FA and FL-class articles I've created or expanded
HMS Lion (1910)*
HMAS Australia (1911) (with Saberwyn)*
Sovetsky Soyuz class battleship
Japanese aircraft carrier Kaga (with Cla68 and Dank)*
List of battlecruisers of Russia
Russian battleship Slava
Courageous class battlecruiser*
SMS Goeben (with Parsecboy)
List of battlecruisers of the Royal Navy
HMS Indefatigable (1909) (with Dank)*
List of breastwork monitors of the Royal Navy
Japanese aircraft carrier Hōshō (with Cla68)*
USS New Ironsides*
HMS Hood*
HMS Princess Royal (1911)
HMS Eagle (1918)*
HMS Courageous (50)
USS Arizona (BB-39) (with The_ed17)*
HMS New Zealand (1911)*
Japanese aircraft carrier Akagi (with Cla68)*
HMS Queen Mary
HMS Vanguard (23)
Courageous-class aircraft carrier
HMS Agincourt (with The_ed17)*
HMS Hermes (95)
List of battlecruisers of the United States (with Dank)
HMS Furious (47)
USS Lexington (CV-2)*
HMS Argus (I49)
HMS Tiger (1913)
Russian battleship Rostislav
Fusō-class battleship (with Dank)
Japanese battleship Fusō (with Dank)
Japanese battleship Yamashiro (with Dank)
USS Saratoga (CV-3)
Conte di Cavour-class battleship*
Japanese battleship Musashi (with Dank)
List of sunken battlecruisers
HMS Warrior (1860)*
Tosa-class battleship* (with Parsecboy and The_ed17
Japanese aircraft carrier Hiryū*
Japanese aircraft carrier Shinano*
Japanese battleship Mutsu*
Japanese battleship Asahi*
Japanese aircraft carrier Ryūjō*
Russian battleship Retvizan
Japanese aircraft carrier Sōryū*
Japanese battleship Nagato*
Russian battleship Poltava (1894) (with Buggie111)
Russian battleship Peresvet
Andrea Doria-class battleship (with Parsecboy)
HMS Indefatigable (R10)
Nagato-class battleship
Russian battleship Pobeda*
HMS Formidable (67)
Fuji-class battleship
HMS Illustrious (87)
HMS Nairana (1917) w/ (Ian Rose)*
HMS Collingwood (1908)
Russian battleship Potemkin
Russian battleship Oslyabya (with Buggie111)
Shōkaku-class aircraft carrier
Peresvet-class battleship
Japanese aircraft carrier Jun'yō*
Lion-class battlecruiser
HMS St Vincent (1908)*
St Vincent-class battleship
HMS Neptune (1909)
Russian battleship Petropavlovsk (1894)
HMS Vanguard (1909)
Design A-150 battleship (with The_ed17)
Borodino-class battlecruiser
Japanese battleship Hyūga
Petropavlovsk-class battleship
HMS Erin*
French battleship Courbet (1911)
Japanese battleship Ise
French battleship Bretagne (with Parsecboy)
Japanese aircraft carrier Hiyō
German torpedo boat Albatros (with L293D)
Lion-class battleship
French battleship Jean Bart (1911)
French battleship Jauréguiberry (with Parsecboy)
Russian battleship Dvenadsat Apostolov
HMS Ramillies (07) (with Parsecboy)
French battleship France
HMS Bulwark (1899)
Normandie-class battleship (with Parsecboy)
List of battleships of Japan (with Parsecboy)
Japanese battleship Yashima
Lyon-class battleship (with Parsecboy)
Soviet destroyer Nezamozhnik (with Kges1901)
French battleship Brennus (with Parsecboy)
French battleship Iéna
French battleship Gaulois
Francesco Caracciolo-class battleship (with Parsecboy)
French battleship Suffren
Yugoslav minelayer Zmaj (with Peacemaker67)*
CSS Baltic* (with Hog Farm)
- Appeared as the Featured Article on the main page.
A-class articles I've created or expanded
Sd.Kfz. 10
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-3
Petlyakov Pe-8
HMS Lion (1910)
Yermolayev Yer-2
Sovetsky Soyuz class battleship
HMAS Australia (1911) (with Saberwyn)
Petlyakov Pe-3
Russian battleship Slava
Japanese aircraft carrier Kaga
HMS Princess Royal (1911)
List of battlecruisers of Russia
HMS Indefatigable (1909)
Courageous class battlecruiser
Borodino class battlecruiser
HMS Courageous (50)
Courageous class aircraft carrier
List of battlecruisers of the Royal Navy
List of breastwork monitors of the Royal Navy
Japanese aircraft carrier Hōshō (with Cla68)
Russian battleship Rostislav (with East of Borschov)
USS New Ironsides
HMS Queen Mary
Lockheed D-21
HMS Hood (51)
HMS New Zealand (1911)
HMS Eagle (1918)
Japanese aircraft carrier Akagi (with Cla68)
HMS Hermes (95)
HMS Vanguard (23)
HMS Argus (I49)
List of battlecruisers of the United States
HMS Agincourt (1913)
HMS Furious (47)
USS Lexington (CV-2)
HMS Tiger (1913)
USS Saratoga (CV-3)
Conte di Cavour-class battleship
HMS Warrior (1860)
List of sunken battlecruisers
Russian battleship Potemkin
Japanese aircraft carrier Hiryū
Japanese aircraft carrier Shinano
Japanese aircraft carrier Ryūjō
Japanese battleship Mutsu
Japanese battleship Asahi
Russian battleship Retvizan
Japanese aircraft carrier Sōryū
Japanese battleship Nagato
Russian battleship Poltava (1894) with Buggie111
Russian battleship Peresvet
Andrea Doria-class battleship (with Parsecboy)
HMS Indefatigable (R10)
Nagato-class battleship
Russian battleship Pobeda
