Hi! I'm HydroLance and I'm trying to become more involved in Wikipedia! I made this account only recently, but I've been on this site as a reader for as long as I can remember. I've always loved the Free Encyclopedia's scope and purpose, and while I've mostly made minor, gnomish edits, I plan to contribute in other ways once I'm more experienced.
I live in Wisconsin (in the United States), my interests include history, science, and language, and I often come to Wikipedia to get lost in a rabbit hole, improving things along the way.
My name
Peppermint is the best! Both the plant and the candy are some of my favorite things, so I often go by "Pepperminty" on more casual sites, like online browser games. I switched up the mint type when it fit the theme (such as "Spearminty" for war games) and decided to do the same for less casual sites by obfuscating it slightly. Peppermint is a hybrid, a cross between watermint and spearmint; thus, "water-spear". Change them to synonyms, and you come up with "HydroLance".
[under construction]
I enjoy reading and editing articles about subjects across Wikipedia, but I have a few particular interests. They're also in the userboxes, if you prefer.
I'm pretty new at editing here, so this is most of what I do anyway, but I do quite like fixing things like comma splices and unwieldy sentences. I joined the Guild of Copyeditors on the 13th of September.
=== I love learning about the past, and how events decades, centuries, and even millennia ago affect us today. I enjoy all history, but here are some events I like reading about most:
- The Napoleonic Era. Napoleon was the greatest tactical general of all time, and his spreading of nationalism and liberalism, combined with the Concert of Europe that followed, truly brought the continent into its modern era. Its aftermath included...
- Pax Britannica
- The decline of the Spanish and Portugese Empires
- German and Italian unification
- World War II. Every part of it, from new technology to the rise of fascism, made the war the deadliest in human history, without compare. It saw the coming together of the vast majority of the world in total war to stop some of the greates evil it had ever seen. Its aftermath included...
- The establishment of the UN
- Decolonization of Africa and Asia (and the decline of the British Empire)
- The rise of the US and USSR
- The Cold War. The first great war waged without direct conflict (since MAD ensured everyone involved would regret it) between 2 superpowers willing to do anything to stop the other and protect and expand its own ideology and influence. Its aftermath included...
- NATO and EU enlargement
- The color revolutions
- Widespread decommunization ===
Most viewed edits
(I don't yet have enough major edits to include them exclusively, so there are also minor edits here for now. Major edits are marked by "M".)
Recent (total)
- Ethiopian calendar (12,201)
- Capital Region of Denmark (3,305)
- List of political parties in Greece (3,208)
Of all time
- Scorched earth (88,498)
- Ethiopian calendar (12,201)
- Behavior-altering parasite (7,985)
Daily average
- 2023 Nigerien Crisis (5,735)
- Scorched earth (843)
- Little Albert experiment (672)

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