#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# aclass.pl -- Pass or fail an A class review
# This Bot runs every hour, looking for A class articles that have been promoted by a MilHist administrator
# If it finds one, it follows the steps involved in promoting or failing it.
# Usage: aclass.pl
# 30 Mar 13 Add failure option
# 2 Jun 14 Add reassessment options
# 7 Jun 14 Error handling
# 14 Aug 14 Change a message
# 6 Sep 14 Enhancements:
# (a) Do not stop if a bad nomination is found
# (b) Follow the redirect is the assessment page is a redirect
# (c) Mark edits as bot but not minor
# (d) Make STDERR a utf8
# 8 Sep 14 Some templates are listed with underscores instead of spaces
# Perform step 4a (removal from nom page) first
# 22 Jan 16 Do not leave a blank line behind on the review page
# 9 Nov 16 Patches for nominators in strange format
# 17 Oct 17 Allow for Coordinators on meta
# 12 Nov 17 Higher MilHist Awards
# 20 Nov 17 Higher MilHist Awards
# 22 Feb 18 MilHist awards script
use English;
use strict;
use utf8;
use warnings;
use Carp qw(croak longmess);
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Basename;
use MediaWiki::Bot;
use POSIX;
use unicode::collate;
use XML::Simple;
binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
binmode(STDERR, ":utf8");
my $pagename;
my $talkpage;
my $assessment;
my $outcome;
my $redirect;
my $aclass_review = 'Wikipedia:WikiProject Military history/Assessment/A-Class review';
my $year;
my $month;
my $next_month;
my $next_year;
my $Collator = Unicode::Collate->new();
# log in to the wiki
my $editor = MediaWiki::Bot->new({
assert => 'bot',
host => 'en.wikipedia.org',
protocol => 'https',
operator => 'Hawekeye7',
}) or die "new MediaWiki::Bot failed";
my $dirname = dirname (__FILE__, '.pl');
push @INC, $dirname;
require Cred;
my $cred = new Cred ();
my $log = $cred->log ();
require showcase;
sub error_exit ($) {
my @message = @ARG;
if ($editor->{error}->{code}) {
push @message, ' (', $editor->{error}->{code} , ') : ' , $editor->{error}->{details};
$cred->error (@message);
sub set_date () {
my @current_time = gmtime ();
$year = $current_time[5] + 1900;
$month = $current_time[4];
($next_month, $next_year) = (11 == $month) ? (0, $year+1) : ($month+1, $year);
sub nominators () {
my $nom_text = $editor->get_text ($assessment) or
error_exit ("Unable to find '$assessment')");
my @nm = ($nom_text =~ /<small>''Nominator\(s\):(.+)/ig);
my @nominators = ($nm[0] =~ /\[\[User:(.+?)\|/gi);
@nominators or
@nominators = $nm[0] =~ /{{u\|(.+?)}}/gi;
@nominators or
@nominators = $nm[0] =~ /{{user0\|(.+?)}}/gi;
@nominators or
error_exit "Unable to find nominator";
return @nominators;
sub step1 ($$) {
$cred->showtime ("Step1: Archiving the nomination page\n");
my ($comment, $summary) = @ARG;
my $text = $editor->get_text ($assessment) or
error_exit ("Unable to find '$assessment'");
my $page_text = join "\n",
'{{subst:archive top}}',
"$comment ~~~~",
'{{subst:archive bottom}}';
$editor->edit ({
page => $assessment,
text => $page_text,
summary => $summary,
minor => 0,
}) or
error_exit ("unable to edit '$assessment'");
sub newaction ($$$$$$) {
my ($action, $date, $link, $result, $revid, $id) = @ARG;
my $newaction = join "\n",
return $newaction;
sub update_article_history ($$$$$$) {
my ($text, $action, $date, $link, $result, $revid) = @ARG;
$text =~ s/{{Article\s*History/{{ArticleHistory/is;
my ($articleHistory) = $text =~ /{{ArticleHistory(.+?)}}/gis;
if ($articleHistory) {
my $has_nested_text;
while ($text =~ /{{ArticleHistory[^}]+({{[^}]+}})/) {
# print "Nested text!!!!\n";
my $nested_text = $1;
