I do not have much free time right now. If you want to contact me, please leave a message.
About Me
- I was born in Taiwan. I am not a native English speaker, so please feel free to correct me.
- I am a male, just in case if you wanna know...
- I have been a student of natural sciences and humanities.
- I love science fictions.
- I need freedom and free time for myself.
- First language:
- Mandarin Chinese
- Second languages:
- English (fair)
- Spanish (fair)
- French (intermediate)
- German (intermediate)
- Japanese (intermediate)
- Wikipedia is for the use of everyone. Wikipedia should represent a more universal viewpoint or list all different viewpoints. Therefore, different versions of Wikipedia in different languages should not carry specific viewpoints of their speakers, whether native or not.
- Wikipedia is just like other organizations which have an administrative class. I do not believe that the administrators and other users are equal in reality, although they should be. I pessimistically think that a democratic and non-authoritative administration is nothing but a slogan and an ideal
- I do not like the idea of elitism, the people who think that they are elites, or any attempt to creat an elite class.
Political Compass:
- Economic left / right: -5.88
- Social liberitarian / authoritarian: -7.74
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