I'm Aravind. Originally from Kochi, India and currently residing in Thiruvananthapuram. Among other hobbies, I enjoy editing articles on Wikipedia and have the reputation of a hopeless grammarian. I take an interest in AI, mathematics, and the culture and history of Kerala, to name a few topics.
I am fluent in Malayalam and English and speak passable Hindi and French. I can read text in the Arabic script and in Tamil, the latter of which I can understand to some degree.
കണ്ടതൊന്നുമേ സത്യമല്ലെന്നതു മുമ്പേകണ്ടിട്ടറിയുന്നിതു ചിലർ
(പൂന്താനം നമ്പൂതിരിയുടെ ജ്ഞാനപ്പാന)
Some see it once and understand it all. Some see it, yet know nothing. Those few who have seen it all before know that nothing that is seen is true. (The Jñāna Pāna of Pūntānam Nampūtiri)
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