# print "nested text=$nested_text\n";
my $transformed_text = $nested_text;
$transformed_text =~ s/{{(.+)}}/%%<$1>%%/;
# print "transformed text=$transformed_text\n";
$text =~ s/\Q$nested_text\E/$transformed_text/;
$has_nested_text = 1;
# print "articlehistory='$articleHistory'\n";
for (my $id = 1;; ++$id) {
if ($articleHistory =~ /action$id/) {
# print "\t\tfound action$id\n";
} else {
# print "\t\tno $id - going with that\n";
my $newaction = newaction ($action, $date, $link, $result, $revid, $id);
$text =~ s/{{Article\s*History(.+?)}}/{{ArticleHistory$1\n$newaction\n}}/is;
if ($has_nested_text) {
$text =~ s/%%</{{/g;
$text =~ s/>%%/}}/g;
} else {
my $newaction = newaction ($action, $date, $link, $result, $revid, 1);
$text =~ s/^/{{ArticleHistory\n$newaction\n}}\n/is;
return $text;
sub step23 ($$) {
my ($result, $summary) = @ARG;
$cred->showtime ("Step2: Get the permanent link\n");
my ($history) = $editor->get_history ($pagename, 1) or
error_exit ("Unable to get history of '$pagename'");
my $revision = $history->{revid};
$cred->showtime ("Step3: Update the talk page\n");
my $text = $editor->get_text ($talkpage) or
error_exit ("Unable to find '$talkpage'");
$text = update_article_history ($text, 'WAR', '~~~~~', $assessment, $result, $revision);
# print $text, "\n";
foreach ($text) {
if ($outcome eq 'pass') {
s/((WikiProject Ships|WPSHIPS|WikiProject Aviation|ShipwrecksWikiProject|WikiProject Military history|WPMILHIST|MILHIST).+?)class=(Start|Stub|B|C|GA)/$1class=A/igs;
if ($outcome eq 'demoted') {
s/((WikiProject Ships|WPSHIPS|WikiProject Aviation|ShipwrecksWikiProject|WikiProject Military history|WPMILHIST|MILHIST).+?)class=A/$1class=C/igs;
# print $text, "\n";
$editor->edit ({
page => $talkpage,
text => $text,
summary => $summary,
minor => 0,
}) or
error_exit ("unable to edit '$talkpage'");
sub step4a ($) {
$cred->showtime ("Step4a: Update the review page\n");
my ($summary) = @ARG;
my $text = $editor->get_text ($aclass_review) or
error_exit ("Unable to find '$aclass_review'");
# print $text, "\n";
$text =~ s/WikiProject_Military_history/WikiProject Military history/g;
my $p = $redirect // $assessment;
$text =~ s/{{\Q$p\E}}\s*\n//s or
error_exit ("Unable to find '$p' on '$aclass_review'");
undef $redirect;
# print $text, "\n"; ############
$editor->edit ({
page => $aclass_review,
text => $text,
summary => $summary,
minor => 0,
}) or
error_exit ("Unable to edit '$aclass_review'");
sub step4b ($$) {
$cred->showtime ("Step4b: Archive the review\n");
my ($result, $summary) = @ARG;
my $archive = "Wikipedia:WikiProject Military history/Assessment/$year";
my $text = $editor->get_text ($archive);
$text or do {
$text = join "",
"{{WPMILHIST Archive|category=review}}\n",
"{{WPMILHIST Navigation}} __FORCETOC__\n",
"== Promoted ==\n",
"[[Wikipedia:WikiProject Military history/Assessment/$year/Promoted]]\n",
"== Failed ==\n",
"[[Wikipedia:WikiProject Military history/Assessment/$year/Failed]]\n",
"== Kept ==\n",
"[[Wikipedia:WikiProject Military history/Assessment/$year/Kept]]\n",
"== Demoted ==\n",
"[[Wikipedia:WikiProject Military history/Assessment/$year/Demoted]]\n",
"[[Category:Requests for military history A-Class review| ]]\n",
$editor->edit ({
page => $archive,
text => $text,
summary => "Created new archive page for $year",
minor => 0,
}) or
error_exit ("Unable to find '$archive'");
$archive = "Wikipedia:WikiProject Military history/Assessment/$year/$result";
$text = $editor->get_text ($archive);
$text or do {
my $category = $result = 'Promoted' || $result eq 'Kept' ? 'Successful' : 'Failed';
