Elena Beyzarov

Elena Beyzarov (born January 7, 1973) is an American clinical pharmacist and professional medical writer. She is the co-author of "Netter's Illustrated Pharmacology" and author of hundreds of clinical articles on a broad range on pharmacotherapeutic, general health and medical science subjects.

A New York native, Beyzarov earned her BS degree in pharmacy from Arnold and Marie Schwartz College at Long Island University and received her PharmD from the College of Pharmacy at the University of Arkansas. Her career in medical publishing began at Medical Economics, where she authored a broad variety of clinical articles for Drug Topics magazine and continued at MediMedia USA as Scientific Editor and Editor-in-chief of prescribing guides. In 2002, she held an academic appointment as adjunct associate professor of pharmacology in the Department of Professional Nursing at Felician College of New jersey. After deciding to become more involved in clinical practice, she joined Barnabas Health as clinical pharmacist and later as Director of Medical Communications. She currently works as Director of Scientific Affairs at Pharmacy Times.

Beyzarov’s medical writing ranged widely over her career, beginning with her early articles on primary care medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, hematology, oncology and gastroenterology and continuing with publications on cardiovascular disease, diabetes, asthma, and COPD.

One of her best known contributions is “"Netter's Illustrated Pharmacology" - an uniquely effective visual presentation of the pharmacotherapeutic relationship between drugs and the human body. Published in 2005, the book provides a broad coverage of both the basic science and clinical applications of pharmacologic principles based on classic images by Frank Netter.

Elena Beyzarov currently lives with her husband and children in New York.

Published works


Selected articles


  1. Dennis H. Tootelian PhD & Ralph M. Gaedeke PhD, Perceptions of Young Adults as to the Future of Health Care in the 21st Century - Health Marketing Quarterly, Volume 16, Issue 4, 1999, pages 67-79 (as Elena Portyansky)
  2. Access to specialist gastroenterology care in Canada: The Children's Hospital guide to your child's health and 78859 development. Informator BG_2008.doc.doc, http://www.slideshare.net/patrick89/informatorbg2008docdoc
  3. Nevin, J. E. & Pharr, M. E. 2002, “Preventive care for the menopausal .... “Hormone replacement therapy at the threshold of 21st century”, European Journal of Obstetrics, National Health and Medical Research Council (as Elena Portyansky) http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/_files_nhmrc/publications/attachments/wh34_602_674.pdf
  4. Weight-Related Health Concerns. Faculty and Disclosures. Medscape Education.
  5. Articles by Elena Beyzarov. Modern Medicine

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