Hi, I'm Pi.1415926535. I mostly edit about US transportation history, largely New England (especially the MBTA), the San Francisco Bay Area, and Amtrak. If you've got a question about transportation in the US, I can probably help, and I'm happy to search my personal collection and provide scans. I have a list of open questions in my research, for which any help is greatly appreciated.
I edit a lot, mostly content and some templates. I hit 10,000 edits on December 16, 2015, and 10 years on July 6, 2016; as of 2024, I'm north of 45,000 edits and 18 years. I edit even more on Commons, where I do a mixture of uploading my own photos, category creation, and grabbing public domain images from other sources. I am an administrator on Commons; I have no advanced permissions on enwiki.
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