- HMS Carrier (1805) - nothing to add
- HMS Carron (1813) - updated
- HMS Cassandra (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Celebes (1806) - same vessel as HMS Makassar (or Macassa); - nothing to add
- HMS Cerbere (1800) - updated
- HMS Ceres (1877) - nothing to add
- HMS Cerf (1803) - updated
- HMS Cesar - nothing to add
- HMS Ceylon (1808) - former HMS Bombay (1805); updated
- HMS Challenger (1813) - nothing to add
- HMS Chanticleer (1808) - updated
- HM hired armed ship Charles - updated
- HMS Charlotte (1798) - nothing to add
- HMY Charlotte - created
- HMS Charwell - nothing to add
- HMS Cherwell - nothing to add; the NMM has the wrong year (1800) for her capture, which occurred in 1801.
- HMS Charybdis (1809) - apparently not in NMM database
- HMS Cherub (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Chiffone (1801) - not in NMM database
- HMS Childers (1812) - nothing to add
- HMS Chipteray (1812) - updated; this is actually the HMS Chippeway (1812).
- HMS Chub (1807) - nothing to add
- HMS Circe (1785) - updated
- HMS Circe (1804) - nothing to add
- HMT City of Edinburgh II - not in NMM database
- HMS Chubb (1813) - updated
- HMS Claudia (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Clyde (1796) - nothing to add
- HMS Cockatrice - updated; this is the same vessel as the Hired armed brig Cockatrice
- Hired armed brig Cockatrice - updated; this is the same vessel as HMS Cockatrice (1781)
- HMS Colibri (1809) - nothing to add
- HMS Colombe (1803) - not in the NMM database
- HM hired armed brig Colpoys - nothing to add
- HMS Columbine (1805) - nothing to add; see HMS Cyane (1806)
- HM galley Comet (1777) - nothing to add. Comet appears in two places in the NMM database, at item number 382607 and 382618. Item 382618, conflates two, and possibly three vessels: the 1777 galley, a 1780 galley, and the 1777 sloop.
- HMS Comet (1777) - updated
- HMS Comus (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Confederate (1781) - updated
- Hired armed cutter Constitution - nothing to add; the NMM database has separate entries for both contracts/cutters (#382747 & #382748), and a third entry (#382749) that combines the two previous entries.
- HMS Cormorant (1796) - nothing to add
- HMS Coromandel (1795) - not in the NMM database
- HMS Cossack (1806) - updated
- HMS Coureuse (1795) - nothing to add
- HM Hired armed cutter Courier - NMM#382881 - nothing to add
- HM Hired armed cutter Courier - NMM#382885 - nothing to add
- HM hired armed ship Countess of Scarborough
- HMS Courageuse (1799) - nothing to add
- HMS Crachefeu (1795) - updated
- HMS Crafty - nothing to add; see HMS Renard (1803)
- HMS Crane (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Crane (1809) - nothing to add
- HMS Crash (1797) - nothing to add
- HMS Cretan (1808) - nothing to add
- HMS Crocus (1808) - nothing to add
- HMS Cruelle (1800) - nothing to add
- HMS Cuckoo (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Cumberland (1803) - nothing to add
- HMS Curieux (1804) - nothing to add
- HMS Curlew (1803) - nothing to add
- HMS Curlew (1795) - nothing to add
- HMS Curlew (1812) - nothing to add
- HMS Cuttle (1807) - nothing to add
- HMS Cyane (1806) - updated
- HMS Cydnus (1813) - updated
- HMS Cynthia (1796) - updated
- HMS Daedalus (1811) - nothing to add
- HMS Dangereuse (1799) - nothing to add
- HMS Daring (1804) - nothing to add
- HMS Dart (1796) - nothing to add
- HMS Dauphin Royal (1796) - nothing to add
- HMS Decouverte (1803) - updated; The NMM database confuses some of the details for HMS Decouverte (1806) with this Decouoverte
- HMS Decouverte (1806) - updated; The NMM database conflates this Decouoverte with her predecessor
- HMS Defender (1809) - nothing to add
- HMS Delight (1801) - nothing to add
- HMS Delight (1806) - updated
- HMS Delight (1808) - updated
- HMS Destruction (1814) - one of five American gunboats captured at the Battle of Lake Borgne; not in database
- HMS Detroit (1812) - nothing to add
- HMS Detroit (1813) - nothing to add
- HMS Deux Amis (1796) - nothing to add
- HMS Deux Freres - nothing to add; captured and lost in a gale in 1799.
- HMS Diana (1824) - nothing to add
- HMS Didon (1805) - nothing to add
- HMS Diligence (1795) - nothing to add
- HMS Diligent (1776) - updated; the NMM database conflates this Diligent with the subsequent Diligent
- HMS Diligent (1777) - nothing to add; the NMM database conflates this Diligent with the previous Diligent
- HMS Diligent (1790) - nothing to add
- HMS Diligent (1806) - nothing to add
- HMS Diomede (1781) - updated
- HMS Discovery (1789) - updated
- HMS Dispatch (1804) - nothing to add
- HMS Dolphin (1799) - nothing to add; unfortunately, the NMM database mixes information about this and other HMS Dolphins.
- HMS Dolphin (1801) - ex-HM hired armed cutter Dolphin; nothing to add
- HMS Dominica (1805) - updated, however NMM database mixes this Dominica with HMS Dominica (1807)
- HMS Dominica (1807) - updated, however, NMM database mixes this Dominica with HMS Dominica (1810).
- HMS Dominica (1810) - nothing to add. This vessel is not in the NMM database, which however has the relevant data mixed with that for HMS Dominica (1807)
- HMS Doterel (1808) - nothing to add
Files 6 to 12 are near duplicates of 1 to 5 with more details in the Dimension field - check. However, the dimension data lacks the granularity of that available in Winfield.
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