A list of some lengthy edits I noticed need doing when I get the time.

Xenobiotic metabolism

Xenobiotic metabolism should probably be merged with drug metabolism, as these are essentially the same topic and the information within them is largely repetition. Maybe I could tackle this over the summer....

Osmol gap

This concept is spread out among many pages using different names for the same concepts. All of these concepts are describing the same thing, the osmotic pressure of blood, which is a subcategory of the osmotic pressure of any fluid. The page titles are usually given using the units of a particular measurement, instead of the name of the general concept, which doesn't make sense. Osmolarity and osmolality are two different ways to measure osmotic pressure, therefore, they should probably be subcategories of the osmotic pressure page. Osmol gap can be it's own page, since it is describing a clinical concept. To explain this concept in the least confusing manner, these pages could be consolidated or edited in such a way that they are not redundant. As they exist now, they seem to just add to the confusion.

All of these pages have to do with each other and many of them have titles that are probably not the best names for the phenomenon described. To achieve clarity, it might be necessary to consolidate some information and possibly remove at least one redundant page, and organize the information so that all of these pages link to others within the group, and maintain consistent terminology among the pages, without repetition of material explained better on pages where it belongs.

Pages that discuss this and related topices:

Plasma osmolality, Serum osmolal gap, Osmolarity, osmotic pressure, oncotic pressure, hydrostatic pressure, starling equation, molar concentration, concentration, stool osmolal gap.

Cardiac shunts

Merge the cardiac shunt page with Right-to-left shunt. Well, on looking at this problem, there are a number of pages that try to cover this ground. It would be a major edit to clean up these articles to eliminate redundancy: cardiac shunt, Right-to-left shunt, Cyanotic heart defect, Hypoxemia, Pulmonary-to-systemic shunt, Continuous murmurs, Atrial septal defect, Acyanotic heart defect, Shunt (medical).


Several pages could be consolidated and cleaned up Late congenital syphilis (aka) tardive syphilis, syphilis, congenital syphilis

Lymphatic filariasis

Several pages dealing with this disease that could be cleaned up for redundancy. Elephantiasis, Lymphatic filariasis and Wuchereria bancrofti and related organisms that cause these diseases.

Tsetse fly

The tsetse fly page goes into a lot of depth on the topics of human African sleeping sickness and nagana, both of which could probably just be shortly summarized on the insect page. The tsetse fly page could then be shortened.

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