$text = join "",
"== $result ==\n",
"<!--Please add new reviews directly below this line-->\n",
"<!--Add archived reviews at the top please-->\n",
"<noinclude>[[Category:$category requests for military history A-Class review| ]]</noinclude>\n",
$editor->edit ({
page => $archive,
text => $text,
summary => "Created new page for $year/$result",
minor => 0,
}) or
error_exit ("Unable to find '$archive'");
$cred->showtime (" updating $archive\n");
$text =~ s/(<!--Please add new reviews directly below this line-->)/$1\n{{$assessment}}/s or
$cred->showtime ("unable to find review section - please fix the comment on the page!\n");
# print $text, "\n";
$editor->edit ({
page => $archive,
text => $text,
summary => $summary,
minor => 0,
}) or
error_exit ("Unable to edit '$archive'");
sub step5 ($) {
$cred->showtime ("Step5: Update the announcements page\n");
my ($summary) = @ARG;
my $announcements = "Template:WPMILHIST Announcements";
my $text = $editor->get_text ($announcements) or
error_exit ("unable to find '$announcements'");
# print $text, "\n";
my $link = "[[$assessment|$pagename]]";
$text =~ s/WP:/Wikipedia:/g;
$text =~ s/(•)* \Q$link//s;
# print $text, "\n";
$editor->edit ({
page => $announcements,
text => $text,
summary => $summary,
minor => 0,
}) or
error_exit ("Unable to edit '$announcements'");
sub step6 ($) {
$cred->showtime ("Step6: Update the article showcase\n");
my ($summary) = @ARG;
my $showcase_a = 'Wikipedia:WikiProject Military history/Showcase/A';
my $text = $editor->get_text ($showcase_a) or
error_exit ("unable to find '$showcase_a'");
# print $text, "\n";
my $showcase = new showcase ($text);
if ($outcome eq 'pass') {
$showcase->add ($pagename);
if ($outcome eq 'demoted') {
$showcase->del ($pagename);
$editor->edit ({
page => $showcase_a,
text => $showcase->text,
summary => $summary,
minor => 0,
}) or
error_exit ("unable to edit '$showcase_a'");
sub step7 ($) {
$cred->showtime ("Step7: Update the newsletter\n");
my ($summary) = @ARG;
sub nominator_list () {
my @nominators = map {"[[User:$ARG|$ARG]]"} nominators ();
if (1 == @nominators) {
return $nominators[0];
} else {
my $last = pop @nominators;
my $nominator_list = join ', ', @nominators;
$nominator_list = join ' and ', $nominator_list, $last;
return $nominator_list;
my $nominator_list = nominator_list ();
my $new_entry = "; [[$pagename]] ($nominator_list)\n";
my @months = qw(January February March April May June July August September October November December);
my $next_date = "$months[$next_month] $next_year";
my $newsletter ="Wikipedia:WikiProject Military history/News/$next_date/Articles";
my $text = $editor->get_text ($newsletter);
if ($text) {
$cred->showtime ("\tupdating $newsletter\n");
my @a = split(/^/, $text);
my @b;
my $inserting = 0;
my $inserted = 0;
foreach (@a) {
if (/New A-Class articles/) {
$inserting = 1;
if (/Footer/) {
if (! $inserted) {
my $x = pop @b;
if ($x !~ /^\s*$/) {
push @b, $x;
push @b, $new_entry, "\n";
if ($inserting) {
if (/^;\[\[(.+?)\]\]/) {
if ($Collator->cmp ($1, $new_entry) > 0) {
push @b, "\n", $new_entry;
$inserting = 0;
$inserted = 1;
if (/^$/) {
push @b, "\n", $new_entry;
$inserting = 0;
$inserted = 1;
push @b, $ARG;
$text = join '', @b;
}else {
$cred->showtime ("\tcreating $newsletter\n");
$text = join "",
"{{Wikipedia:WikiProject Military history/News/$next_date/Header}}__NOTOC__\n\n",
"{{WPMILHIST Newsletter section header 2|New featured articles}}\n\n",
"{{WPMILHIST Newsletter section header 2|New featured lists}}\n\n",
"{{WPMILHIST Newsletter section header 2|New featured topics}}\n\n",
