Παλαιος | This user is a member of the Palaeos.com crew. |
Also known as "Stanton" or "Mr A."
I'm an amateur artist, and I've taken it upon myself to try and provide illustrations to as many entries on extinct or prehistoric animals as possible...
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The Special Barnstar | |
For special contribution of your artistic talents, as applied to the field of the natural sciences TeganX7 04:39, 3 September 2007 (UTC) |
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The Barnstar of Life | |
In overdue appreciation of his illustrations of extinct or prehistoric animals. Walter Siegmund (talk) 16:56, 27 July 2007 (UTC) |

Presented by SilkTork
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The Fauna Barnstar | |
Your artwork has made Wikipedia's paleontology articles much prettier than they would otherwise be. Thank you for your amazing work and tireless efforts.:D Abyssal leviathin (talk) 02:49, 15 January 2008 (UTC) |
To Do List
If anyone wants to, please feel free to add to this list
- Sus strozzi and Eucladoceros in Mediterranean Pliocene Europe
- Prodeinotherium near a lake.
- Heterodontosaurus fleeing from Megapnosaurus
- Kronosaurus swimming
- Megalodon underwater chasing Acrophoca
- Scarrittia swimming with Rhynchippus browsing
- Elomeryx browsing
- Ctenurella
- Enaliarctos
- Endeiolepis
- Sylviornis
- Merycopotamus
- Megaladapis
- Maroccosuchus
- Cyprus Dwarf Hippopotamus
- Kenyapotamus
- Tyrannosaurus rex fighting with one Triceratops
- Saichania dinosaur
- Allosaurus Dwarf
- Hylonomus
- Hynerpeton basetti underwater being chased by Hyneria
Cloudina (to adorn new taxobox)- Chapalmalania
- Archaeoindris
- Platyceramus
- Theosodon
- The eyes of the mantis shrimp, something like this (It's not extinct, but none of the images on the mantis shrimp page do justice to the beauty of its amazing multicoloured body and amazing eyes) (probably as a diagram)
- Planula
- Wakaleo oldfieldi
- Thylacoleo
- Argyrolagus
- Ekaltadeta
- Ceratogaulus
- Protictitherium
- Plesictis
- Paleotherium
- Yuanansuchus Temnospondyl
- Turfanosuchus
- Turanosuchus
- Acerosodontosaurus
- Mesozoic Sea Birds, Palaeotringa, Plegadornis, and Graculavus
- Clear up hyperlinks linking to non-existent articles or write one
- Dire wolfs fighting Arctodus away from their kill
- Giant Beaver swimming
- Cryptoprocta spelea hunting Archaeoindris fontoynonti the giant lemur
- History's biggest birds and bird relatives(bird-dinos)
- Turanosuchus
- Aphelops
- Wutuhyus
- Yunguisaurus
- Himalayacetus
- Rhynchotherium
- Waitaha Penguin
- Titanis attacking Hipparion
- Red Deer Cave people
- Pseudomegachasma
- Astorgosuchus
- Necrosuchus
- Tomistoma cairense
- Dasygnathoides? (Not certain if this is possible, fossils are incomplete)
- Estemmnosuchids
- Hoeckosaurus emerging from the footprint of a Paraceratherium (in the background)
- Thrinaxodon going for a morning stroll in South Africa
- Laminacaris hunting
To Done List
Various placoderms
Coccosteus cuspidatus
Necrolestes patagonensis
Peltephilus ferox
Megaloceros sp
Arcestes sp
Hoplitomeryx matthei
Ekorus ekakeran and Viverra leakeyi
Macrauchenia patachonica
Deinosuchus hatcheri
Hemicyon sansaniensis
Plesiorycteropus madagascarensis
Slimonia acuminata
Listracanthus hystrix
Trigonostylops wortmani
Sinonyx jiashanensis
Dsungaripterus weii
Groenlandaspis pennsylvanica
Various species of Edestus
Yochelcionella cyrano
Latouchella costata
Tommotia kozlowskae
Argentavis magnificens
Coelacanthus whitea
Birkenia elegans
Canadaspis perfecta
Thylacosmilus atrox
Meiolania platyceps & Ninjemys oweni
Rhynchippus equinus & Pyrotherium romeroi
Rhamphodopsis threiplandi
Amplectobelua symbrachiata
Koolasuchus cleelandi
Cameroceras trentonese
Naraoia spinosa
Gogia ojenai
Aglaspis spinifer
Necromanis franconica
Didazoon haoae
Vetulicola cuneata
Xidazoon stephanus
Banffia confusa
Astraspis desiderata
Arandaspis prionotolepis
Metridiochoerus andrewsi
Goronyosaurus nigeriensis & Tylosaurus capensis
Kubanochoerus gigas
Praecambridium sigillum & Yorgia waggoneri
Vendia rachiata
Eotitanops borealis
Anthracotherium magnus
Dickinsonia costata
Pseudopetalichthys problematicus
Sinotherium lagrelli
Sivatherium giganteum
Prodinoceras xinjiangensis
Gobiatherium major
Eobasileus (left) and Uintatherium
Libralces gallicus
Ailuravus macrurus (the rodent) and Strigogyps (Aenigmavis) sapea (the bird).
Lycaenops angusticeps
Saurichthys seefeldensis
Mene oblonga & Mene rhombea
Scapanorhynchus raphiodon
Globidens aegypticusGlobidens aegypticus
Mosasaurus hoffmannii
Leedsichthys problematicus & Liopleurodon ferox
Barylambda faberi
Diplocaulus magnicornus
Kronosaurus queenslandicus & Woolungasaurus glendowerensis
Inaria karli
Gorgonops whaitsi & Titanosuchus ferox
Murrindalaspis wallacei & Brindabellaspis stensioi
Furcacauda heintzae
Titanichthys agassizi
Brontops robustus
Rhamphosuchus crassidens
Kopidodon macrognathus
Terrestrisuchus gracilis
Austrophyllolepis ritchiei
Quasipetalichthys haikouensis
Pterygotus buffaloensis
Anomalocaris saron & Amplectobelua
Helicoprion bessonovi
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