HMS Formidable (67)
HMS Illustrious (87)
Fuji-class battleship
HMS Nairana (1917) (with Ian Rose)
HMS Collingwood (1908)
Peresvet-class battleship
Shōkaku-class aircraft carrier
Japanese aircraft carrier Jun'yō
Russian battleship Oslyabya
Lion-class battlecruiser
HMS St Vincent (1908)
St Vincent-class battleship
HMS Neptune (1909)
German destroyer Z1 Leberecht Maass (with Iazyges)
German destroyer Z2 Georg Thiele (with Iazyges)
Russian battleship Petropavlovsk (1894)
HMS Vanguard (1909)
German destroyer Z3 Max Schultz (with Iazyges)
Type 1934-class destroyer (with Iazyges)
German destroyer Z4 Richard Beitzen (with Iazyges)
HMS Erin
Japanese aircraft carrier Hiyō
Japanese battleship Hyūga
Japanese battleship Ise
Lion-class battleship
French battleship Courbet (1911)
German torpedo boat Albatros (with L293D)
Japanese cruiser Ibuki (1943)
Soviet destroyer Nezamozhnik (with Kges1901)
French battleship Bretagne (with Parsecboy)
French battleship Jean Bart (1911)
French battleship Jauréguiberry (with Parsecboy)
Normandie-class battleship (with Parsecboy)
HMS Ramillies (07) (with Parsecboy)
Russian battleship Dvenadsat Apostolov
French battleship France
HMS Bulwark (1899)
Japanese battleship Yashima
French battleship Iéna
French battleship Gaulois
Lyon-class battleship (with Parsecboy)
List of battleships of Japan (with Parsecboy)
Japanese aircraft carrier Zuihō
Japanese battleship Hatsuse
Italian battleship Leonardo da Vinci
French battleship Brennus (with Parsecboy)
Russian battleship Borodino
HMS Audacious (1912)
Russian battleship Knyaz Suvorov
Soviet cruiser Kalinin (with Kges1901)
Japanese battleship Kawachi
Soviet destroyer Soobrazitelny (1940) (with Kges1901)
Italian battleship Conte di Cavour
Francesco Caracciolo-class battleship (with Parsecboy)
Russian battleship Imperatritsa Ekaterina Velikaya
French battleship Suffren
French battleship Mirabeau
French aircraft carrier Béarn
French battleship Charles Martel (with Parsecboy)
French battleship Liberté (with Parsecboy)
Yugoslav minelayer Zmaj (with Peacemaker67)
CSS Missouri (with Hog Farm)
French battleship Charlemagne
Good articles I've created or expanded
28 cm SK L/40 gun
28 cm SK L/40 "Bruno"
30.5 cm SK L/50 gun
41 cm/45 3rd Year Type naval gun
Active-class cruiser
Admiral-class battlecruiser
Admiral Lazarev-class monitor
Admiral Nakhimov-class cruiser
Admiral Spiridov-class monitor
Aircraft maintenance carriers of the Royal Navy
Alekseyev I-21
Alekseyev I-212
Alma-class ironclad
Amiral Charner-class cruiser
Andrea Doria-class battleship (with Parsecboy)
Andrei Pervozvanny-class battleship
ARA Catamarca
ARA Jujuy
Arsenal VG 70
Arsenal VG 90
Asama-class cruiser
Battle off Endau
Bayan-class cruiser
Beacon-class gunvessel
Bell P-59 Airacomet
Bellerophon-class battleship
BL 18 inch Mk I naval gun
Blackburn Firebrand
Blackburn Firecrest
Blohm & Voss BV 40
Blonde-class cruiser
Boadicea-class cruiser
Borodino-class battlecruiser
Borodino-class battleship
Brazilian ironclad Barroso
Brazilian ironclad Rio de Janeiro
Brazilian ironclad Tamandaré
Brazilian monitor Alagoas
Brazilian monitor Ceará
Brazilian monitor Pará
Brazilian monitor Piauí
Brazilian monitor Rio Grande
Brazilian monitor Santa Catharina
Bréguet 960 Vultur
British B-class submarine
Briton-class corvette
C and D-class destroyer
Cannone navale da 381/40
Centurion-class battleship
Chacal-class destroyer
Charlemagne-class battleship
Charodeika-class monitor
Christopher Cradock
Colbert-class ironclad
Colossus-class battleship (1910)
Comandanti Medaglie d'Oro-class destroyer
Conte di Cavour-class battleship
Courageous-class aircraft carrier
Courageous-class battlecruiser
Courbet-class battleship
Courtois-Suffit Lescop CSL-1
CSS/USS Atlanta (1861)
CSS Missouri
CSS Muscogee
CSS Wilmington
Curtiss XBTC
Curtiss XBT2C
Cyclops-class monitor
Danton-class battleship
Defence-class ironclad
Dornier Do Y
Dupleix-class cruiser
Duke of Edinburgh-class cruiser
E and F-class destroyer
Ekaterina II-class battleship
Etna-class cruiser
Evstafi-class battleship
Fairey Spearfish
French aircraft carrier Béarn
French aviso Savorgnan de Brazza
French battleship Bretagne (with Parsecboy)
French battleship Charlemagne
French battleship Condorcet
French battleship Courbet (1911)
French battleship Diderot
French battleship France
French battleship Gaulois
French battleship Henri IV
French battleship Iéna (1898)
French battleship Jauréguiberry
French battleship Jean Bart (1911)
French battleship Mirabeau
French battleship Paris
French battleship Saint Louis
French battleship Suffren
French battleship Vergniaud
French battleship Voltaire
French cruiser Amiral Aube
French cruiser Amiral Charner
French cruiser Bruix
French cruiser Chanzy
French cruiser Condé
French cruiser Desaix
