I reside in the city with this court house.

Hi, this is Anonymoustofu. I edit both English Wikipedia and Simple Wikipedia. You can attempt to contact me in real life or through the Interwebs, but my talk page will likely be an easier method.

My main contribution to this project is copy-editing. Additionally, my focus is mainly on pages around my location and aviation.

I currently reside in the State of Georgia not this State of Georgia. I hail from the country of China. I currently attend secondary school under this educational system (I am not that old.)

It is of the utmost importance that we (the editors) are informed of the comings and goings of the World at large as Wikipedia does serve as a quick reference handbook and therefore, must be accurate. Therefore, read this often: In the News

Finally, do join me here.

The Wikipedia Adventure

An excellent way to learn the basics of Wikipedia. Do click the link above.

Some Edits Made by People I Know

Random Facts:

1) I eat tofu.

2) My feet only stinks when I where stinky socks.

3) I have hair on my head (I'm not that old.)

4) I don't have the slightest idea what "fleek" is.

5) I wish I could meet a panda.

 Random Untrue Facts:

1) I only eat my tofu with mozzarella.

2) I don't wear socks.

3) The hair on my head is a mile long.

4) fleek /flēk/ noun: any duck that likes bananas

5) Macropus rosea, also known as Pinkies is an endangered species of kangaroo. These bright pink marsupials only live among the wild plum trees of Esk Island off the coast of Australia. Adult Pinkies can grow up to eight inches from ear to tail. Their small size first caught foreigner attention when the new television series, ′′My Little Pinkie′′, came out. The show featured tiny colorful kangaroos who learn the magic of friendship through extraordinary adventures across Praeiudica. The show boosted Esk Island's tourist industry; curious toddlers came from around the world to catch a glimpse of the legendary Pinkies. Unfortunately, the rampant children destroyed Pinkie habitats, and their parents smuggled more than half of the Pinkie population out of Australia. Currently, there are only five recorded Pinkies living in the wild. Due to their selective natures, we can only assume that the others are dead.

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