If you'd like to contact me, not that you'll find reason to because my page will probably be under the radar, you're welcome to leave a message below.

This is not actually me but a character from a comic I'm working on

Today's motto...
He who breathes deepest lives most.

Nominate one today!
I find myself neandering between science, poker, chess and politics depending on the time of day (not literally) and have a couple sites I dabble in as a hobby.
Goosebump City - online webcomic
(It will begin again in Summer 2008)
Aspiring Incitement - Political Blog ("righties" watch out)

I have not done as much Wiki"ing" as I usually do. I have found that I mostly read and only now am I beginning to do more edits. I do like seeing the links people point to on political pages. I find they are usually a way of getting an opinion out there, rather slyly. It is effective I suppose and nice to see such opinions that are farther from mainstream. On the other hand I always noticed there is a "Conservative" slant. (That word is so misleading).

enThis user is a native speaker of the English language.
es-1Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel básico de español.

Now I need another flag.

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