French cruiser Dupleix (1900)
French cruiser Dupuy de Lôme
French cruiser Jeanne d'Arc (1899)
French cruiser Jules Ferry
French cruiser Gloire (1900)
French cruiser Kléber
French cruiser Latouche-Tréville
French cruiser Léon Gambetta
French cruiser Marseillaise (1900)
French cruiser Pothuau
French cruiser Pluton
French cruiser Sully
French cruiser Victor Hugo
French destroyer Casque (1938)
French destroyer Cassard (1931)
French destroyer Chacal
French destroyer Chevalier Paul (1932)
French destroyer Dague
French destroyer Espingole
French destroyer Épée (1938)
French destroyer Fleuret (1938)
French destroyer Fougueux
French destroyer Framée
French destroyer Fronde
French destroyer Jaguar
French destroyer Kersaint (1931)
French destroyer L'Audacieux
French destroyer L'Indomptable
French destroyer Lansquenet (1939)
French destroyer Le Fantasque
French destroyer Le Flibustier
French destroyer Le Hardi
French destroyer Le Malin
French destroyer Le Terrible
French destroyer Le Triomphant
French destroyer Léopard
French destroyer Lynx
French destroyer Maillé Brézé (1931)
French destroyer Mameluk
French destroyer Mogador
French destroyer Mousquet
French destroyer Panthère
French destroyer Pistolet
French destroyer Renaudin
French destroyer Siroco (1939)
French destroyer Tartu (1931)
French destroyer Tigre
French destroyer Vauquelin (1931)
French destroyer Volta
French ironclad Alma
French ironclad Armide
French ironclad Atalante
French ironclad Belliqueuse
French ironclad Bouvines
French ironclad Colbert
French ironclad Couronne
French ironclad Flandre
French ironclad Friedland
French ironclad Gauloise
French ironclad Guyenne
French ironclad Héroïne
French ironclad Invincible
French ironclad La Galissonnière
French ironclad Jeanne d'Arc
French ironclad Magnanime
French ironclad Marceau
French ironclad Marengo
French ironclad Montcalm
French ironclad Normandie
French ironclad Océan
French ironclad Provence
French ironclad Reine Blanche
French ironclad Revanche
French ironclad Richelieu
French ironclad Savoie
French ironclad Suffren
French ironclad Surveillante
French ironclad Thétis
French ironclad Tempête
French ironclad Trident
French ironclad Triomphante
French ironclad Valeureuse
French ironclad Victorieuse
French seaplane carrier Commandant Teste
French submarine Amiral Bourgois
French submarine Charles Brun
French submarine Mariotte
French submarine X
French submarine Y
French submarine Z
Friedrichshafen D.I
Friedrichshafen FF.1
Friedrichshafen FF.19
Friedrichshafen FF.29
Friedrichshafen FF.31
Friedrichshafen FF.35
Fuji-class battleship
G and H-class destroyer
G3 battlecruiser
La Galissonnière-class ironclad
Gallaudet D-1
Gallaudet D-2
Gangut-class battleship
German destroyer Z1 Leberecht Maass
German destroyer Z2 Georg Thiele
German destroyer Z3 Max Schultz
German destroyer Z4 Richard Beitzen
German destroyer Z5 Paul Jacobi
German destroyer Z6 Theodor Riedel
German destroyer Z7 Hermann Schoemann
German destroyer Z8 Bruno Heinemann
German destroyer Z9 Wolfgang Zenker
German destroyer Z10 Hans Lody
German destroyer Z11 Bernd von Arnim
German destroyer Z12 Erich Giese
German destroyer Z13 Erich Koellner
German destroyer Z14 Friedrich Ihn
German destroyer Z15 Erich Steinbrinck
German destroyer Z16 Friedrich Eckoldt
German destroyer Z17 Diether von Roeder
German destroyer Z18 Hans Lüdemann
German destroyer Z19 Hermann Künne
German destroyer Z20 Karl Galster
German destroyer Z21 Wilhelm Heidkamp
German destroyer Z22 Anton Schmitt
German destroyer Z23
German destroyer Z24
German destroyer Z25
German destroyer Z26
German destroyer Z27
German destroyer Z28
German destroyer Z29
German destroyer Z30
German destroyer Z33
German destroyer Z34
German destroyer Z35
German destroyer Z36
German destroyer Z37 (with Nigel Ish)
German destroyer Z43
German destroyer ZH1
German torpedo boat Albatros (with L293D)
German torpedo boat T1
German torpedo boat T2
German torpedo boat T3
German torpedo boat T13
German torpedo boat T14
German torpedo boat T15
German torpedo boat T16
German torpedo boat T17
German torpedo boat T18
German torpedo boat T19
German torpedo boat T20
German torpedo boat T21
German torpedo boat T22 (with L293D)
German torpedo boat T23 (with L293D)
German torpedo boat T24 (with L293D)
German torpedo boat T25
German torpedo boat T26
German torpedo boat T27
German torpedo boat T28
German torpedo boat T29
German torpedo boat T30
German torpedo boat T31
German torpedo boat T32
German torpedo boat T33
German torpedo boat T34
German torpedo boat T35
German torpedo boat T36
Gloire-class cruiser
Gotha WD.3
Gotha WD.7
Gotha WD.11
Gorgon-class monitor
Greek destroyer Vasilefs Georgios
Greek destroyer Vasilissa Olga
Hansa-Brandenburg W.29
HDMS Niels Juel (1918)
Hector-class ironclad