"{{WPMILHIST Newsletter section header 2|New featured pictures}}\n\n",
"{{WPMILHIST Newsletter section header 2|New featured portals}}\n\n",
"{{WPMILHIST Newsletter section header 2|New A-Class articles}}\n",
$new_entry, "\n",
"{{Wikipedia:WikiProject Military history/News/$next_date/Footer}}\n\n";
$editor->edit ({
page => $newsletter,
text => $text,
summary => $summary,
minor => 0,
}) or
error_exit ("unable to edit '$newsletter'");
sub step8 ($$) {
$cred->showtime ("Step8: Tracking award eligibility\n");
my ($coordinator, $summary) = @ARG;
sub awards ($) {
my ($nominator) = @ARG;
my @archives = ('Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Military history/Awards',
'Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Military history/Awards/ACR/Archive 2',
'Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Military history/Awards/ACR/Archive 1');
foreach my $archive (@archives) {
my $text = $editor->get_text ($archive) or
error_exit ("unable to find '$archive'");
my @lines = reverse split(/^/, $text);
foreach (@lines) {
if (/$nominator \((\d+)\)/i) {
my $count = $1;
$cred->showtime ("$nominator has $count A class medals\n");
return $count;
return 0;
sub award ($) {
my ($awards) = @ARG;
my $award;
my $articles_per_award;
my $tracking;
my $acm_tracking = 'Wikipedia:WikiProject Military history/Awards/ACM/Eligibility tracking';
my $acc_tracking = 'Wikipedia:WikiProject Military history/Awards/ACC/Eligibility tracking';
if ($awards < 5) {
$award = 'A-Class medal';
$articles_per_award = 3;
$tracking = $acm_tracking;
} elsif ($awards < 10) {
$award = 'A-Class medal with Oak Leaves';
$articles_per_award = 3;
$tracking = $acm_tracking;
} elsif ($awards < 20) {
$award = 'A-Class medal with Swords';
$articles_per_award = 3;
$tracking = $acm_tracking;
} elsif ($awards < 35) {
$award = 'A-Class medal with Diamonds';
$articles_per_award = 3;
$tracking = $acm_tracking;
} elsif ($awards < 40) {
$award = 'A-Class cross';
$articles_per_award = 5;
$tracking = $acc_tracking;
} elsif ($awards < 46) {
$award = 'A-Class cross with Oak Leaves';
$articles_per_award = 5;
$tracking = $acc_tracking;
} elsif ($awards < 56) {
$award = 'A-Class cross with Swords';
$articles_per_award = 5;
$tracking = $acc_tracking;
} else {
$award = 'A-Class cross with Diamonds';
$articles_per_award = 5;
$tracking = $acc_tracking;
return ($award, $articles_per_award, $tracking);
sub nomination ($$$@) {
my ($coordinator, $nominee, $award, $awards, @pages) = @ARG;
my $nomination_page = 'Wikipedia_talk:WikiProject_Military_history/Awards';
my $text = $editor->get_text ($nomination_page) or
error_exit ("unable to find '$nomination_page'");
my @a = reverse split(/^/, $text);
my @b;
my $inserted = 0;
my $skipping = 1;
foreach (@a) {
push @b, $ARG;
if ($award =~ /A-Class medal/) {
if (/<!--/ && $skipping) {
$skipping = 0;
if (/<!--/ && !$inserted) {
push @b, "*'''Support''' As nominator $coordinator via ~~~~\n\n";
push @b, "{{WPMILHIST Award nomination|nominee=$nominee|citation=[[$pages[0]]], [[$pages[1]]], and [[$pagename]]|award=$award|status=nominated}}\n";
# push @b, "''$award'': for [[$pages[0]]], [[$pages[1]]], and [[$pagename]]\n";
push @b, "===$nominee ($awards)===\n";
$inserted = 1;
$text = join '', reverse @b;
$cred->showtime ("\tupdating nomination page $nomination_page\n");
$editor->edit ({
page => $nomination_page,
text => $text,
summary => "$nomineee ($awards)",
minor => 0,
}) or
error_exit ("unable to edit $nomination_page");
# Find the nominators on the tracking pages
my @nominators = nominators ();
foreach my $nominator (@nominators) {
my $awards = awards($nominator) + 1;
