Xysticus cristatus, the common crab spider, is a species in the family
Thomisidae. It has a
Palearctic distribution, being found throughout Europe (including Iceland) and east through Asia to Siberia, China, Korea and Japan. It has been introduced to Canada and the United States. The species is usually found in low vegetation and avoids woodland and closed canopy habitats, but is otherwise found in almost every habitat type. The female has a body length of about 6 to 8 millimetres (0.24 to 0.31 inches), and the male about 3 to 5 millimetres (0.12 to 0.20 inches), with coloration varying from light cream, dark brown to greyish.
X. cristatus is an
ambush hunter that spends much time sitting still with its forelegs spread wide, waiting for insects to blunder into them. During reproduction, the female builds a flat white ovisac containing developing eggs, usually fixed on plants. The female sits on it to protect it, until myriad little spiders are released. This female
X. cristatus spider with its prey, a
Carniolan honey bee, was photographed in
Bled, Slovenia. The photograph was
focus-stacked from seven separate images.
Photograph credit: Charles J. Sharp
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