Hiyō-class aircraft carrier
HMAS Australia (1911) (with Saberwyn)
HMAS Perth (D29)
HMS Aboukir (1900)
HMS Acasta (H09)
HMS Achilles (1863)
HMS Achilles (1905)
HMS Active (1869)
HMS Active (1911)
HMS Afridi (F07)
HMS Agamemnon (1906)
HMS Agincourt (1865)
HMS Agincourt (1913)
HMS Ajax (1880)
HMS Ajax (1912)
HMS Amphion (1911)
HMS Andromeda (1897)
HMS Anne (1915)
HMS Anson (1886)
HMS Ardent (H41)
HMS Argus (I49)
HMS Ark Royal (1914)
HMS Audacious (1869)
HMS Audacious (1912)
HMS Aurora (1887)
HMS Barfleur (1892)
HMS Barham (04)
HMS Basilisk (H11)
HMS Beagle (H30)
HMS Bedford (1901)
HMS Bellerophon (1907)
HMS Bellona (1909)
HMS Ben-my-Chree
HMS Black Prince (1861)
HMS Black Prince (1904)
HMS Boadicea (1908)
HMS Boadicea (H65)
HMS Blanche (1909)
HMS Blanche (H47)
HMS Blonde (1910)
HMS Bonaventure (31)
HMS Boreas (H77)
HMS Brazen (H80)
HMS Brilliant (H84)
HMS Bristol (1910)
HMS Bridgewater (L01)
HMS Bulldog (H91)
HMS Bulwark (1899)
HMS Cambrian (1916)
HMS Campania (1914)
HMS Caradoc (D60)
HMS Cardiff (D58)
HMS Carnarvon
HMS Carysfort (1914)
HMS Centurion (1892)
HMS Centurion (1911)
HMS Cochrane (1905)
HMS Collingwood (1882)
HMS Collingwood (1908)
HMS Colossus (1910)
HMS Comet (H00)
HMS Conqueror (1911)
HMS Cordelia (1914)
HMS Cornwall (1902)
HMS Cornwall (56)
HMS Courageous (50)
HMS Crescent (1931)
HMS Cressy (1899)
HMS Crusader (H60)
HMS Curacoa (D41) (with Mkdw)
HMS Cyclops (1871)
HMS Cygnet (H83)
HMS Daring (H16)
HMS Dainty (H53)
HMS Decoy (H75)
HMS Defence (1861)
HMS Defence (1907)
HMS Defender (H07)
HMS Delight (H38)
HMS Denbigh Castle (K696)
HMS Devonshire (39)
HMS Diamond (H22)
HMS Diana (H49)
HMS Drake (1901)
HMS Dreadnought (1875)
HMS Dreadnought (1906)
HMS Duchess (H64)
HMS Duke of Edinburgh
HMS Duncan (D99)
HMS Eagle (1918)
HMS Effingham
HMS Empress (1914)
HMS Empress of India
HMS Engadine (1911)
HMS Enterprise (1864)
HMS Erin
HMS Escort (H66)
HMS Esk (H15)
HMS Essex (1901)
HMS Euryalus (1901)
HMS Exeter (68)
HMS Exmouth (H02)
HMS Express (H61)
HMS Falmouth (1910)
HMS Fame (H78)
HMS Fearless (1912)
HMS Fearless (H67)
HMS Firedrake (H79)
HMS Flint Castle (K383)
HMS Foresight (H68)
HMS Forester (H74)
HMS Formidable (67)
HMS Fortune (H70)
HMS Foxhound (H69)
HMS Frobisher (D81)
HMS Furious (47)
HMS Fury (H76)
HMS Gallant (H59)
HMS Garland (H37)
HMS General Craufurd
HMS Gipsy (H63)
HMS Glasgow (1909)
HMS Glatton (1914)
HMS Glorious
HMS Gloucester (62)
HMS Glowworm (H92)
HMS Good Hope (1901)
HMS Gorgon (1914)
HMS Grafton (H89)
HMS Grasshopper (T85) (with Miyagawa)
HMS Grenade (H86)
HMS Grenville (H03)
HMS Greyhound (H05)
HMS Griffin (H31)
HMS Hampshire (1903)
HMS Hardy (H87)
HMS Harvester (H19)
HMS Hasty (H24)
HMS Havant (H32)
HMS Havelock (H88)
HMS Havock (H43)
HMS Hawkins (D86)
HMS Hector (1862)
HMS Hercules (1910)
HMS Hereward (H93)
HMS Hero (H99)
HMS Hermes (95)
HMS Hesperus (H57)
HMS Highlander (H44)
HMS Hogue (1900)
HMS Hood (1891)
HMS Hood (51)
HMS Howe (1885)
HMS Hostile (H55)
HMS Hotspur (H01)
HMS Hunter (H35)
HMS Hurricane (H06)
HMS Hurst Castle
HMS Hyperion (H97)
HMS Illustrious (87)
HMS Imogen (D44)
HMS Implacable (R86)
HMS Inconstant (1868)
HMS Indefatigable (1909)
HMS Indefatigable (R10)
HMS Indomitable (1907)
HMS Inflexible (1907)
HMS Invincible (1907)
HMS Iron Duke (1870)
HMS Ivanhoe (D16)
HMS Jamaica (44)
HMS Keith
HMS Kempenfelt (I18)
HMS Kent (1901)
HMS Kent (54)
HMS King George V (1911)
HMS Lion (1910)
HMS Lord Clive
HMS Lord Clyde
HMS Lord Warden
HMS Lord Nelson (1906)
HMS Manchester (15)
HMS Mashona
HMS Medway (1928)
HMS Minotaur (1863)
HMS Minotaur (1906)
HMS Monarch (1911)
HMS Mohawk (F31)
HMS Monmouth (1901)
HMS Nairana (1917) (with Ian Rose)
HMS Natal
HMS Nelson (28)
HMS Neptune (1874)
HMS Neptune (1909)
HMS New Zealand (1911)
HMS Nile (1888)
HMS Northumberland (1866)
HMS Nottingham (1913)
HMS Ocean (1863)
HMS Orion (1910)
HMS Otranto
HMS P222 (with L293D)
HMS Pegasus (1917)
HMS Pelorus (J291)
HMS Perseus (R51)
HMS Pioneer (R76)
HMS Pomone (1897)
HMS Penelope (1867)
HMS Powerful (1895)
HMS Prince of Wales (1902)
HMS Princess Royal (1911)
HMS Queen Mary
HMS Raleigh (1919)
HMS Ramillies (07) (with Parsecboy)
HMS Raven II
HMS Renown (1895)
HMS Renown (1916)
HMS Repulse (1892)
HMS Repulse (1916)
HMS Resistance (1861)
HMS Resolution (09) (with Parsecboy)
HMS Revenge (1892)
HMS Revenge (06) (with Parsecboy)
HMS Rodney (29)
HMS Royal Oak (1862)
HMS Royal Oak (1892)
HMS Royal Sovereign (1891)
HMS Safari (with L293D)
HMS Shannon (1906)
HMS Sickle (with L293D)
HMS Simoom (P225) (with L293D)
HMS Splendid (P228) (with L293D)
HMS Sportsman (with L293D)
HMS St Vincent (1908)
HMS Stonehenge (P232) (with L293D)
HMS Stratagem (with L293D)
HMS Superb (1907)
HMS Swiftsure (1903)
HMS Swordfish (1916)
HMS Syrtis (with L293D)
HMS Temeraire (1907)
HMS Terrible (1895)
