Gephyrocapsa oceanica. (at coccolithophore) Gephyrocapsa is a genus of Haptophytes (a division of Algae)
Coccolithus pelagicus, a Coccolithophore of class Prymnesiophyceae in division Haptophyta
Anatomy of a snail
Euhadra peliomphala land snail
White-lipped snail land snail
Helix pomatia (Roman snail), a Land snail, Gastropoda, Mollusca
Gastropoda: The class Gastropoda contains a vast total of named species, second only to the Insects in overall number.
Helix aspersa land snail
Cepaea nemoralis land snail
Clausiliidae or door snails, land snail pulmonate which has a sinistral shell
Prosobranchia sea snails Gastropoda
Fulguropsis sea snail
White-lipped snail (Cepaea hortensis), a terrestrial pulmonate gastropod mollusc, Eupulmonata, Helicoidea within Stylommatophora
Sea anemones
Condylactis gigantea Sea anemone
Sea anemone, named after the flower Anemone
Venus flytrap sea anemone (Actinoscyphia aurelia)
Nemanthus annamensis Sea anemone
Bubble-tip anemone Sea anemone
Marrus orthocanna
Colpophyllia natans
Aurelia aurita
Phyllorhiza punctata Jellyfish
Aurelia aurita (moon jellyfish). Aurelia (genus) is a genus of Scyphozoan (σκύφος=drinking cup) Jellyfish.
A Medusa (biology) is an umbrella-shaped Cnidarian
Jellyfish Cross Section
Pillar coral
Warty crab
Triops longicaudatus
Malacostraca is the largest of the six classes of Crustaceans. μαλακός and ὄστρακον="shell", but the shell is only soft after Ecdysis (moulting)
Liocarcinus vernalis, the grey swimming crab
Phylum Arthropoda, Subphylum Crustacea, Class Malacostraca, Order Decapoda, Infraorder Brachyura (βραχύς= short, οὐρά= tail), Section Eubrachyura
Grapsus grapsus
Grapsus grapsus
Male marbled rock crab Pachygrapsus
Pachygrapsus marmoratus
Chthamalus stellatus Barnacle
Squilla mantis
Periclimenes imperator
Carpilius convexus
Dungeness crab
Mictyris longicarpus
Strombus sinuatus
Tonna galea
Turbinella pyrum
Eustrombus gigas
Chicoreus ramosus
Melo aethiopica
Cymbiola imperialis
Lambis crocata
Tibia insulaechorab
Lambis truncata
Cymbiola nobilis
Cymatium lotorium
Donax variation at phenotype
Blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) anatomy
Giant clam (Tridacna gigas), the largest living bivalve mollusc
Giant clam Mollusca
Hermaphrodite Scallops have up to 100 simple eyes, Bivalvia Mollusca, family Pectinidae (Latin "comb")
Atlantic Bobtail cephalopod
Common European Squid at Loliginidae cephalopod
Loliginid squid at cephalopod
Cephalopod intelligence
Sepiola atlantica Bobtail squid, Cephalopod (Κεφαλόποδα="head-feet") related to Cuttlefish
Bigfin reef squid cephalopod, showing Iridescence ἶρις (gen. ἴριδος=rainbow), from Iris (mythology)
Amphioctopus marginatus cephalopod
Cuttlefish cephalopod
Cuttlefish cephalopod
Chambered Nautilus, cephalopod
Nautilus cephalopod
Glaucus atlanticus Sea slug Nudibranch
Flabellina iodinea Spanish shawl Sea slug Nudibranch
Nembrotha lineolata Nembrotha, Sea slug Nudibranch
Nembrotha Sea slug
Chromodoris quadricolor Sea slug, Nudibranch (Latin nudus=naked, Greek βραγχια=gills), Heterobranchia ("different-gilled" snails)
a marine opisthobranch gastropod Mollusca. Opisthobranch means "gills behind" (and to the right of the heart). In contrast, Prosobranch means gills in front (of the heart). Opisthobranchs are characterized by two pairs of tentacles and a single gill behind and to the right of the heart. Heterobranchia=Euthyneura (q.v)
Longnose sawshark
Leopard shark
Great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias), Shark, Gigantothermy
Class Chondrichthyes (χονδρ=cartilage, ἰχθύς=fish), subclass Elasmobranchii (comprises Selachii (sharks) and Batoidea (rays, skates))
Frilled shark, an uncommon species of shark in genus Chlamydoselachus
Basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus) is the second largest living fish, after the Whale shark.
Broadnose sevengill shark, in the order Hexanchiformes: primitive types of sharks with only six extant species.
Giant Oceanic Manta Ray, the largest ray in the world.
The largest recorded specimen was more than 7.6 metres (25 ft) across, and weighed about 2,400 kilograms (5,300 lb).
Holocephali ("complete heads") (Chondrichthyes is Elasmobranchii and Holocephali)
Redeye gaper
Orange-lined triggerfish
Blackback butterflyfish
Scaldfish larva
Bryaninops yongei
Australian blenny
Atlantic spadefish
Thrissops formosus
Bothus mancus at Underwater camouflage and mimicry
Psetta maxima at Turbot
Snowflake moray, Moray eel
Fangtooth moray, Moray eel
Paradise fish
Synchiropus splendidus (at Mandarinfish)
Pterois antennata
Common lionfish
Dried seahorse
Pennant coralfish
Camouflaged Flounder at Camouflage
Salmon larva at Salmon
Giant grouper
Asian arowana
Oscar (Astronotus ocellatus), Astronotus Genus of Family Cichlidae
Chrysaora fuscescens (Pacific sea nettle), Scyphozoa (shaped like σκύφος=a kind of drinking cup) is a Class within Phylum Cnidaria
Clavelina moluccensis, blue bell Tunicate (sea squirt) in the genus Clavelina (the "little bottles").
Pyrosome, planktonic Tunicate. Plankton πλαγκτός="errant", and by extension "wanderer" or "drifter"
Ascidiacea Tunicate
Ascidiacea Tunicate
Tunicate (Sea squirt) Polycarpa aurata, in Komodo National Park
Marine Sponge, phylum Porifera="pore bearer", Sponge reef
Calcispongiae at Calcareous sponge
Slate pencil urchin Sea urchin
Tripneustes ventricosus Sea urchin
Spirobranchus giganteus Polychaete worm
Common clam worm Alitta succinea, marine Annelid of the Nereididae family of Polychaete worms
Bearded fireworm Hermodice carunculata, a Polychaete (Bristleworm with many Chaeta), Chaetotaxy
Pectinaria annelid fanworm
Pseudoceros dimidiatus, a species of marine Flatworm in the genus Pseudoceros, Turbellaria
Conus textile venomous sea snail
sessile Entoprocta "anus inside", contrasts with Bryozoa (Ectoprocta) having the anus outside a "crown" of hollow tentacles
Phoronid, a Filter feeder with a Lophophore. Superphylum Lophotrochozoa ("crest/wheel animals")
Bryozoan with Lophophore extended
Ceratium furca, Dinoflagellate (δῖνος="whirling", Latin flagellum="whip, scourge"), Alveolate ("with cavities"), Protist, Eukaryote, Zooxanthella
Nuda, a class of Ctenophora (comb jellies) κτείς kteis=comb, φέρω=carry
Lamprey ("stone licker", from Latin lambere=to lick, Greek petra=stone). Family of jawless fish Agnatha (cf. Gnathostomata)
Humpback whale, a Baleen whale, see Cetacea (κητος="whale")
Little Penguin at Melbourne Zoo
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