An out-of-date and probably incomplete list of articles I've contributed to in some way. Some old, some new, some all over the quality spectrum. If I put them on a list I might not forget to come back to them. See also the to-do list.
Cell biology
Chemistry and biochemistry
- 2-furanone
- adenosine triphosphate
- alkalide
- beta-peptide
- biochemistry of Alzheimer's disease
- butenolide
- CHAPS detergent
- cryptophycin
- diffusive gradients in thin films
- enzyme (rescue
- excimer
- floridean starch
- ginsenoside
- hydrogen
- Koelsch radical
- linamarin
- list of standard amino acids
- micelle
- orthohydrogen
- parkeol
- profenofos
- proline
- protein
- peridinin
- pseudoginsenoside F11
Computational biology
- Chou-Fasman method
- chemical file format
- computational phylogenetics
- covarion
- dead-end elimination
- EVA (benchmark)
- Ewald summation
- force field (chemistry)
- flying ice cube
- global distance test
- GOR method
- homology modeling
- implicit solvation
- LiveBench
- loop modeling
- molecular dynamics
- molecular mechanics
- multiple sequence alignment
- phylogenetic tree
- phylogenetics software
- Poisson-Boltzmann equation
- protein structure prediction
- protein-protein interaction prediction
- self-consistent mean field (biology)
- sequence alignment (ex-
- secondary structure prediction
- sequence alignment software
- sequence profiling tool
- statistical potential
- STRIDE (protein)
- structural alignment
- tree rearrangement
Nucleic acids
Organisms (and viruses)
- Acidilobus aceticus
- Acidilobus saccharovorans
- Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron
- Drosophila X virus
- Dysidea arenaria
- Enhygromyxa salina
- Erythropsidinium
- Galdieria sulphuraria
- Gemmata obscuriglobus
- Gymnodiniales
- hamster polyomavirus
- human polyomavirus 6
- human polyomavirus 7
- human polyomavirus 9
- human polyomavirus 12
- Jingmenvirus
- KI polyomavirus
- Komagataeibacter xylinus
- Lachancea thermotolerans
- Miamiensis avidus
- murine polyomavirus
- MW polyomavirus
- New Jersey polyomavirus
- Oscillibacter valericigenes
- P22 phage
- planctomycetes
- Plesiocystis
- Plesiocystis pacifica
- Polykrikaceae
- Polyomaviridae
- poribacteria
- positive-strand RNA virus
- Shimwellia blattae
- STL polyomavirus
- Sulfobacillus
- Sulfobacillus thermosulfidooxidans
- Vulcanodinium rugosum
- Warnowiaceae
- WU polyomavirus
Protein structure and folding
- accessible surface area
- alpha helix
- alpha sheet
- alpha solenoid
- beta barrel
- beta hairpin
- beta helix
- beta-propeller domain
- beta sheet
- conformational entropy
- contact order
- downhill folding
- EF hand
- folding funnel
- globin fold
- growth factor-like domain
- helix bundle
- helix-coil transition model
- homeodomain fold
- hydrophobic collapse
- jelly roll fold
- leucine-rich repeat
- Lifson-Roig model
- native contact
- peptide plane flipping
- phi value analysis
- polyproline helix
- post-translational modification
- protein primary structure
- protein quaternary structure
- protein secondary structure
- protein tertiary structure
- Rossmann fold
- Structural Classification of Proteins
- thioredoxin fold
- TIM barrel
- trefoil knot fold
- Zimm-Bragg model
Proteins and complexes
- aggrecan
- aggrecanase
- agnoprotein
- alpha secretase
- amphinase
- amyloid precursor protein
- APH-1
- argonaute
- aspartokinase
- Aspergillus nuclease S1
- barnase
- barstar
- bovine pancreatic ribonuclease
- capping enzyme
- chalcone synthase
- chromodomain
- cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor
- cleavage stimulation factor
- cleavage factor
- coronavirus envelope protein
- coronavirus membrane protein
- coronavirus nucleocapsid protein
- coronavirus spike protein
- cyclase
- delta-cadinene synthase
- dicer