HMS Thames (1885)
HMS Thisbe (1824)
HMS Thunderer (1872)
HMS Thunderer (1911)
HMS Tiger (1913)
HMS Triumph (1903)
HMS Unicorn (I72)
HMS Unrivalled
HMS Valiant (1863)
HMS Vanguard (1909)
HMS Vanguard (23)
HMS Vigilant (1777)
HMS Vindex (1915)
HMS Vindictive (1918)
HMS Warrior (1860)
HMS Warrior (1905)
HMS Wessex (R78)
HMS Whelp (R37)
HMS Woolwich (F80)
HMS Wrangler (R48)
HMS York (90)
HMS Zealous (1864)
HMSAS Bloemfontein
HMSAS Protea (1947)
HNoMS Mjølner (1868)
HSwMS Clas Fleming
HSwMS Gotland (1933)
HSwMS John Ericsson
HSwMS Loke (1869)
HSwMS Thordön (1865)
HSwMS Tirfing (1866)
I-351-class submarine
Ibuki-class armored cruiser
Ibuki-class cruiser
Ilyushin Il-6
Ilyushin Il-20 (1948)
Ilyushin Il-30
Ilyushin Il-32
Ilyushin Il-40
Imperator Aleksandr II-class battleship
Imperatritsa Mariya-class battleship
Indefatigable-class battlecruiser
Implacable-class aircraft carrier
Invincible-class battlecruiser
Ise-class battleship
Italian battleship Conte di Cavour
Italian battleship Dante Alighieri
Italian battleship Giulio Cesare
Italian battleship Leonardo da Vinci
Italian cruiser Carlo Alberto
Italian cruiser Francesco Ferruccio
Italian cruiser Giuseppe Garibaldi (1899)
Italian cruiser Marco Polo
Italian cruiser Pisa
Italian cruiser San Giorgio
Italian cruiser San Marco
Italian cruiser Varese
Italian cruiser Vettor Pisani
Italian monitor Faà di Bruno
Izumo-class cruiser
Jamestown, Saint Helena
Japanese aircraft carrier Akagi
Japanese aircraft carrier Amagi
Japanese aircraft carrier Chūyō
Japanese aircraft carrier Hiryū
Japanese aircraft carrier Hiyō
Japanese aircraft carrier Hōshō
Japanese aircraft carrier Jun'yō
Japanese aircraft carrier Kaga
Japanese aircraft carrier Kaiyō
Japanese aircraft carrier Katsuragi
Japanese aircraft carrier Kumano Maru
Japanese aircraft carrier Ryūjō
Japanese aircraft carrier Shōhō
Japanese aircraft carrier Sōryū
Japanese aircraft carrier Taiyō
Japanese aircraft carrier Unryū
Japanese aircraft carrier Un'yō
Japanese aircraft carrier Zuihō
Japanese battleship Aki
Japanese battleship Asahi
Japanese battleship Fuji
Japanese battleship Fusō (with Dank)
Japanese battleship Hyūga
Japanese battleship Ise
Japanese battleship Kashima
Japanese battleship Katori
Japanese battleship Kawachi
Japanese battleship Hatsuse
Japanese battleship Mikasa
Japanese battleship Mutsu
Japanese battleship Nagato
Japanese battleship Satsuma
Japanese battleship Settsu
Japanese battleship Shikishima
Japanese battleship Yashima
Japanese battleship Yamashiro (with Dank)
Japanese cruiser Agano
Japanese cruiser Asama
Japanese cruiser Azuma
Japanese cruiser Ibuki (1943)
Japanese cruiser Iwate
Japanese cruiser Izumo
Japanese cruiser Kasuga
Japanese cruiser Nisshin
Japanese cruiser Ōyodo
Japanese cruiser Sakawa
Japanese cruiser Naniwa
Japanese cruiser Takachiho
Japanese cruiser Tokiwa
Japanese cruiser Unebi
Japanese cruiser Yakumo
Japanese cruiser Yūbari
Japanese destroyer Enoki (1945)
Japanese destroyer Hagi (1944)
Japanese destroyer Hatsuume
Japanese destroyer Hatsuzakura
Japanese destroyer Hinoki (1944)
Japanese destroyer Kaba (1945)
Japanese destroyer Kaede (1944)
Japanese destroyer Kaki (1944)
Japanese destroyer Kashi (1944)
Japanese destroyer Kaya (1944)
Japanese destroyer Keyaki (1944)
Japanese destroyer Kiri (1944)
Japanese destroyer Kusunoki (1945)
Japanese destroyer Kuwa (1944)
Japanese destroyer Maki (1944)
Japanese destroyer Matsu (1944)
Japanese destroyer Momi (1944)
Japanese destroyer Momo (1944)
Japanese destroyer Nara (1944)
Japanese destroyer Natsuzuki
Japanese destroyer Nire (1944)
Japanese destroyer Odake
Japanese destroyer Sakura (1944)
Japanese destroyer Shii
Japanese destroyer Sugi (1944)
Japanese destroyer Sumire (1944)
Japanese destroyer Tachibana (1944)
Japanese destroyer Take (1944)
Japanese destroyer Teruzuki (1941)
Japanese destroyer Tsubaki (1944)
Japanese destroyer Tsuta (1944)
Japanese destroyer Ume (1944)
Japanese destroyer Yanagi (1944)
Japanese ironclad Fusō
Japanese ironclad Hiei
Japanese ironclad Kongō
Japanese ironclad Kōtetsu
Japanese ironclad Ryūjō
Japanese submarine I-179
John Ericsson-class monitor
Joffre-class aircraft carrier
Kalamazoo-class monitor
Katori-class battleship
Kawachi-class battleship
Kiev-class destroyer
Kii-class battleship
King George V-class battleship (1911)
Kirov-class cruiser
Kongō-class ironclad
Kronshtadt-class battlecruiser
Lavochkin La-7
Lavochkin La-150
Lavochkin La-152
Le Hardi-class destroyer
Leduc 022
Léon Gambetta-class cruiser
Lexington-class aircraft carrier
Lion-class battlecruiser
Lion-class battleship
List of aircraft maintenance carriers of the Royal Navy
Lockheed D-21
Lord Nelson-class battleship
LT vz. 34
Malta-class aircraft carrier
Marietta-class monitor
Martin AM Mauler
Mikoyan-Gurevich DIS
