- Aglaomorpha bonii
- Aglaomorpha coronans
- Aglaomorpha rigidula
- Aglaomorpha willdenowii
- Alocasia cuprea
- Aloe descoingsii
- Aloe haworthioides
- Aloinopsis luckhoffii
- Aloinopsis rubrolineata
- Aloinopsis spathulata
- Anthurium argyrostachyum
- Anthurium bonplandii
- Anthurium brownii
- Anthurium clavigerum
- Anthurium clidemioides
- Anthurium coloradense
- Anthurium coriaceum
- Anthurium corrugatum
- Anthurium dwyeri
- Anthurium ernestii
- Anthurium forgetii
- Anthurium formosum
- Anthurium jenmanii
- Anthurium magnificum
- Anthurium marmoratum
- Anthurium microspadix
- Anthurium obtusum
- Anthurium ovatifolium
- Anthurium oxycarpum
- Anthurium pallens
- Anthurium papillilaminum
- Anthurium pedatoradiatum
- Anthurium podophyllum
- Anthurium regale
- Anthurium scandens
- Anthurium warocqueanum
- Anthurium wendlingeri
- Anthurium veitchii
- Asclepias prostrata
- Calathea rufibarba
- Calathea bella
- Cheiridopsis peculiaris
- Crassula ericoides
- Crassula namaquensis
- Crassula tecta
- Ctenanthe burle-marxii
- Dischidia astephana
- Dischidia formosana
- Dischidia hirsuta
- Dischidia imbricata
- Dischidia oiantha
- Dischidia ovata
- Dischidia platyphylla
- Dischidia vidalii
- Dracaena aethiopica
- Dracaena ballyi
- Dracaena hallii
- Dracaena masoniana
- Dracaena pearsonii
- Dracaena singularis
- Dracaena suffruticosa
- Epipremnum amplissimum
- Eriosyce chilensis
- Ficus katendei
- Haworthia parksiana
- Haworthia turgida
- Haworthia mutica
- Haworthia chloracantha
- Haworthia lockwoodii
- Haworthia floribunda
- Haworthia herbacea
- Haworthia reticulata
- Hoya curtisii
- Hoya lacunosa
- Hoya linearis
- Hoya macrophylla
- Hoya polyneura
- Hoya pubicalyx
- Hoya retusa
- Hoya shepherdii
- Hoya wayetii
- Lecanopteris carnosa
- Lecanopteris mirabilis
- Monstera dubia
- Monstera obliqua
- Monstera pinnatipartita
- Monstera praetermissa
- Monstera siltepecana
- Monstera spruceana
- Monstera tenuis
- Monstera tuberculata
- Oreocereus trollii
- Peperomia eburnea
- Peperomia tetragona
- Philodendron bernardopazii
- Philodendron billietiae
- Philodendron brandtianum
- Philodendron burle-marxii
- Philodendron grandipes
- Philodendron grazielae
- Philodendron hastatum
- Philodendron hatschbachii
- Philodendron mamei
- Philodendron pastazanum
- Philodendron patriciae
- Philodendron pedatum
- Philodendron oblongum
- Philodendron ricardoi
- Philodendron sodiroi
- Philodendron spiritus-sancti
- Pittosporum heterophyllum
- Pseudolithos cubiformis
- Pseudolithos horwoodii
- Pseudolithos migiurtinus
- Pseudolithos caput-viperae
- Ulearum donburnsii
- Monkeyface Prickleback
- Harrington's Mountain Goat
- List of Oregon birds
- June Hogs
- Ornate Cowfish
- Striped Cowfish
- Hemiscyllium halmahera
- Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse
- American Poultry Association
- American Standard of Perfection
- List of duck breeds
- List of goat breeds
- Buckeye (chicken)
- Sebright (chicken)
- Zulu sheep
- Red Maasai
- Karapan sapi
- U.S. Sheep Experiment Station
- Santa Cruz (sheep)
- Boreray (sheep)
- Dutch Bantam
- Nankin (chicken)
- Chantecler (chicken)
- Delaware (chicken)
- Java (chicken)
- Orloff (chicken)
- Lamona
- Manx Rumpy
- Vorwerk (chicken)
- Chinese Goose
- African Goose
- Naked Neck
- Campine (chicken)
- Frizzle (chicken)
- Houdan (chicken)
- Rosecomb
- Pedi (sheep)
- California Gray
- Catalana
- Appenzeller (chicken)
- Crèvecœur (chicken)
- Modern Game
- Booted Bantam
- Marsh Daisy (chicken)
- Belgian d'Everberg
- Belgian Bearded d'Anvers
- Penedesenca
- Rhode Island White
- Sultan (chicken)
- Egyptian Fayoumi
- Romosinuano cattle
