This user took the red pill, not the blue pill.
Who is Graveenib?
His real name is David. Graveenib (grah-vee-nee-bee) is a variation of Gravee (gray-vee) which is a nickname given to him by his friend in middle school . It came about as his friend kept making the statement "Davey in gravy" and the "gravy" stuck. Over the next few weeks the spelling evolved into the form it is today.
I am an Industrial and Punk rock music enthusiast who plays the Electric bass , the Acoustic guitar and the Accordion . I listen to mostly Nine Inch Nails and Mindless Self Indulgence . I play a lot of Guitar Hero and am close to mastering it. I have an Xbox 360 as well and play Final Fantasy XI . I am one of the biggest Matrix series fans on the planet, and can recite the entire series verbatim from memory.
Where is Graveenib from?
Gravee was born on December 15th , 1982 in Cheyenne, Wyoming but grew up in Alexandria, Virginia , a suburb of Washington, D.C. . He went to Hayfield Elementary School and Mark Twain Middle School . In March of 1997 he moved to Longmont, Colorado with his Mother and Stepfather . Here he attended Longs Peak Middle School and Longmont High School . He is in the middle of obtaining an Associate's degree from Aims Community College , Front Range Community College and Colorado State University .
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