Mikoyan-Gurevich I-211
Mikoyan-Gurevich I-250
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-1
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-3
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-9
Minotaur-class cruiser (1906)
Milwaukee-class monitor
Mogador-class destroyer
Morane-Borel military monoplane
MS Adzharistan
Océan-class ironclad
Orion-class battleship
Nagato-class battleship
N3-class battleship
Neosho-class monitor
Nieuport Triplane
NMS Mărășești
NMS Mărăști
NMS Regele Ferdinand
NMS Regina Maria
Nord 1500 Griffon
Nord 2200
Nord Gerfaut
North American AJ Savage
Number 13-class battleship
Panzer 35(t)
Pará-class monitor
Peresvet-class battleship
Petlyakov Pe-3
Petlyakov Pe-8
Petropavlovsk-class battleship
Pisa-class cruiser
Polikarpov DI-1
Polikarpov I-3
Polikarpov I-5
Polikarpov I-6
Polikarpov I-185
Polikarpov ITP
Polikarpov TIS
Polikarpov VIT-1
Powerful-class cruiser
Pumpkin bomb
Raid on Constanța
Regele Ferdinand-class destroyer
Renown-class battlecruiser
Revenge-class battleship (with Parsecboy)
Rohrbach Ro IX Rofix
Royal Sovereign-class battleship
Rumpler 6B
Russian armoured cruiser Dmitrii Donskoi
Russian armoured cruiser Vladimir Monomakh
Russian battleship Andrei Pervozvanny
Russian battleship Borodino
Russian battleship Chesma (1886)
Russian battleship Dvenadsat Apostolov
Russian battleship Ekaterina II
Russian battleship Evstafi
Russian battleship Gangut (1911)
Russian battleship Georgii Pobedonosets
Russian battleship Imperator Aleksandr II
Russian battleship Imperator Aleksandr III
Russian battleship Imperator Aleksandr III (1901)
Russian battleship Imperator Nikolai I (1889)
Russian battleship Imperator Nikolai I (1916)
Russian battleship Imperator Pavel I
Russian battleship Imperatritsa Ekaterina Velikaya
Russian battleship Imperatritsa Mariya
Russian battleship Ioann Zlatoust
Russian battleship Knyaz Suvorov
Russian battleship Navarin
Russian battleship Oryol
Russian battleship Oslyabya
Russian battleship Peresvet
Russian battleship Petropavlovsk (1911)
Russian battleship Pobeda
Russian battleship Poltava (1911)
Russian battleship Potemkin
Russian battleship Retvizan
Russian battleship Rostislav (with East of Borschov)
Russian battleship Sevastopol (1895) (with Buggie111)
Russian battleship Sevastopol (1911)
Russian battleship Sinop
Russian battleship Sissoi Veliky
Russian battleship Slava
Russian battleship Tri Sviatitelia
Russian battleship Tsesarevich
Russian cruiser Admiral Makarov
Russian cruiser Bayan (1900)
Russian cruiser Bayan (1907)
Russian cruiser Dmitrii Donskoi
Russian cruiser Gromoboi
Russian cruiser Pallada (1906)
Russian cruiser Rossia
Russian cruiser Vladimir Monomakh
Russian destroyer Gadzhibey (with Kges1901)
Russian frigate General Admiral
Russian ironclad Kniaz Pozharsky
Russian ironclad Kreml
Russian ironclad Ne Tron Menia
Russian ironclad Pervenets
Russian ironclad Petr Veliky
Russian ironclad Petropavlovsk
Russian ironclad Sevastopol
Russian monitor Uragan
Russian monitor Admiral Chichagov
Russian monitor Admiral Greig
Russian monitor Admiral Lazarev
Russian monitor Admiral Spiridov
Russian monitor Bronenosets
Russian monitor Charodeika
Russian monitor Edinorog
Russian monitor Latnik
Russian monitor Lava
Russian monitor Koldun
Russian monitor Novgorod
Russian monitor Perun
Russian monitor Rusalka
Russian monitor Smerch
Russian monitor Strelets
Russian monitor Tifon
Russian monitor Veschun
Russian monitor Vitse-admiral Popov
Russian submarine AG-22
Ryan FR Fireball
San Giorgio-class cruiser
SAS Good Hope
SAS President Kruger
SAS President Pretorius
SAS President Steyn
SAS Transvaal
Satsuma-class battleship
Scorpion-class ironclad
Sd.Kfz. 8
Sd.Kfz. 9
Sd.Kfz. 10
Shikishima-class battleship
Shōkaku-class aircraft carrier
SMS Aspern (with Parsecboy)
SMS Balaton
SMS Breslau (with Parsecboy)
SMS Budapest
SMS Csepel
SMS Helgoland (1912)
SMS Lika
SMS Monarch
SMS Orjen
SMS Szent István
SMS Tátra
SMS Triglav (1913)
SMS Wien
SMS Zenta (with Parsecboy)
SNCASO SO.8000 Narval
SNCASO Trident
South Dakota-class battleship (1920)
Sovetsky Soyuz-class battleship
Soviet cruiser Chervona Ukraina
Soviet cruiser Kaganovich
Soviet cruiser Kalinin
Soviet cruiser Kirov
Soviet cruiser Komintern
Soviet cruiser Krasny Kavkaz
Soviet cruiser Krasny Krym
Soviet cruiser Maxim Gorky
Soviet cruiser Molotov
Soviet cruiser Voroshilov
Soviet destroyer Baku (with Kges1901)
Soviet destroyer Gnevny (1936) (with Kges1901)
Soviet destroyer Gordy (1937) (with Kges1901)
Soviet destroyer Moskva (with Kges1901)
Soviet destroyer Nezamozhnik (with Kges1901)
Soviet destroyer Opytny
Soviet destroyer Razyaryonny (1941) (with Kges1901)
Soviet destroyer Serdity (1940) (with Kges1901)
Soviet destroyer Silny (with Kges1901)
