This is Balaji Viswanathan, a Software Design Engineer working @ Microsoft, Redmond. I finished my masters at University of Maryland, Baltimore County in Summer'06 and joined the RPC design team at Microsoft. My home page is at and I blog at

en-3This user can contribute with an advanced level of English.
This user's time zone is UTC-8:00.
taஇந்தப் பயனரின் தாய்மொழி தமிழ் ஆகும்.
This user uses Wikipedia as a primary point of reference.
hi-1इस उपयोगकर्ता को हिन्दी भाषा का प्रारम्भिक स्तर का ज्ञान है।

My Projects and Contributions

Vanity Show (Jus kidding, I just organized these to remind me of the projects that i'm working)

I like to start articles and i've started over 50 articles and substantially edited atleast a dozen others and created a dozen categories and categorized hundreds of articles. I've also uploaded some 50 images, most of them from my camera and some of them from the net. Some of my creations are:

Hindu Temples


Villages and suburbs

Educational Institutions


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