my ($award, $articles_per_award, $tracking) = award ($awards);
my $text = $editor->get_text ($tracking) or
error_exit ("unable to find '$tracking'");
foreach ($text) {
if (/# '''$nominator:*'''(.*)/) {
$cred->showtime ("\tFound nominator $nominator in tracking list\n");
my $string = $1;
my $count = 0;
my @pages;
while ($string =~ /\[\[File:Symbol a class.svg\|15px\|link=(.+?)\]\]/g) {
push @pages, $1;
$cred->showtime ("\tfound $count nominations for $nominator\n");
if ($count < $articles_per_award) {
s/(# '''$nominator:*'''.*)/$1 [[File:Symbol a class.svg|15px|link=$pagename]]/;
} else {
s/(# '''$nominator:*''')(.+)/$1/;
nomination ($coordinator, $nominator, $award, $awards, $pages[0], $pages[1], $pagename);
} else {
$cred->showtime ("\tCould not find nominator $nominator in tracking list -- adding\n");
my @a = split(/^/, $text);
my @b;
my $found = 0;
my $inserted = 0;
foreach (@a) {
if (!$inserted) {
if (/^# '''(.+):*'''/) {
if ($1 gt $nominator) {
push @b, "# '''$nominator:''' [[File:Symbol a class.svg|15px|link=$pagename]]\n";
$inserted = 1;
if (/^$/ && $found) {
push @b, "# '''$nominator:''' [[File:Symbol a class.svg|15px|link=$pagename]]\n";
$inserted = 1;
push @b, $ARG;
$text = join '', @b;
$cred->showtime ("\tupdating tracking page $tracking\n");
$editor->edit ({
page => $tracking,
text => $text,
summary => $summary,
minor => 0,
}) or
error_exit ("unable to edit $tracking");
sub pass ($) {
$cred->showtime ("Passing $pagename\n");
my ($coordinator) = @ARG;
my $comment = "Article '''promoted''' by $coordinator via";
my $summary = "$pagename Passed A class review";
step4a ($summary);
step1 ($comment, $summary);
step23 ('approved', $summary);
step4b ('Promoted', $summary);
step5 ($summary);
step6 ($summary);
step7 ($summary);
step8 ($coordinator, $summary);
$cred->showtime ("done\n");
sub failed ($) {
$cred->showtime ("Failing $pagename\n");
my ($coordinator) = @ARG;
my $comment = "'''No consensus to promote''' at this time - $coordinator via";
my $summary = "$pagename failed A class review";
step4a ($summary);
step1 ($comment, $summary);
step23 ('not approved', $summary);
step4b ('Failed', $summary);
step5 ($summary);
$cred->showtime ("done\n");
sub kept ($) {
$cred->showtime ("Keeping $pagename\n");
my ($coordinator) = @ARG;
my $comment = "Article still meets A-Class criteria - $coordinator via";
my $summary = "$pagename kept after A class reappaisal";
step4a ($summary);
step1 ($comment, $summary);
step23 ('kept', $summary);
step4b ('Kept', $summary);
step5 ($summary);
$cred->showtime ("done\n");
sub demoted ($) {
$cred->showtime ("Demoting $pagename\n");
my ($coordinator) = @ARG;
my $comment = "Article no longer meets A-Class criteria - $coordinator via";
my $summary = "$pagename demoted after A class reappaisal";
step4a ($summary);
step1 ($comment, $summary);
step23 ('demoted', $summary);
step4b ('Demoted', $summary);
step5 ($summary);
step6 ($summary);
$cred->showtime ("done\n");
sub find_pages () {
my @pages;
my $text = $editor->get_text($aclass_review) or
error_exit "Unable to find '$aclass_review'\n";
# print $text;
my @lines = split/\n/, $text;
foreach (@lines) {
s/_/ /g;
if (/ACR\/(Closing|Instructions)/) {
if (/{{Wikipedia:WikiProject Military history\/Assessment\/(.+)}}/) {
push @pages, $1;
return @pages;
sub iscoordinator ($) {
my ($user) = @ARG;
my $category = 'WikiProject Military history coordinators';
my @coordinators = $editor->get_pages_in_category ($category);
foreach my $coordinator (@coordinators) {
# print $coordinator, "\n";
return 1 if "User:$user" eq $coordinator;