Soviet destroyer Shaumyan (with Kges1901)
Soviet destroyer Skory (1939) (with Kges1901)
Soviet destroyer Slavny (1939) (with Kges1901)
Soviet destroyer Smely (1939) (with Kges1901)
Soviet destroyer Smyshleny (1940) (with Kges1901)
Soviet destroyer Sokrushitelny (1937) (with Kges1901)
Soviet destroyer Soobrazitelny (1940) (with Kges1901)
Soviet destroyer Sovershenny (1940) (with Kges1901)
Soviet destroyer Sposobny (1940) (with Kges1901)
Soviet destroyer Statny (1939) (with Kges1901)
Soviet destroyer Storozhevoy (with Kges1901)
Soviet destroyer Stoyky (1938) (with Kges1901)
Soviet destroyer Strashny (with Kges1901)
Soviet destroyer Strogy (1939) (with Kges1901)
Soviet destroyer Stroyny (with Kges1901)
Soviet destroyer Surovy (1940) (with Kges1901)
Soviet destroyer Svirepy (with Kges1901)
Soviet destroyer Svobodny (1940) (with Kges1901)
Soviet destroyer Tashkent
Soviet destroyer Tbilisi (with Kges1901)
Soviet guard ship Groza
Soviet submarine K-68
Soviet submarine K-85
Soviet submarine K-222
Soviet submarine S-99
St Vincent-class battleship
Stalingrad-class battlecruiser
Sud-Ouest Espadon
Sukhoi Su-9 (1946)
Svetlana-class cruiser
Swiftsure-class battleship
Taiyō-class escort carrier
Tsukuba-class cruiser
Tupolev MTB-2
Tupolev Tu-12
Tupolev Tu-70
Tupolev Tu-75
Tupolev Tu-80
Tupolev Tu-85
Tupolev Tu-91
Type 1936 destroyers
Type 1936B destroyer
Type 39 torpedo boat
Type 40 torpedo boat
Type 41 torpedo boat
Type 44 torpedo boat
Type 97 automatic cannon
USS Agamenticus
USS Ajax (1864)
USS Canonicus (1863)
USS Catawba (1864)
USS Chickasaw (1864)
USS Dunderberg
USS Galena (1862)
USS Hornet (CV-12)
USS Kickapoo (1864)
USS Lexington (CV-2)
USS Mahopac (1864)
USS Manhattan (1863)
USS Milwaukee (1864)
USS Milwaukee (CL-5)
USS Miantonomoh (1863)
USS Monadnock (1863)
USS Neosho (1863)
USS New Ironsides
USS Oneota (1864)
USS Onondaga (1863)
USS Osage (1863)
USS Ozark (1863)
USS Puritan (1864)
USS Roanoke (1855)
USS Saratoga (CV-3)
USS Saugus (1863)
USS Tecumseh (1863)
USS Texas (1892)
USS Tonawanda (1864)
USS Winnebago (1863)
USS Wyandotte (1864)
Vauquelin-class destroyer
Vettor Pisani-class cruiser
Volage-class corvette
Vought F6U Pirate
Warrior-class cruiser
Warrior-class ironclad
Yakovlev Yak-15
Yakovlev Yak-19
Yakovlev Yak-140
Yakovlev Yak-1000
Yermolayev Yer-2
Yugoslav destroyer Split
Yugoslav minelayer Zmaj
Zeppelin-Staaken L
Zuihō-class aircraft carrier
DYKs I've created
LT vz. 34
21st Army Tank Brigade
French battleship Henri IV
Soviet cruiser Voroshilov
30.5 cm SK L/50 gun
Soviet cruiser Kaganovich
Soviet cruiser Molotov
Stalingrad class battlecruiser
Ilyushin Il-8
Ilyushin Il-20 (1948)
Ilyushin Il-40
Tupolev Tu-14
Ilyushin Il-18 (1947)
Ilyushin Il-32
Invincible class battlecruiser
Tupolev Tu-8
Charomskiy M-40
Charomskiy ACh-30
Yakovlev Yak-2
HMS Indomitable (1907)
Polikarpov TIS
G-5 class motor torpedo boat
Yakovlev Yak-140
Yakovlev Yak-200
Yakovlev Yak-8
Yakovlev Yak-1000
Gorgon class monitor
Mikoyan-Gurevich I-250
Polikarpov VIT-1
Indefatigable class battlecruiser
BL 18 inch Mk I naval gun
HMS Gorgon (1914)
Polikarpov VIT-2
Mikoyan-Gurevich DIS
Polikarpov NB
Italian monitor Faà di Bruno
Polikarpov SPB (D)
HMS Indefatigable (1909)
Courbet class battleship
Polikarpov I-3
HMS New Zealand (1911)
Polikarpov I-6
Petlyakov Pe-3
HMS Lord Clive (1915)
Imperator Aleksandr II class battleship
HMS Lion (1910)
Russian battleship Dvienadsat Apostolov
Sovetsky Soyuz class battleship
Russian battleship Georgii Pobedonosets
Russian battleship Sinop
Borodino class battlecruiser
Russian battleship Chesma (1886)
Russian battleship Ekaterina II
Russian battleship Slava
Russian battleship Imperatritsa Mariya
Russian battleship Imperatritsa Ekaterina Velikaya
Russian battleship Gangut (1911)
Imperatritsa Mariya class battleship
Russian battleship Petropavlovsk (1911)
Russian battleship Sevastopol (1911)
Gangut class battleship
French cruiser Pluton
HMS Princess Royal (1911)
French battleship Courbet (1911)
French battleship Jean Bart (1911)
HMS Queen Mary
Lion class battlecruiser
Italian battleship Re Umberto
HMAS Australia (1911)
Yugoslav seaplane tender Zmaj
French seaplane carrier Commandant Teste
French battleship Jauréguiberry
Russian cruiser Rossia (1896)
Russian cruiser Gromoboi
Admiral class battlecruiser
Courageous class battlecruiser
List of battlecruisers of Russia
Russian frigate General Admiral
HMS Swordfish (1916)
Courageous class aircraft carrier
Russian battleship Tri Sviatitelia
British B class submarine
Russian battleship Evstafi
French battleship Suffren
Russian battleship Ioann Zlatoust
French ironclad Belliqueuse
French ironclad Alma
French ironclad Armide
French ironclad Atalante
French ironclad Jeanne d'Arc
French ironclad Montcalm
French ironclad Reine Blanche
French ironclad Thétis
