Did you know ...
- ... that Seán Kinsella is regarded as Ireland's first celebrity chef? (19 April 2016)
- ... that Barcelona's Les Tres Torres district is named after three large houses built there between 1901 and 1903? (3 April 2016)
- ... that after the Catalan village of Conill was abandoned, one of its buildings was demolished in order to move its olive press to a public park in a nearby town? (28 February 2015)
- ... that Conxita Julià is best known for a handkerchief she owned? (8 February 2015)
- ... that the Venetian Towers in Barcelona are modelled on the Campanile of St. Mark's Basilica in Venice? (9 November 2012)
- ... that El Pi de les Tres Branques is a tree that is regarded as symbolising unity of the "Catalan Countries"? (11 August 2012)
- ... that the village of Guimerà accounts for 24 of the structures on the government of Catalonia's list of architectural heritage monuments? (3 June 1012)
- ... that Irish country singer Larry Cunningham and his band got their first break when Jim Reeves walked off the stage during a concert? (28 August 2011)
- ... that the ancient Catalonian village of El Fonoll was rebuilt as a naturist resort? (8 January 2011)
- ... that in the Canary Islands, palm syrup is made from sap collected laboriously from the crown of a date palm? (19 October 2008)
- ...that Frank Winder, one of the leading Irish rock-climbers of the 1950s and 60s, started climbing to search for rare plants and insects? (4 March 2008)
- Pi de les Tres Branques (27 June 2016)
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