William O'Ryan died on February 12, 2008. His userpage is preserved for historical purposes.
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Wikipedia:Babel |
mn-0 | Энэ хэрэглэгч монгол хэлийг ойлгодоггүй (эсвэл маш хүндрэлтэйгээр ойлгодог). |
sga-0 | This user is unable to contribute in Old Irish (temporary template). |
 | This user is a cat lover. |
fth-3 | This user is an advanced Forth programmer. |
 | This user is old enough to remember what a typewriter is, and that's all you need to know. |
snk | This user says either sneaked or snuck. |
This user prefers that the subjunctive mood be used. Were this user you, he would use it.
they he or she | This user considers the singular they to be substandard English usage. |
whom | This user insists upon using whom wherever it is called for, and fixes the errors of whomever they see. |
Mix | This user has been influenced by too many dialects of English to use one orthography, vocabulary and grammar consistently. |
-xen | This user believes that userbox should always be pluralised userboxen, and thinks that this is one of the most important and exciting issues of our time. |
Search user languages |
I began editing in August 2006. I mostly edit on the Esperanto Wikipedia (user page). I find that I take pleasure in watching how articles that I have launched or just touched evolve, grow or improve under the attention of other editors. I try to take note and improve my own participation.
Bill O'Ryan
My edits
To date most of my contributions have been translations (in both directions) between the English Wikipedia and the Esperanto Vikipedio — primarily of articles on novels or on their authors.
Articles that I translated from the Esperanto Vikipedio
Concerning works
Children of Orpheus — Abismoj — Saltego trans Jarmiloj — Mr. Tot Aĉetas Mil Okulojn — Kredu min, sinjorino! — Kazohinia — Metro — Tur-Strato 4
Concerning authors
Hendrik Bulthuis — Jean Forge — Nikolai Vladimirovich Nekrasov — Cezaro Rossetti — Reto Rossetti — Sándor Szathmári — Vladimir Varankin. And most of: Lidia Zamenhof
Articles that I translated to the Esperanto Vikipedio
Concerning works
eo:Anna Karenina — eo:Besto-Bieno — eo:Birmaj Tagoj — eo:La Blanka Gardo — eo:Du Jarojn antaŭ la Masto — eo:Erevono — eo:Filino de Kleriko — eo:Fratino Karinjo — eo:Hunda Koro — eo:La Kabano de Onklo Tom — eo:Milito kaj Paco — eo:La Morto de Ivan Iljiĉ — Ni — eo:Nikolao Nickleby — eo:La Olda Viro kaj la Maro — eo:Pafadi Elefanton — Palto — eo:Pri Musoj kaj Viroj — eo:Rakonto pri Du Urboj — eo:La Reveno de la Indiĝeno — eo:La Rugxo kaj la Nigro — eo:Sengrosxe kaj Senhejme en Parizo kaj Londono — eo:Teni la Aspidistron Fluganta — eo:La Urbo kaj la Steloj — eo:Venante Supren por Aero — eo:Veturo al Hindujo. And most of: eo:Patroj kaj Filoj
Concerning authors
eo:Samuel Butler — eo:Richard Henry Dana, Jr. — eo:Frederick Douglass — eo:Theodore Dreiser — eo:Stendhal — eo:Harriet Beecher Stowe — eo:Jevgenij Zamjatin,
Concerning terms linguistic and rhetorical
eo:anaforo (lingvistiko) — eo:anaforo (retoriko) — eo:ekzoforo — eo:endoforo — eo:homoforo — eo:kataforo — eo:poezia justo — eo:rakontanto — eo:sinaludo — eo:sinekdohxo
Concerning various matters
eo:groŝo — eo:hipofizo — eo:sepikoloro
My userboxen
Do I think anyone is interested in my userboxen? Not really! But I enjoy glancing at other's userboxes. I have had fun tinkering with mine in between serious edits. And perhaps they do lend some personality to my username.
(In order to view Tigrinya characters (for instance, those in my ti userbox), you will need a Unicode Ge'ez font, such as GF Zemen Unicode or Abyssinica SIL Font.)
Location & Schools
Location & Schools
UVa | View University of Virginia (where I studied history) here |
DLIWC |  (where I studied Russian) |
MCC | View Mesa Community College (where I took courses in Pascal, C, Assembly, etc.) here. |
Jack- ass | Having learned it at the age of 6, this user is a native Jackass brayer. |
Sea lion-3 | This user is reasonably proficient at Sea Lion barking. |
Mule-4 | This user's Mule braying proficiency is almost at native brayer level. |
Seal-2 | This user barks Seal at an intermediate level. |
Dolphin -0 | This user does not squeek Dolphin or has great difficulty contributing in Dolphin, but he would love to learn. |
Squid-0 | This user does not iridesce Squid, or has great difficulty contributing in Squid, but he would love to learn. |
Honey bee-0 | This user can't dance Honey Bee and is in no hurry to learn. No offence intended! |
Writing systems
Pages worth study
 | Éireannach This user is Irish. |
Privacy | This user is interested in the issue of a Right to Privacy |
This user supports NAFTA, but wants it to include common labor and environment regulation.
File:Flag of EAC.svg
This user supports the EAC (East African Community).
User:Oryanw/Userboxes/No whaling
This user believes the world would be a happier, safer and saner place without organized belief systems.
- Human rights are an international issue and all countries and all people have the right to comment on human rights issues anywhere in the world. --Shirin Ebadi
Prior locations
Cities lived in
Cities stayed at
Places visited
Had a good look
Just passed through
 | "All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." – Schopenhauer |
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