- Derbyshire Redcap
- Ga Noi
- Ixworth (chicken)
- Barbu de Watermael
- Old English Pheasant Fowl
- North Holland Blue
- Icelandic chicken
- Scots Grey
- Brabanter
- Kraienkoppe
- Tomaru
- Three Bags Full
- Glossary of sheep husbandry
- Mutton Renaissance Campaign
- Columbia (sheep)
- Romanov (sheep)
- Clun Forest (sheep)
- Bleu du Maine (sheep)
- Castlemilk Moorit (sheep)
- Charollais (sheep)
- California Red (sheep)
- Debouillet (sheep)
- Delaine Merino
- Hog Island sheep
- Wensleydale (sheep)
- Pelibüey (sheep)
- Blackhead Persian (sheep)
- Kerry Hill (sheep)
- Beltex (sheep)
- Lacaune (sheep)
- Heritage turkey
- Bronze (turkey)
- Black (turkey)
- Slate (turkey)
- Auburn (turkey)
- Buff (turkey)
- Midget White (turkey)
- Rouge de l'Ouest
- Racka
- Sardinian (sheep)
- Llanwenog (sheep)
- Ouessant (sheep)
- Zwartbles
- Badger Face Welsh Mountain (sheep)
- Milking Devon
- Vendéen
- Hill Radnor
- Dalesbred
- Devon Closewool
- Beulah Speckled Face
- Dutch Hookbill
- Welsh Harlequin
- East Indies (duck)
- Saxony (duck)
- Golden Cascade
- Shetland Goose
- Cotton Patch Goose
- Equine chorionic gonadotropin
- Lacombe (pig)
- Cow-calf operation
- Turopolje (pig)
- Gute (sheep)
- Meishan (pig)
- Oxford Sandy and Black
- Florida Cracker cattle
- Large White (pig)
- Middle White
- British Lop
- Welsh (pig)
- Derbyshire Gritstone
- Marchigiana
- Hays Converter
- Norwegian Red
- American (cattle)
- Mulard
- Canadian Speckle Park
- Panama (sheep)
- Newfoundland sheep
- Île-de-France (sheep)
- Dorset Down
- Faroes (sheep)
- Rideau Arcott
- Canadian Arcott
- Latxa
- Ossabaw Island Hog
- Chester White
- Galician Blond
- Najdi (sheep)
- Meatmaster (sheep)
- Van Rooy (sheep)
- Hereford (pig)
- Basque pig
- Santa Inês (sheep)
- Picual
- Arbosana
- Koroneiki
- Empeltre
- Nocellara del Belice
- Cerignola (olive)
- Goat meat
- Alligator farm
- Squab (food)
- Agneau de pré-salé
- Louie Mueller Barbecue
- Fingerling potato
Companies, organizations, events, etc.
- Fastest known time
- Quip
- Fitbit
- Warby Parker
- Google Glass
- Atlassian
- Crucible (software)
- Kickstarter
- Alfred (software)
- Swarm (app)
- Pair (app)
- SVF Foundation
- Clear Creek Distillery
- Alden Shoe Company
- Churchkey Can Company
- Baduanjin qigong
- WikiCandidate
- Ignite (event)
- E-G8 Forum
- Ark of Taste
- Yahoo! query language
- Ritual Coffee Roasters
- Four Barrel Coffee
- Napa Valley Marathon
- Oregon Ballot Measure 111
- Oregon Ballot Measure 112
- Oregon Ballot Measure 113
- Oregon Ballot Measure 114
- Crag Rats
- Javelina Jundred
- Plain 100
- Cascade Crest 100
- Artifact (app)
Books, films, etc.
- One of Us
- Lo & Behold, Reveries of the Connected World
- The Birth of Saké
- The Go Master
- Hot 'N Throbbing
- The Vancouver Voice
- Modern Farmer
- Meatpaper
- Cognitive Surplus
- The Elgin Courier
- The Bastrop Advertiser
- A Purple Place for Dying
- The Quick Red Fox
- A Deadly Shade of Gold
- Bright Orange for the Shroud
- Darker than Amber
- Darker than Amber (film)
- One Fearful Yellow Eye
- Pale Gray for Guilt
- The Girl in the Plain Brown Wrapper
- Dress Her in Indigo
- The Long Lavender Look
- A Tan and Sandy Silence
- The Scarlet Ruse
- The Turquoise Lament
- The Dreadful Lemon Sky
- The Empty Copper Sea
- Free Fall in Crimson
- Cinnamon Skin
- Ballroom of the Skies
- On China
- Oregon Field Guide
- List of parks in Portland, Oregon
- Fernhill Park (Oregon)
- Colonel Summers Park
- Esther Short Park
- Officer's Row
- Nosara, Costa Rica
- Pomeroy Living History Farm
- Sandy River Delta
- Arctic Circle Trail
- Tunnel Five Fire
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