Committed identity: 91be0ecfa9b350ce5b49c8c2144e66122addf55dbdaa40b680a54cff3c8ab525ae39a65ffd0e8f6c23782335f4aa7df641f9582a8bcd9df66498ab4dc11728db is a SHA-512 commitment to this user's real-life identity.
Hi! My name is Joel. I'm currently an undergrad studying philosophy and linguistics at the University of Minnesota. On wiki, you will probably encounter me doing counter-vandalism work (usually using RedWarn or just straight-up Twinkle), making a copyedit, or perhaps participating in a RfC. I have rollback and pending changes reviewer rights. I was also a New Article Booster on wikiHow in a past life. In my free time not spent online, I enjoy reading and studying for/playing quizbowl. My username is a double reference of sorts -- most directly, as a nod to the song of the same name by the band Cults. Alternatively, it could be read as a reference to a poem from Ocean Vuong's collection Night Sky With Exit Wounds. There doesn't yet seem to be a userbox for any pronouns but I'm good with anything.
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