I've been editing very heavily for almost a year, and I need a break! I'll still be checking my watchlist every day or two and responding to messages, but I won't be nearly as active as previously. Just a heads up. --Pharaoh Hound(talk)(The Game) 14:12, 18 November 2007 (UTC)
I'm back! Kinda. I'll be editing intermittently, and may or may not respond to messages. Cheers, --Pharaoh Hound(talk) 12:17, 11 August 2009 (UTC)
Feel free to correct the rest of my spelling, grammar, wiki markup, and punctuation! Any changes I don't approve of will be reverted shortly.
My namesake, the Pharaoh Hound (isn't it gorgeous?)My name is Emily and I live in Nova Scotia. I like cats, dogs, horses, classical music (a LOT), Lilo and Stitch, thylacines, large words, and science. User Green451 is my brother. I am an advanced pianist and took my RCM grade 8 practical exam and scored "first class honours", as well as both of my theory exams. However I have grade 10 proficiency. I have taken my RCM grades 1, 3, and 5, and scored "first class honours" on all of them.
Languages: I'm a native English speaker. I have long been interested in American Sign Language (though I don't know anyone who is deaf), and I can communicate using ASL at a very basic level (fluent in fingerspelling, and some words). Unfortunately, I only speak one of Canada's two official languages, and that's unlikely to change in the foreseeable future.
Pets: Many, see below
Favourite hobbies and interests: origami, gardening, photography, reading, Greek mythology, Show jumping (an interest rather than a hobby), anything relating to animals (with the exception of earwigs)
I discovered Wikipedia ages ago, but only realised what it was fairly recently. I normally do most of my work on various dog articles, see the lists below for my pet pages. One of my biggist irks on wiki dog articles is when the Canadian breed clubs aren't listed in the external links (which is usually), and I have made it one of my missions to make sure that this problem is eliminated. I also vote on many of the Featured Pictures Candidates. I am a member of the Wikipedia dog breed project. My favourite type of articles to edit are dog breed stubs, as I get to work on them almost entirely on my own (very few other editors). When I don't feel like thinking too hard while editing I either add external links to dog breed clubs, or request better photos on dog (and occasionally horse) articles. My first registered edits were on February 6, 2006.
In late October Rfrisbie contacted me to see if I would like to help with the recently activated Dog Portal. I'd never done anything with portals, but it looked neat so I said yes. A few weeks later, and it became (largely due to Rfrisbie's experience and initiative) a featured portal!
My pets
Current pets
My cat PatchesI LOVE animals and thank goodness my family does too. I have always owned cats, and can remember only one year of my life when my family hasn't had at least one.
My newest Betta Helios (who is double-tailed and metallic)
I have "Betta-itis", a disease that is incurable, but can be lived with. Symptoms of "Betta-itis" include: Dreaming about bettas, having as many bettas as is possible, talking to your bettas as if they understand you, constantly thinking of ways to get more bettas, and naming your bettas.
I have also owned a Tarantula. I love dogs, and own a one-year-old Brittany. I also want a Leopard gecko (they're SO cute). The other pets I currently own (besides cats) only includes fish.
Current pets
Two cats: Patches and Smokey, female and male, both six years old.
Four male Bettas: One-year-old Memnon, ten-month-old Umbra, nine-month-old Mars (named after the Roman God, not the planet), and five-month-old Helios
Four Corydoras: including five-year-old Stitch (who holds the title of being my oldest fish, and is an albino), and three-year-old Pirate (who only has one eye).
A large number of Swordtails. (I would be able to keep track of how many live-bearers I have if they weren't reproducing like crazy)
My music
Musical abilities
I love music, but only certain types: Classical, Ragtime. and movie scores. I play piano at an advanced level (grade 9 RCM). The Baroque period music's complexity, unique articulation, and style of transitions continually lure me, and I always have at least one baroque piece in my repetoire. I LOVE to perform, and I am thinking about doing some recordings for the Wikimedia Commons.
My favourite plant has to be the Gladiolus hybrids. They are stately, majestic, and colourful. And they're perennial, so I get to watch the same plants grow year after year (well, they're not perennial in Nova Scotia's climate, I have to store them inside over the winter). I currently own over 200 gladiolus corms, which are reproducing every year. This year I will attempt to save some gladiolus seeds for future planting, I can't wait to see what sort of colours I get.
Searching Wikipedia with regular expressions (regex)
Searching with regex online
To search Wikipedia live with regular expressions, use the insource: parameter, followed by your regex search string enclosed in forward slashes, like this: /regular expression/. Here is an example:
insource:/(Abraham|Abe) Lincoln/
insource searches the wikitext version of articles, and so, wikiformatting codes can be included in the search string. If any characters you wish to find are used as special characters within regex, they will need to be "escaped" by preceding each with a backslash. For a cheat sheet on writing regexes, see Wikipedia:AutoWikiBrowser/Regular expression.
For case insensitive searches, include an "i" after the closing forward slash.
Searching with regex offline
To search all of Wikipedia offline using regex, you need to download the Wikipedia database and do the search offline with AutoWikiBrowser's Database Scanner. Activate it from the tools menu in AutoWikiBrowser (AWB). It returns the names of the pages that match your query, which you can have sent directly to AWB's list maker (then you can use AWB to view them all). The Database Scanner has many features, and each query can be easily configured to match, exclude, specify namespaces, ignore redirects, etc. as you see fit.
Other methods of searching Wikipedia with regular expressions
"A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies." Oscar Wilde
"Tempus edax rerum." ("Time is the devourer of everything") Ovid
"Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved." William Jennings Bryan
"Summum crede nefas animam praeferre pudori: et propter vitam vivendi perdere causas" ("Count it the greatest sin to prefer mere existence to honour, and for the sake of life to lose the reasons for living.") Juvenal
"All intellectual improvement arises from leisure." Samuel Johnson
"Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas. ("Lucky is he who has been able to understand the causes of things") Virgil
"Ils ne se servent de la pensée que pour autoriser leurs injustices, et n' emploient les paroles que pour déguiser leurs pensées." ("[Men] use thought only to justify their injustices, and speech only to conceal their thoughts.") Voltaire
"I hold that the charasteristic of the present age is craving credulity." Benjamin Disraeli
"The truth is rarely pure, and never simple." Oscar Wilde
"The robb'd that smiles steals something from the thief." Othello
"Non omnia possumus omnes." (We can't all do everything.) Virgil
"No passion so effectively robes the mind of all its powers of acting or reasoning as fear." Edmund Burke
"It is our choices, Harry, that show who we truly are, far more than our abilities. Albus Dumbledore
Jennifer 8. Lee (How would you like to have a number as a middle name?)
Dihydrogen monoxide hoax (A hoax society educating people on the dangers of Dihydrogen monoxide, a substance that can scald, cause death by inhailation, cause hypothermia, be corrosive to metal devices, and that we can't live without.)
Unusually named animals
Bill Gates' flower fly (The richest man in the world must have everything, apperently this includes his own species of fly)
GoldenPalace.com Monkey (scientific name: Callicebus aureipalatii, "aureipalatii" meaning "of the Golden Palace" in Latin, just in case you're interested)
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