This user was up all night finding userboxes and is now very drowsy.
IPH 2007-05-20
Hello. I am IPH, an abstract artist and retired information technologist. I live in east Hampshire, southern England. I have created some new pages, and added to many others; I also tidy up grammar, syntax, and typographical errors wherever I happen to see them.
My chosen identifying trigram (not to be confused with a trigraph although, unless you are a phonetics linguistician, this is another word for the same thing) has nothing to do with anybody's Institute of Public Health because I am not an outstandingly healthy person: firstly, I do not do anything like enough exercise for the medical profession's liking; and secondly, I could never have considered a career in medicine because I am too squeamish, too easily disturbed by almost everything to do with the everyday practicalities connected with other people.
Like many Wikipedians I am a bit of a polymath, with many interests. My Userboxes tab expresses some of these in customary Wiki form. My English tab gives some idea of my approach to writing in English. My linguistician tab preserves my article (suppressed by the linguisticians) setting out the reasons why linguisticians should desist from objecting to, and blocking use of, the term linguistician for their occupation (specialists in linguistics).
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