- DNA clamp
- drosha
- endonuclease V
- enhanceosome
- F-box protein
- ferric uptake regulator family
- flippase
- gankyrin
- guanylyl transferase
- heterogeneous ribonucleoprotein particle
- histidine phosphotransfer domain
- hslVU
- intramembrane protease
- irditoxin
- isopeptidase
- kappa bungarotoxin
- kinome
- large tumor antigen
- major capsid protein VP1
- Microprocessor complex
- middle tumor antigen
- minor capsid proteins VP2 and VP3
- neprilysin
- nicastrin
- paired receptors
- pancreatic ribonuclease
- parvulin
- PEN-2
- peridinin-chlorophyll-protein complex
- pilin
- piwi
- piwi-interacting RNA
- polyadenine polymerase
- presenilin
- prolyl isomerase
- protein K (gene expression)
- protein K (porin)
- ranpirnase
- response regulator
- ribonuclease T
- ribonuclease T1
- ribonuclease T2
- ribonuclease V1
- RNA silencing suppressor p19
- Rop protein
- SAE2 (yeast)
- small tumor antigen
- spike protein
- squalene-hopene cyclase
- three-finger protein
- three-finger toxin
- tubby protein
- UBA protein domain
- ubiquitin-activating enzyme
- ubiquitin-binding domain
- ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme
- villin
- viroporin
- YqeY protein domain
- zinc uptake regulator
- ZinT protein domain
- ZnuABC
Scientific institutions and companies
- Janet Abbate
- Rommie Amaro
- Kimball Chase Atwood III
- Jean Bacon
- David Baker (biochemist)
- Abraham Clifford Barger
- Floyd Bartell
- Lawrence Bartell
- Brenda L. Bass
- Annette Beck-Sickinger
- Max Birnstiel
- Virgil Boekelheide
- Michael Botchan
- Alexander E. Braunstein
- Lawrence O. Brockway
- Gene Brown (professor)
- Axel T. Brunger
- Erick M. Carreira
- Geoffrey Chang
- Cornelia Channing
- Purnell W. Choppin
- Judy Clapp
- G. Marius Clore (AfC reviewer)
- Mary Collins (immunologist)
- Minor J. Coon
- Nancy Craig
- Valerie Daggett
- John Danesh
- Leodis Davis
- Rina Dechter
- John T. Dingle
- William Eaton (scientist)
- Scott V. Edwards
- Herman Eisen
- Philip J. Elving
- Juli Feigon
- Honor Fell
- Susan Ferro-Novick
- Kathryn Ferguson Fink
- Robert Morgan Fink
- Douglas J. Futuyma
- Michael Green (biologist)
- Michel E. Goldberg
- Eric Gouaux
- Albert Baird Hastings
- Peter Hausen
- Robert L. Hill (biochemist)
- Robert Horne (virologist)
- Catherine T. Hunt
- Richard Hynes
- Wolfgang Joklik
- Hilary Kahn
- C. Frederick Koelsch
- Elmer Peter Kohler
- Arthur Konnerth
- Lloyd M. Kozloff
- Moses Kunitz
- M. Daniel Lane
- Frederic Schiller Lee
- Ruth Lehmann
- Cecilia Lo
- Ariel G. Loewy
- Boris Magasanik
- Christine Mannhalter
- Stephen L. Mayo
- Thomas C. Merigan
- David E. Metzler
- Ronald E. Mickens
- Herschel K. Mitchell
- Bernard Moss
- Howard Nash
- Frederick C. Neidhardt
- Peter Novick (scientist)
- James Nowick
- Dinshaw Patel
- David Pressman (scientist)
- David Relman
- Drummond Rennie
- Jennifer Richeson
- Ferruccio Ritossa
- Phillips Robbins
- Sally Rockey
- Griffin P. Rodgers
- Hannele Ruohola-Baker
- Mary-Lou Pardue
- William Townsend Porter
- Bernardo L. Sabatini
- David D. Sabatini
- Norman P. Salzman
- Robert T. Sauer
- Moselio Schaechter
- Harold Scheraga
- Milton Schlesinger
- Sondra Schlesinger
- Brenda Schulman
- Klaus Schulten
- David Israel Schuster
- Neena Schwartz
- Ernest Lyman Scott
- Philip Siekevitz
- Arthur M. Silverstein
- David K. Smith
- Lee Irvin Smith
- Esmond Emerson Snell
- Victor Snieckus
- Frederick Gordon Spear
- Lisa Steiner
- Thomas Strangeways
- Karel Svoboda (scientist)
- Attila Szabo (scientist)
- David W. Tank
- Susan S. Taylor
- Dennis Torchia
- Hannah Valantine
- Robert P. Wagner
- Robert R. Wagner
- Thomas Welton
- Zena Werb
- Arthur Whiteley
- Helen Riaboff Whiteley
- Hobart Hurd Willard
- Ed Yong
- Milton Zaitlin
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