Guide to going to the public sauna at Ida
- Ensure that there's a sauna event there in the first place. Either reserve the sauna yourself (the telephone number is +358-9-6841184) or check that someone else has reserved it.
- Arrive at the sauna. The best method is to take the bus 41 from Kamppi near Tennispalatsi. Get off at the third stop after the tunnel under the railway station. You're dropped off just a few metres too far from Ida Aalbergin tie, so walk back and then turn left (from where you're standing) or right (from where the bus is going). Walk all the way to the end of the road, but not so far that you'd trespass over the private property of the Pohjois-Haaga tenants.
- Go to the restaurant. Do not follow the fancy large "Ida" signs near the door or you'll end up in the main restaurant. Instead, walk into the alcove on the ground floor (there's usually nothing else there) and open the door at the right. (If the door is locked, bang on it loud enough and someone will open it.)
- Leave your coat and shoes in the hangers. The lounge is to your right, and the sauna can be found by going to the corridor to your left, last door on the right.
- You first get to a dressing room. You can undress here, either fully naked, or wearing a swimsuit or a towel. The sauna itself is situated between two showering rooms. They are not marked separately for men and women, instead you can use either as you please.
- Please keep the doors to the sauna room fully closed at all times when not in use. Otherwise, people will have your head (figuratively speaking) for letting the heat away.
- Nudity is allowed in the sauna, showering rooms, dressing rooms and swimming pool but generally not in the lounge or the bar. Make sure you've got at least a towel on there.
- The only drinks the bar serves are beer, cider and soft drinks. You want something more fancy, you bring it with you. The bar also serves sausages. You can either roast them yourself or have the staff microwave them for you.
- The sauna closes at midnight. It is customary to have someone designated to clean up after the event.
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