Hemant (Devanāgarī:हेमन्त) mainly edits Hindi and Sanskrit wikipedias, but uses and appreciates English wikipedia also.

He can be comparatively easily contacted through Sanskrit Wikipedia.

॥ विकिपीडियासप्तकम् ॥
A heptade on Wikipedia
A Psalm of Wikipedia (Written in Sanskrit, the ancient Indian language.)

प्रेक्ष्य जिज्ञासितान् लोकान्, अविद्यात्रासिताँस्तथा।

काँश्चन तत्र अज्ञान् नितरां, काँश्चन च स्वल्पविद्यकान् ॥१॥

Seeing the people of world too curious [of facts], and harassed by ignorance. Some of them entirely unknowing, and some others holding little knowledge only...

धनाभावे ज्ञानतृषितान्, सधनानपि साधनाद्विना।

दृष्ट्वा लोकजनान् भ्रान्तान्, विद्यानीरपिपासितान् ॥२॥

Seeing some of them starved of knowledge due to lack of money, and even richer ones due to lack of the means. In this way, seeing the people of the world bewildered and thirsty of the water of knowledge.

सर्वस्य तुष्टिकामेन, शान्तिकामेन तथैव च।

प्रकल्पोऽयं सदारम्यः कृतो वेल्सेन सूरिणा ॥३॥

Longing for satisfaction for all and peace of mind for all, this always appealing project was created by a maven named [Jimmy] Wales.

सैङ्गरेण लेरिणा तद्वद् आनीतः लक्ष्यकं प्रति।

नमस्ताभ्याम् उभाभ्यां च सर्वलेखकेभ्यस्तथा ॥४॥

Similarly, Larry Sanger caused it to reach its goal. Reverence to both of them, and also to all the editors here.

येषां नित्यप्रयासेभ्यः, वर्धते ज्ञानकोशकः।

व्ययतोऽपि वर्धमानोऽयं, भारत्याः कोश एव हि ॥५॥

By perpetual efforts of whom, the treasure of knowledge is growing. Even on expending, it only grows. Indeed, the treasure of the Goddess Saraswati.

हृदयपीडाहरः सततम्, अयं विकिपीडियानामकः।

स्वतन्त्रो विश्वकोशस्तु, सर्वज्ञानस्य सिन्धुवत् ॥६॥

This is called Wikipedia, which removes the Peedaa (pain) of the heart. This is a free encyclopedia, verily like an ocean of all knowledge.

पठन्ति वा लिखन्ति वा, जनेषु कीर्तयन्ति वा।

ज्ञानरत्नाकरं येऽप्येतं, तेषां भ्रान्तिर्न जायते ॥७॥

Those who read this 'mine of gems', or write into it, or spread it among people (outreach); they never fall prey to misknowledge.
॥ इति हेमन्तकृतं विकिपीडियासप्तकम् ॥

Hence ends the Wikipedia Saptaka, written by Hemant.

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