Welcome to my user page. I am Youssef Oualmakran, a polyglot engineer living in Brussels, Belgium and looking for a new job (December 2013).
I have a four-year diploma in translation in French-English French Spanish. But I did not work as a professional translation. I did work as a teacher for Dutch and English. I also studied power engineering at ISIB. I made an aprenticeship at Endesa in Salt, Spain and then worked at the University of Girona.
I have done some (very) small contributions to open source projects: Apertium, QElectroTech.
For more updated information on me, see fr:Utilisateur:Youssefsan (French) or my LinkedIn profile http://www.linkedin.com/in/youssefoualmakran.
My interests include: Latin America (mainly Mexico), languages and linguistics, engineering and power engineering, demographics, etc.
You can contact me by email <youssefsangmail.com>
My main language is French. I also can communicate in English, Spanish, Catalan, Dutch. I have also some basic knowledge in German. I studied somehow Latin, Russian, Chinese, Japanese.
Municipalities (Progress)
- Aguascalientes completed (11 done)
- Baja California completed (5 done)
- Baja California Sur 'completed (5 done)
- Campeche 6 out of 11
- Chiapas 5 out 118
- Chihuahua 2 out of 6
- Coahuila 11 out of 38
- Colima done: 5 out of 10
- Durango 2 out of 39
- Mexican Federal District completed (16 boroughs done)
- Guanajuato 4 out of 38
- Guerrero 2 out of 75
- Hidalgo 2 out of 84 (note page needs format)
- Jalisco
- Mexico (state)
- Michoacán
- Morelos: completed (33 done)
- Nayarit
- Nuevo León
- Oaxaca
- Puebla
- Querétaro
- Quintana Roo
- San Luis Potosí
My contributions
Some articles that I have started
- Beate Sirota (stub)
- Jon Woronoff (stub).
- Jean-François Susbielle (stub).
- Yves Cochet, (stub)
- Gschem (stub)
- Ralph Roeder (stub)
- Cynthia Viteri (stub) (26/11/2006)
- Juan Antonio Iribarren (stub) (8/12/2006)
- Puente de Ixtla, municipality in Morelos, Mexico
Articles to write
I am mainly interrested in Mexico. Here are some articles I would like to see in Wikipedia. Feel free to write a stub about them.
Articles to write, Mexico
See: Mexico
Articles to write, misc
- Carlos Genatios Sequera, minister of science and technology of Hugo Chávez.
Area of interest
- List of countries by electricity consumption
- List of countries by electricity production
- List of countries by electricity exports
- List of countries by electricity imports
Useful links
- Wikipedia:Translation_into_English
- Wikipedia:Interlanguage links/French
- Wikipedia:WikiProject Stub sorting/Stub types
Other wiki-links
- Wikipedia:Article Creation and Improvement Drive
- Wikipedia:Scientific peer review
- Wikipedia:Awareness statistics
- Speedy deletion: don't blank bad pages, add {{delete}} to them
- user:youssefsan/sandbox
- Francisco León de la Barra a gift for me :-)
External links
See also Hunger
- http://www.thp.org/faq.html
- http://proyectohambre.org/mexico/index.html
- http://www.e-local.gob.mx/wb2/ELOCAL/ELOC_Enciclopedia
wind energy
- http://www.standaard.be/Artikel/Detail.aspx?artikelId=M32CVJ86&kanaalid=31
- http://www.leseoliennes.be/economieolien/energiewallon.htm
- http://www.eolien.be/
- http://www.leseoliennes.be/parceolien/parceole3.htm#28_ao%C3%BBt_2009_
- http://meewind.nl/belwind/index.php?page=home&lang=nl
- http://www.ps.be/Source/PageContent.aspx?ParentID=884&MenID=19194&EntID=
- http://www.evelop.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=94&Itemid=39
- http://blog.mitsch.be/
- http://www.edora.org/pg4.php?id_menu=120
- http://users.swing.be/compagnons-eole/eolienne/articles/art27.htm
Energy in Belgium
- http://economie.fgov.be/fr/consommateurs/Energie/Developpement_energie/index.jsp
- http://www.cidd.be/FR/pra_sentation_1175072214?PHPSESSID=c404c435c4f586260821a882acb5a8bb
- http://www.creg.be/fr/tarifparame5_fr.html
- http://www.vreg.be/nl/03_algemeen/03_wetgeving//08_elektriciteitsdecreet.asp Flemish Region ++
Flemish laws
- http://www.vlaamsparlement.be/Proteus5/showParlInitiatief.action?id=549632
- http://www.vlaamsparlement.be/Proteus5/showParlInitiatief.action?id=555670
- http://www.vlaamsparlement.be/Proteus5/showParlInitiatief.action?id=555903
Federal laws
Belgium allocation plan
Flemmish Region: solar Power
- http://www.demorgen.be/dm/nl/983/Nieuws/article/detail/1025719/2009/11/05/Bijna-helft-ecologiepremies-gaat-naar-zonnepanelen.dhtml
- http://www.demorgen.be/dm/nl/5376/Planet-Watch/article/detail/1035801/2009/11/30/Akkoord-over-overgangsmaatregel-voor-premies-zonnepanelen.dhtml
Electricity in Belgium 2009
fr | Cet utilisateur a pour langue maternelle le français. |
en-2 | This user can contribute with an intermediate level of English. |
es-2 | Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel intermedio de español. |
nl-1 | Deze gebruiker bezit beginnende kennis van het Nederlands. |
de-1 | Dieser Benutzer hat grundlegende Deutschkenntnisse. |
![]() | This user has been editing Wikipedia for more than ten years. |
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