Some things that I have made and where they are located. If you are going to copy them I probably don't care, but I'd appreciate if you'd let me know or maybe put some credit for me somewhere :)
Userpages I've made / helped with
- My own, of course
- User:Taltos's, who just copied mine and changed the colors
- I help making User:Tunakanski's page
Userpage Templates
Levi_OP #1277
no, i don't watch attack on titan
About me
- Play Half-Life
- Edit Wikipedia
- Don't watch attack on titan
- Play Half-Life
- Edit Wikipedia
- Don't watch attack on titan
This is a list of signatures that I've made. They're kind of all in the same style right now because everyone that I've made one for thought that the original style that I made my first signature in was cool and just wanted the same thing. If you want me to make one for you and you want something different I can do that by all means :)
― Blaze The WolfTalkBlaze Wolf#0001
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