Born: 21 March 1970, Kolkata, West Bengal; I can even tell you the name of the nursing home where I was born, but that won't help you any way.
Master of Science & Technology(M.Sc Tech) in Optics and Optoelectronics, University Of CalcuttaKolkata, 1995. This is a weird degree, isn't it? Well, the University officials finally took a decision to convert this degree to a normal B.Tech and end all the confusion.
While doing my Masters at Rajabazaar Science College, my project-master made me learn C for a project. But ultimately he couldn't manage the project and I was shifted to some other project. So I learnt C as a bi-product.
I need a lot of caffiene to survive a meeting. It is hard to see me without a coffee cup (filled or empty) in the office. Since I am ashamed of my habit, I usually use one paper cup three-four times to save my company from undue expenses on me.
My main meal (not everyday though) for the day is two pieces of chocolate (Five Star and Bourneville usually). Sometimes I need a third, a fourth and may be a fifth chocolate bar for my pasttime. It depends, ofcourse, on how free I am.
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