Alma class ironclad
HMS Furious (47)
La Galissonnière class ironclad
Etna class protected cruiser
Brazilian monitor Santa Catharina
Brazilian monitor Pará
Brazilian monitor Rio Grande
Brazilian monitor Alagoas
Pará class monitor
French ironclad La Galissonnière
French ironclad Victorieuse
French ironclad Triomphante
John Ericsson class monitor
Japanese aircraft carrier Hōshō
French ironclad Marengo
Brazilian ironclad Barroso
French ironclad Océan
French ironclad Suffren
Brazilian ironclad Tamandaré
Neosho class monitor
Brazilian ironclad Rio de Janeiro
Renown class battlecruiser
Scorpion class ironclad
Cyclops class monitor
HMS Cyclops (1871)
HMS Hydra (1871)
List of battlecruisers of the Royal Navy
Warrior class ironclad
HNoMS Mjølner (1868)
List of breastwork monitors of the Royal Navy
HMS Defence (1861)
HMS Hector (1862)
HMS Valiant (1863)
HMS Minotaur (1863)
HMS Garmer
HMS Enterprise (1864)
HMS Audacious (1869)
HMS Neptune (1874)
French ironclad Richelieu
HMS Folke
HMS Sköld
HMS Vindex (1915)
Amur class minelayer (1898)
HNLMS Prins Hendrik der Nederlanden
HNLMS Koning der Nederlanden
Russian ironclad Kniaz Pozharsky
Russian monitor Smerch
French cruiser Sully
Pluton class minelayer
Italian monitor Alfredo Cappellini
Russian ironclad Petr Veliky
HMS Achilles (1905)
HMS Jamaica (44)
HMS Gallant (H59)
HMS Grenade (H86)
HMS Greyhound (H05)
HMS Hostile (H55)
HMS Hotspur (H01)
HMS Hasty (H24)
HMS Hyperion (H97)
Russian battleship Imperator Pavel I
Russian battleship Andrei Pervozvanny
HMS Esk (H15)
German destroyer Z9 Wolfgang Zenker
German destroyer Z8 Bruno Heinemann
HMS Plover (M26)
HMS Diamond (H22)
German destroyer Z11 Bernd von Arnim
German destroyer Z12 Erich Giese
German destroyer Z13 Erich Koellner
German destroyer Z16 Friedrich Eckoldt
CSS Missouri
Russian ironclad Pervenets
Russian ironclad Ne Tron Menia
Type 79 radar
Type 281 radar
HMS Kempenfelt (I18)
C and D class destroyer
HMS Hero (H99)
HMS Havock (H43)
HMS Harvester (H19)
HMS Perseus (R51)
HMS Argus (I49)
HMS Anne (1915)
HMS Raven II
Japanese aircraft carrier Amagi
HMS Empress (1914)
HMS Ark Royal (1914)
SMS Breslau
Japanese aircraft carrier Hiyō
Hiyō class aircraft carrier
Japanese aircraft carrier Kaiyo
Russian cruiser Admiral Makarov (1906)
Russian cruiser Bayan (1907)
HMS Blanche (H47)
SMS Helgoland (1912)
HMS Basilisk (H11)
HMS Brazen (H80)
HMS Havelock (H88)
HMS Hurricane (H06)
HMS Highlander (H44)
HMS Imogen (D44)
HMS Ivanhoe (D16)
Japanese aircraft carrier Shōhō
Zuihō class aircraft carrier
Ibuki class cruiser
HMS Volage (1869)
HMS Amethyst (1873)
Briton class corvette
HMS Druid (1869)
French battleship Charlemagne
Charlemagne class battleship
French battleship Diderot
Russian battleship Peresvet
Peresvet class battleship
Petropavlovsk class battleship
Russian ironclad Sevastopol
Russian ironclad Petropavlovsk
SMS Niobe (1849)
Russian corvette Navarin
Russian monitor Bronenosets
HMS Ambrose (1903)
HMS Shannon (1906)
Russian ship of the line Imperator Nikolai I (1860)
HMS Minotaur (1906)
Russian ship of the line Tsesarevich (1857)
USS Dunderberg
Kalamazoo-class monitor
Milwaukee-class monitor
Russian ship of the line Gangut (1825)
SMS Monarch
USS Ozark (1863)
Russian ship of the line Oryol (1854)
Japanese battleship Yamashiro w/Dank
Russian ship of the line Retvizan (1855)
Russian ship of the line Konstantin
Italian battleship Leonardo da Vinci
Russian submarine AG-22
Italian battleship Dante Alighieri
I-351-class submarine
41 cm/45 3rd Year Type naval gun
Ibuki-class armored cruiser
Minotaur-class cruiser (1906)
HMS Resistance (1861)
HMS Nairana (1917) w/Ian Rose
Hector-class ironclad
Nagato-class battleship
French destroyer Espingole
List of aircraft maintenance carriers of the Royal Navy
Defence-class ironclad
Japanese battleship Settsu
Japanese battleship Kawachi
Japanese ironclad Kongō
Kawachi-class battleship
Kongō-class ironclad
HMS Grasshopper (T85)
Warrior-class cruiser
Duke of Edinburgh-class cruiser
North American AJ Savage
Russian monitor Edinorog
Charodeika-class monitor
HMS Beagle (H30)
HMS Engadine (1911)
HMS Implacable (R86)
HMS Vindictive (1918)
HMS Cressy (1899)
HMS Good Hope (1901)
HMS Euryalus (1901)
Andrea Doria-class battleship
Russian monitor Rusalka
Ise-class battleship
SS Kanguroo
Japanese ironclad Fusō
HMS Algerine (J213)
HMS Formidable (67)
Russian monitor Lava
Italian cruiser Vettor Pisani
Italian cruiser Pisa
Italian cruiser San Giorgio
Italian cruiser Carlo Alberto
French submarine Mariotte
Russian monitor Novgorod
German torpedo boat Albatros w/L293D
German torpedo boat T22 w/L293D
German torpedo boat T24 w/L293D
NMS Regele Ferdinand
German torpedo boat T23 w/L293D
NMS Regina Maria
Continental Iron Works
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