contributed pictures taken in afghanistan, july 2001:
taliban border guard at the khyber pass border crossing. he insisted i took a photo of him with an ak-47.
i took this picture in kabul, july 2001. the photographer had just taken my photo with his box camera, cape and all. he first took a negative photo, directly on photo paper, developed in the camera box. taking a photo of the negative photo produced a positive photo, also developed inside the box camera.was contributed to the kabul page, but removed many moons ago...
taliban in a jeep, herat july 2001.taken secretly from my hotel window, between the curtains. generally i didn't see a lot of (heavily) armed taliban, so i couldn't resist taking a photo when a jeep with taliban and rocket launchers stopped right in front of my hotel.
citadel in herat, july 2001. built in the fourteenth (?) century and still in use today. as it seemed to be a taliban base i thought it would be wise to hide in a bombed building while taking the photo. replaced on the herat page by another photo (which has also been removed).
the remains of the fifteenth century musallah complex in herat, taken in july 2001. largly destroyed by the british in 1885 "for a better line of fire" against the russians (who never came).
taken in ghazni, july 2001. one of two minarets, built several hundred meters appart, they are the only remains of a twelfth centry mosque.
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