# Try on meta
my $meta = MediaWiki::Bot->new ({
# assert => 'bot',
host => 'meta.wikimedia.org',
protocol => 'https',
}) or die "new MediaWiki::Bot failed";
$meta->login ({
username => $cred->user,
password => $cred->password
}) or die $meta->{error}->{code} . ': ' . $meta->{error}->{details};
my @meta_coordinators = $meta->get_pages_in_category ($category);
foreach my $meta_coordinator (@meta_coordinators) {
# print $meta_coordinator, "\n";
return 1 if "User:$user" eq $meta_coordinator;
return 0;
sub whodunnit ($) {
my ($status) = @ARG;
my $user;
my @history = $editor->get_history ($talkpage) or
error_exit ("unable to get history of $talkpage'");
foreach my $history (@history) {
# print "user=", $history->{user}, ", revid=", $history->{revid}, "\n";
$user //= $history->{user};
my $text = $editor->get_text ($talkpage, $history->{revid}) or
error_exit ("unable to find '$talkpage' revid $history->{revid}");
if ($text =~ /A-Class\s*=\s*(\w+)/i) {
# print "status=$1\n";
last if ($1 ne $status);
} else {
$user = $history->{user};
# print "user=", $user, "\n";
return $user;
sub outcome () {
while (1) {
my $text = $editor->get_text ($talkpage) or
error_exit ("Unable to find '$talkpage'");
if ($text !~ /A-Class\s*=\s*(\w+)/i) {
$cred->showtime ("unable to find A-Class on $talkpage\n");
# See if the assessment is a redirect
my $t = $editor->get_text($assessment) or
error_exit "Unable to find '$assessment'\n";
if ($t =~ /REDIRECT \[\[(.+)\]\]/) {
$cred->showtime ("'$assessment' redirects to '$1'\n");
$redirect = $assessment;
$assessment = $1;
if ($assessment =~ /Wikipedia:WikiProject Military history\/Assessment\/(.+)/) {
$pagename = $1;
$talkpage = "Talk:$pagename";
return 'unknown';
return lc $1;
sub clear_outcome () {
while (1) {
my $text = $editor->get_text ($talkpage) or
error_exit ("Unable to find '$talkpage'");
if ($text !~ /A-Class=(\w+)/i) {
$cred->showtime ("unable to find A-Class on $talkpage\n");
# See if the assessment is a redirect
my $t = $editor->get_text($assessment) or
error_exit "Unable to find '$assessment'\n";
if ($t =~ /REDIRECT \[\[(.+)\]\]/) {
$cred->showtime ("'$assessment' redirects to '$1'\n");
$redirect = $assessment;
$assessment = $1;
if ($assessment =~ /Wikipedia:WikiProject Military history\/Assessment\/(.+)/) {
$pagename = $1;
$talkpage = "Talk:$pagename";
sub process_pages () {
set_date ();
my @pages = find_pages ();
foreach my $p (@pages) {
$pagename = $p;
$cred->showtime ("Checking $pagename...\n");
$assessment = "Wikipedia:WikiProject Military history/Assessment/$pagename";
$pagename =~ s/\/archive\d+//;
$pagename =~ s/_/ /g;
$talkpage = "Talk:$pagename";
$redirect = undef;
$outcome = outcome ();
$cred->showtime ($outcome, "\n");
if ($outcome eq 'current') {
} elsif ($outcome eq 'unknown') {
} else {
my $user = whodunnit ($outcome);
if (iscoordinator ($user)) {
$cred->showtime ("$user is a ccoordinator\n");
} else {
$cred->warning ("$user is NOT a ccoordinator\n");
my $coordinator = "[[User:$user|$user]] ([[User talk:$user|talk]])";
if ($outcome eq 'pass') {
pass ($coordinator);
} elsif ($outcome eq 'fail') {
failed ($coordinator);
} elsif ($outcome eq 'kept') {
kept ($coordinator);
} elsif ($outcome eq 'demoted') {
demoted ($coordinator);
} else {
$cred->warning ("unknown outcome: '$outcome'\n");
# Main program
$editor->login ({
username => $cred->user,
password => $cred->password
}) or die $editor->{error}->{code} . ': ' . $editor->{error}->{details};
$cred->showtime ("begin\n");
process_pages ();
$cred->showtime ("end\n");
exit 0;
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