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I am Dr. Nilesh Kamalkishore Heda, an ecologist working on Sir Dorabji Tata Trust Funded project on the Ecology of rivers of Vidarbha region of Maharashtra.
I was previously working for Center for Ecological Sciences and Agharkar Research Institute, Pune. I did my PhD in Riverine Fish Diversity of river Adan River and Kathani River, both rivers from the North East Godavari basin.
I am presently started a series of articles on Fresh Water Ecology of Maharashtra.
I can be contacted at <nilheda@gmail.com>.I am contributing to wikipedia since 12 months.
Pages I started
Freshwater ecology of Maharashtra
Fishing Communities in Maharashtra
Traditional knowledge about natural history of fishes
Traditional conservation practices
Traditional knowledge about landscape ecology
[[Present status of the occupation of fishing communities and fishermen’s cooperatives: Maharashtra]]
Fish research institutions in the Maharashtra
Fisheries colleges in Maharashtra
Aquarium fish breeding and trade:Maharashtra
[[Social organizations dealing with fishing communities
Various laws and government resolutions related to fisheries in Maharashtra
Destructive fishing practices in Maharashtra
Destructive fishing practices in Maharashtra
Marketing of fish: Maharashtra
Import of fish into Maharashtra, export
Estimate of freshwater fish consumption in Maharashtra
Fish eating communities of Maharashtra
Fishes in literature, art, songs, rituals
List of fishes of Pune districtList of fresh water fishes of Maharashtra
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