I am JustABallisticMissile, your average theology nerd.
I have an average level of knowledge of Spanish and Koine Greek, and speak Russian and English. In addition, I have studied basic Latin, German, and Coptic. I plan to go to seminary one day. I am currently working on a theological treatise in my spare time.
I oftentimes use a public IP address:)
I have only been editing Wikipedia for about a month, but I am a long time lurker.
Articles Created
Templates Made
Articles Edited
- Nicene Creed
- Copts < I am not Oriental Orthodox
- Hagia Sophia
- First Council of Nicaea
- Elitch Gardens
- Fourth Council of Constantinople (Eastern Orthodox)
- Quinisext Council
- Miaphysitism < I am not Oriental Orthodox
- Vocative case
- Theology
- Christian theology
- Culver's
- St. John Maximovitch
- St. John of Tobolsk
- Metropolis of Kiev and all Rus'
- 15th–16th century Moscow–Constantinople schism
- Riza
Articles I'm working on
- User:JustABallisticMissile/Evlogitaria in different languages < Feel free to edit this, I do not have the motivation anymore :/
Based quotes
“Whoever does not voluntarily withdraw himself from the causes of the passions is involuntarily drawn away by sin."
“A humble man when he reads the Holy Scriptures he will relate all things to himself and not to others.”
"I do not worship matter, I worship the God of matter, who became matter for my sake and deigned to inhabit matter, who worked out my salvation through matter. I will not cease from honoring that matter which works for my salvation. I venerate it, though not as God."
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