Hello, and welcome to (overdone fanfare) my user page! This is the page where you will learn everything about me, FunnyMan3595. Okay, okay, not everything, please get your mind out of the gutter!
But seriously folks, I'm an 22-year-old male unemployed geek. As you have (hopefully) noticed, I tend to switch between being completely sincere and joking, without terribly much transition time. I try to make it obvious, but don't always succeed, so please keep in mind my username if I say something that angers you.
I've been around Wikipedia since February 14, 2004. My work here varies pretty much all across the (good side of the) board, including making stubs, making full Wikipedia articles, major rewrites, minor corrections, discussion on talk pages, and (of course) making mistakes.
This user can be reached by email at funnyman3595@gmail.com.
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