About me

I have been a registered Wikipedian since September 27 2004 but have been contributing since May 2004. My main area of interest is parapsychology.


Including articles I have added to or edited, as well as images I have contributed:


Abramelin oil | Abramelin the Mage | Adam Johnson | Adept | Adi Da | Afterlife | Ahimsa | Ahinsa | Alan Watts | Aleister Crowley | Allison DuBois | Ana Voog | Annie Besant | Anomalous phenomenon | Anti-cult movement | Argenteum Astrum | Asceticism | Astral body | Astral projection | Avebury | Benedictine | Camping | Capital punishment | Capital punishment in the United States | Carthusian | Catherine Eddowes | Censorship in the United Kingdom | Compassion | Crime against humanity | Dan Millman | Dancer in the Dark | David Icke | Death Penalty | Deepak Chopra | Devil's Dyke, Sussex | Divination | Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki | Douglas Baker | Dowsing | Earthlings (documentary) | Eckhart Tolle | Electronic voice phenomenon | Eleusinian Mysteries | Elizabeth Eckford | Emanuel Swedenborg | Enlightenment (concept) | Environmental vegetarianism | Eshu | Ethics of eating meat | Evocation | Extra-sensory perception | Falun Gong | Ghost | God in Jainism | Goetia | Golden Dawn tradition | Haridwar | Heaven | Higher Self | Indigo children | Ingo Swann | Institute of Noetic Sciences | JZ Knight | Jainism | James Herbert Brennan | Jane Roberts | John Edward | John Negroponte | John Stewart Bell | Jonas Salk | Joseph McMoneagle | Kabbalah Centre | Khalil Gibran | Kundalini | Left-Hand Path and Right-Hand Path | Lex talionis | London Stone | Lunar node | Lunar standstill | Magical thinking | Magick | Make Poverty History | Manly Palmer Hall | Margaret Singer | Matthew Manning | Merhan Karimi Nasseri | Mikha'il Na'ima | Moon | Motivational speaker | Musée de l'Érotisme | Myers-Briggs Type Indicator | Naomi Klein | Near-death experience | Nema | Neopaganism | Nonviolence | Nonviolence International | Noumenon | Occult | Otherkin | Out-of-body experience | Pagan activism | Paramita | Parapsychology | Pathological skepticism | Patty Jenkins | Paulo Coelho | Peace Monitoring Group | Peace movement | People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals | Physiognomy | Precognition | Psychic | Psychic detective | Psychometry | Ramtha | Raw food diet | Red-Green Coalition (Norway) | Remote viewing | Reptilian humanoid | Retreat | Richard Bandler | Robert Monroe | Rosa Parks | S. N. Goenka | Sceptics | Scrying | Sephirot (Kabbalah) | Seth Jane Roberts | Simon Turnbull | Skepticism | Spiritual discipline | Spiritual evolution | Spiritual practice | Spirituality | Stanley Williams | Steve Irwin | Stop the War Coalition | Stuart Wilde | Sylvan Muldoon | Taizé, Saône-et-Loire | Tattva vision | Temple of Mithras, London | The 120 Days of Sodom | The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage | The Kingdom of God is Within You | Thelema | Theurgy | Timothy Treadwell | Tolerance | Tree of life (Kabbalah) | Tulku | Unicursal Hexagram | Uri Geller | Vegan nutrition | Veganism | Vegetarianism and religion | Virtual reality | Visionary | Viva! | Walbrook | Way of the Peaceful Warrior | West Kennet Long Barrow | What The Bleep Do We Know!? | Wicca | William Blake | Yggdrasil | Zos Kia Cultus


Pages I created

Future contributions

Pages I intend to create

Pages I intend to expand


The Original Barnstar
I award you this barnstar for your excellent contributions to paranormal articles. - Dreadlocke 05:50, 17 January 2007 (UTC)

The Handshake Award
The Handshake Award is presented to User:Solar for numerous welcomes! (BB) Kukini 05:20, 23 April 2006 (UTC)

Random Smiley Award
For your contributions to Wikipedia and humanity in general, you are hereby granted the coveted Random Smiley Award
originated by Pedia-I - TomasBat (Talk) 23:18, 31 January 2007 (UTC)


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My stuff

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