Greek Rainbow Peace Flag
Greek Rainbow Peace Flag

Etz Haim may be one of the following:

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To-do list


My contributions


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I'm a native speaker of Greek. I also speak English, French and my own pidgin version of Spanish with Thessalonikan Ladino influences. I'm able to read and understand several European languages, especially Romance languages like Italian and Portuguese.

I have a powerful obsession with English words that have Greek etymology and loan translations from Greek to English; to see what I mean, take a look at this.

Technical information


My operating system distribution is SuSE Linux 9.0 and my browser is Mozilla Firefox 1.0 (get the update). I use AbiWord and for my word processing and spell-checking (uh... not always, so double check my articles for any mistakes).

For graphics and image processing, I use the GIMP, version 2+, and Inkscape 0.39. I don't contribute GIFs to Wikipedia, I convert them using ESR's gif2png. My favorite digital audio editor is Audacity. Since mp3 is patent-crippled, I encode sound clips to the Ogg Vorbis standard, using a low bitrate to conserve space and bandwidth. See also Wikipedia:Sound.

NEW: For power user technical tips, go to the Tech Corner.

I'd like to learn how to use a geographic information system to create maps on my own.


  • Adam Carr, the author of many Greece-related articles thanks to whom my to-do list is significantly shorter.
  • Andy Carvin, for licensing his photo galleries from his journeys in Greece under Creative Commons.
  • Bruno Fracasso for granting me permission to use the Italian coats of arms from his site, and the designer artist Massimo Ghirardi.
  • Offline acknowledgments to Nikos Sakellarios of the Rainbow Party for the useful information he provided.
  • All the people who have contributed to my work here and from whom I have received positive feedback.



In Ladino:

"No vos espantech fijios, yo esto aqui. No es nada que la gente esta avlando no vos sikleesh. Es una ermosura, onde vos vas ayir. Tomando ropas godra con vosotros."

In English:

"Don't be afraid children, I'm here. Nothing that the people is talking about should upset you. It's a beauty, where you are going. Take warm clothes with you."

These are the actual words of Rabbi Svi Koretz before the Holocaust, as preserved in a testimony by Anrietta Molho. The Jews of Thessaloniki were oblivious of what their fate would be in the Nazi death camps.

See also

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