Hello there...
Here on Wikipedia, I'm mostly an obsessive reader. But I love to contribute where I can. That is usually in articles about favorite bands and artists of mine. I also enjoy contributing images when I have the opportunity.
So below you'll see lots about me :)
Name This user's name is Andrea .
One of this user's favourite subjects is Humanities .
This user would like to be a teacher .
… This user is addicted to ellipses and has been known to use them indiscriminately...
band-3 This user likes U2 .
This user has an iPod .
This user is completely addicted to chocolate
your you're This user thinks that if your grammar is incorrect, then you're in need of help.
This user believes that caffeine is necessary in large doses daily.
This user sleeps, but not for predictable amounts of time.
This user likes most types of music .
This user needs more userboxes . MORE , I tell you, more!!! Muhahaha!
This user is addicted to travel .
This user loves deadlines . They love the whooshing sound they make as they go by.
This is a standard size userbox created with Template:Userbox . It stacks neatly with others of its ilk .
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